Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 952: You forced me

Looking at the incident that Zhao Wenrui encountered from the perspective of c Kane is another feeling.

Zhao Wenrui is already feeling his face, but c Kane is basically indifferent to what happened to Zhao Wenrui.

Not only is it because of too much numbness, but more importantly, after the power is strong, the 'measurement' is also improved. As far as he is concerned, even the level of children's playfulness is not high.

However, some of the information points revealed behind the incident were quite interesting to him.

On the Earth's orbit around 180 kilometers from the ground, as the terminal of the human nature project, the Firefire has been secretly monitoring Zhao Wenrui's every move.

C Kane was relying on this device to quickly analyze the identity of the two parties in front of Zhao Wenrui and his opponent.

If he didn't make a big mistake, then both parties should come from the Star Yao Club.

The person who twice rescued Zhao Wenrui and his party was probably the captain of the new generation of sentry.

Kane felt that there was nothing wrong with this call, sentry + US team.

To be more specific, Kane suspected that the cloned version of the U.S. team had reversed the Star Yao Club, and its backstage was probably sentinels and the U.S. team.

To tell the truth, Kane was not surprised at all.

The lie has a day to tear it down. He never felt that the core purpose of the Starlight Club was the magnificent ideals such as Jishi Anmin. So if he wakes up and reneges, it may be the choice made by the US team and the Sentry.

As for how to counter the cloned US team's collective defection, it is not easy to guess.

The only thing he confirmed in this regard was that the sentinel should have exerted his strength. At least the captain of the sentinel was not only a member of the sentinel family, but the power and authority obtained was not less than the sentinel's hair.

As for how the sentinel reversed the power of the sun, so that even under his command can play the wind and water of the power of dark collapse, it can only be said that everything is changing, and the sentry will also grow, and as far as human beings are concerned, He was originally too strong to have unlimited possibilities, like the kind of development in any direction without problems.

For a hundred years, the Zhenmei team is about to die old, provided that the sentry did not hang him up. However, the sentinel has only grown from green to mature. Since he gained the power of the star, Shouyuan has become equal to eternalization in the eyes of ordinary humans.

And the clone version of the sentinel captain, it should be the Panthers of the Star Yao Club.

Among these people, Kane saw the figure of Eric, the cousin of the orthodox Black Panther Techara, not only externally, but even the kind of lawless madness, it was exactly the same. not much. Speaking and tearing, I immediately devoted myself to it, as if I hated and hatred so much that I didn't take the lives of others and myself seriously.

And the leopard (codenamed as Eric's Zhenjin suit) cloned version of the star-studded followers, Kane also did not feel surprised, they are extreme elements, as long as the interests are the same, they are indeed all the way.

Speaking of this interest, Kane always likes to analyze events from this angle.

Although so far, he does not know exactly what these gangs are robbing, but he still firmly believes that the contention of interests is the essence of the incident.

After a little thought, Kane put the first fleet of his direct starship group into the orange state, ready to go out at any time.

With the release of this command, a certain area on the surface of the Kasemiya star began to shine.

From space, I saw a cone of light surrounded by dense light stars, like a strange flower, blooming on the surface of a dark star.

Each of those light stars represents a starship, and the predecessor of Kane's direct starship group is Kane's vehicle, the Black Sun.

A small starship in the past is now a huge group of starships. The first fleet alone has more than 20,000 starships.

From these starships, we can see the shadow of the deep black fleet directly under the black kane who was active in the universe of the old dominators, that is, the evil gold men and their warships of the Transformers.

This is also a manifestation of the technology contained in the ‘small gift’ that was given when the first salary Wang Kaien came.

Starship technology used to be a shortcoming of c Kane, but it is not.

This kind of starship is, to a certain degree, more powerful than the constellation-level warship used by sc universe Kane Zhao to cross the universe.

The specific and powerful place is not a weapon such as a laser cone, but this starship can adapt to the natural universe and the supernatural star universe at the same time. It is the star universe that Black Kane is about to end in the old dominator universe. A large number of villains have been dispatched for long-term operation to accumulate technology and experience.

C Kane let such a fleet warm up, that is to prevent Xingyