Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 954: 1 cloud piercing arrow

In the field of extraordinary combat, Zhao Wenrui, who can only be regarded as a rookie, has repeatedly made mistakes in the "high-end game". C Kane is forced to help but wipe his butt.

To this end, C Kane still talks back: can't he come up with evenly matched opponents? It was only a short time before I caught up with such a situation. This is a trouble. I want to see the ordinary fight of **** to the blood of the meat and the nose and mouth. It is directly bankrupt ...

Complaining to complain, C Kane did his best to do things. While arranging Rennes to break up, he contacted Nick Fury and Maria Hill.

The two are now an organization that represents the most powerful human organization, SHIELD, and one is the leader of the first order of the organization outside the Kaishen Palace. Both are prominent figures, but they have more face than him behind the scenes and are more likely to be ordinary. People accept.

C Kane asked the two to send representatives to play, the key word, be quick!

Obviously, he just wanted to fully create the concept of ‘accidental’ for humanity.

Of course, this kind of 'accidental' is also inextricably linked to this incident, probably for something, triggering the seizure of the top powers, and the specific human avatar to make up for it by yourself.

So it was simply Ryan appearing, which was too abrupt, and still lacking a supporting role.

After Nick Fury received the news, he went all out without thinking.

For a hundred years, he has been trying to find ways to interact with each other intimately. The Kane soldiers who have completed the farming are strong and strong, and there is no shortage of him.

Now that there is such an opportunity, isn't it hurry?

Under the orders of Nick Fury, the SHIELD, and even the special forces of the SHIELD Avengers (merged), started their operations separately.

Because Kane said that more green leaves need to be divided into categories, then each will play its own way.

Aegis has a multi-functional air and space arsenal developed on the flying aircraft carrier, and it has three habitats: sea, air and yu.

The Avengers are their starship Pegasus. The starship has so far been leading and not cut off, but the human civilization technology inherited by UEF is too much.

And compared to the secondary colonial support field that Kane could only rely on a hundred years ago, all kinds of weapons, including the Marine Corps, are now richer and more complete.

This is mainly due to Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.

After the mutation of more than 7 billion human infections caused by the super-destructive virus, the two blamed themselves for the feeling of powerlessness at that time. Almost all of their lives were devoted to weapons research and development.

Bruce Banner developed a special 'planetary armament' class biological equipment with secondary colonies, instead of relying on active spacesuits (the original use of secondary colonies).

On the other hand, Tony Stark continued to deepen the steel armor, especially in the costume, and made great progress. Before his death, he successfully developed the ‘prestige costume for the starship’.

Kane also commented on this: the Stark version of McCree No. 1.

Unfortunately, no one understands this stalk.

The Avengers were replaced with high-level armed forces, and S.H.I.E.L.D. as a conventional force naturally benefited.

Even the UEF, which has worked closely with it, has gained many benefits. Although they are all improved and improved by the technology that SHIELD has retreated, it has also made a leap forward than it was in the past.

Therefore, during the 10th anniversary celebration of the establishment of UEF, UEF proudly announced to its own people that UEF has achieved a continuation of civilization. Technology has not stalled due to the disaster, but has accelerated. Space Age ...

S.H.I.E.L.D. went all out, and the First Order was naturally responsible.

In fact, Nick Fury and Mary Hill have personal friendships, and joked more than once that selling to Kane is really a cost-effective choice. He said he even envied Alexander Pierce.

The reason is very simple, the background is hard, the support is powerful, but there are almost no requirements. The fostered Xiaosan had to be flattered. The various orders, the first order was good, and he met the boss of the "Ever since the emperor never came early".

Although Kane is neither interested in carpenter work nor a leopard house, he can completely restore hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land such as the Mojave Desert and desert towns, playing in their homes, in the eyes of some people Here, it's also a quirky horror, a typical example of how you are really rich.

In this case, although the First Order has a father, it is a thick-legged, happy to give money, regardless of business, not a BB cash machine father, this is really great.

Therefore, Maria Hill, they are truly one person above tens of thousands of people, their status is transcendent, overlooking the mother civilization, very chic.

In this regard, the high-level of the First Order is naturally well-known, and even a little afraid of it.

After all, people have a self-judgment and evaluation, and often think: "Okay, I am worthy of this salary." And so on.

In the eyes of the high-ranking of the First Order now, it is getting too much, but paying little.

This is like an ordinary person having a three-to-five-and-a-half call to communicate with each other. If you are serious, you can earn millions a year. With such a good job, naturally it is inevitable to suffer.

After discovering that the boss is not a way of raising lung pigs and then slaughtering, he began to actively find jobs, improve professional skills, etc., in order to obtain a peace of mind. When I said that I was not in vain, I was somewhat Valuable ...

Therefore, the First Order naturally regards Kane ’s immediate fleet combat group as a model for learning.

Over the years, it has indeed achieved some remarkable results.

It is a pity that Kane's later ‘faintness’ was so difficult to see him that the first order ’s bigwigs would naturally not dare to pretend to be in front of Kane.

This time, it was an opportunity to appear on the stage, so several bigwigs personally supervised and tried to highlight the strength of the first order, and expressed loyalty. Come in the water, go in the fire, and never wrinkle. Brow down, not even beaten.

In this way, the very good summit suddenly collapsed.

The **** of UEF's host was almost scared out, and he said that it was an inappropriate thing to do, and it angered the public? It's a good meeting. The process hasn't finished yet. What does it mean to flash people?

Later, after asking about human relations and trusting relationships, I was relieved and sighed: "Big brothers, there are also big guys who need to serve!"

Turning his perspective back to the vicinity of the White Rock District in the north of Queens, New York, Kane met through a cloud of arrows, and they met with thousands of soldiers and horses.

But in fact this group of people can also join in the fun and help the people. If he is the enemy of frowning, these people have no meaning to remove the death.

Used to develop the economy?

Now that Kane's farming is successful, where are these people needed? Just like the modern people who mechanized farming can't see the slash and burn in the ancient times, even if it is given to Bai Gan, people still think that it takes time to abandon the pit.

Therefore, in addition to being a background board, the only main function is to serve as a material library.

Simply put, no matter whether individuals or groups have certain requirements for diversity.

This time, the situation was forced to disturb the situation. In fact, Ren was already very face-to-face.

Even the highly professional Leopard and Sentinel Captain stopped fighting because of this sudden and powerful intervention.

Not to mention Zhao Wenrui, they looked straight at each other.

Zhao Wenrui said: "How high is the strength of the extraordinary in this world? Why is there such a demon? Look at this trend, even if it is made of metal, it has been deformed?"

The dust was slightly scattered, and in the big pit with a diameter of nearly 20 meters, Ren was clearly at a low position, but he could meet his eagle-eyed eyes, but everyone present had a feeling of being overlooked.

What is more depressing is that when he looked down, he felt that he should be right. It can be seen that the shock of its appearance has created a large enough psychological shadow in people's hearts, and all people can't have the courage to oppose it ...

However, before waiting for Rennes to open his mouth, there were still other lights and shadows composed of golden light stars and flying filaments appearing on the heap of ruins not far away. Will the light quickly converge and show the power of wearing one by one? Warrior in armor suit.

The SHIELD people sent the team through the ability of Tianma.

They happened to have an action team ready to launch a raid on a special funerary lair. All

Countdown to the war begins, suddenly received an emergency order, came here as an actor, and even had lines.

The squad led by Yunwen Yunwu, the upper body of the play, made up for himself, and said to Rennes with a somewhat proud voice: "How about it, did not expect it? We have already noticed your move. . "

Ryan relied on a face with a paralyzed face pretending to be acting, and snorted coldly.

At this moment, the sharp howling came from the sky, as if the sound of a heavy artillery shell flying through the air.

When everyone looked up instinctively, they saw a shining light spot in the sky, which increased many times in the blink of an eye, and it was clear that it was some kind of tank lander.

‘Boom! ’

The sound of explosions was endless, and the effect of heavy artillery washing was the appearance of the UEF Space Marines.

Also proud of the nearby arrangement, their movements are quite fast, projecting the war capsule directly from high altitude orbit.

This trick was first played by Xingyao on the third beacon group of lighthouse nations. Of course, this technology has a higher gold content. At the same time, it has also been tested and adjusted in actual combat time after time.

When the combat cabin is landing, the deceleration is completed by the explosion, and a certain clearance operation is carried out in the area to avoid the embarrassment of the Marine Corps personnel going out and killing.

This combat cabin is one-time. Although UEF has a limited population, its industrial production capacity is only as high as the global human industrial production capacity of that year. However, this type of industrial product is completely waved. Relatively speaking, it is inside. The soldiers are much more expensive than the old age. The key is that the training qualification cycle is longer, time is money, not in vain.

The UEF was also instructed by experts. It came uninvited and came to the guest voluntarily, and came from the famous tiger company in the army. The logo is that the helmet has been artistically painted and turned into a tiger head.

The company commander came here in person. The power armor paint is white, and the white-fronted tiger is eye-catching. There is an elegant name called White Grim Reaper, which is well-known in the circle.

Although this group of people can't be considered extraordinary, they have survived the battlefield and cultivated a sturdy momentum. They raised their hands and throws a lot of money in the foot, which is more than the pilot of the lighthouse national fighter wearing the toad mirror.

And they are among the UEF combat arms, which are specially aimed at special funerals. It can be said that although they are mortals, they are extraordinary representatives who rely on technological equipment and highly targeted combat skills and tactics. Although it sounds a bit hard, the results achieved are eye-catching.

Therefore, in the face of the extraordinary game, at least it looks completely uncomfortable, and can make people feel threatening.

The eyes of Emma and Owen are star-studded. The UEF people are the perfect template for their dreams.

It is not surprising at all to know this. It is normal to know that in the military aspect, the flower cultivators at that time could also be regarded as lighthouse powder. The UEF with Chinese people as the main body, the military aspect is better than blue, which is normal.

Emma and Owen are all direct descendants of the lighthouse country. Not to mention the old people, they remember the glory of the year, that is, they were picking up wasteland outside, and they often saw the remains of the lighthouse country ’s weapons. After all, the electromagnetic nuclear explosion was very ruined. After a batch of ordnance, the super-sacrifice virus broke out without time to deal with it.

From ear to ear, the tigers now dress up to their appetite without any problems.

After the UEF, First Order and Avengers appeared at the same time.

The Avengers are mech wind, three machines come, three colors of red, yellow and blue, at first glance there is a shadow of Tony Stark Sao bag, the plating layer of the shell is more gorgeous than the previous high-end sports car shell, shiny with reflection Like the artwork, the external side perfectly reflects the industrial mechanical style, which is much more than the anti-Hulk armor that Bruce controlled in Wakanda during the reunification of the original historical line.

And the first order emerged by opening the space channel.

There was suddenly a bright spot in the empty space, and then diffused, making the air ripple like a wave of water. Just in this rippling and distorted translucent light wave, several sci-fi heavy locomotives jumped out one after another. The power is surging and the sound is pleasant.

They are the transformable system of the first order, which is the result of learning from Kane's immediate fleet. Kane ’s immediate fleet is, in a way, the creation of Black Kane ’s evil villain style, and the evil gold man was created under the evil taste of Black Kane ’s “Transformers” ~ ~ So ... …

The transformable system of the first order is both a Bo faction and a mad faction, and chariots and warplanes are variable.

The representative of the deformable system is the original Chitari family.

This cosmic race is already heavily prosthetic. It is half-meat and half-mechanical. It is very cyberpunk, but it is not popular in the brain. It is mainly through mechanical prostheses to break the upper limit of the physical function.

After they were puppetized and became Kane's Hawks, after a hundred years of integration, they became the kind of people who are not human and ghosts and ghosts.

The head, upper body, and lower body are the core of the Trinity, and the limbs are more like universal interfaces for connecting various functional components.

Therefore, their appearance is a little bit complicated, so it is not smooth and neat, and lacks the beauty of symmetry. Judging from the aesthetics of modern people, it can only be said that the beauty is very different.

However, they are the strongest supporting actors in the battle. The heavy locomotives disintegrate in the air. Many people think that they are the most vulnerable at this time. In fact, they are not. Each component can actually operate independently, and they can work like a team. Cooperate. They call this the wolf pack system.

Then in a very short time, the human form was formed. Both the structure and the style are full of the flavor of extraterrestrial civilization.

According to the collusion in advance, these green leaf supporting characters are all around the red flower of Rennes, just like a group of knights from all over the world, chasing the prostitute who robbed the first beauty of martial arts.

Whether it is safflower or green leaves, they are very good at creating momentum and styling, and they are so focused that the original three parties of the fight are all reduced to small characters who are not influx. ? slip? Still asked a lot: "Hey, which part of you !?" This is a question ...

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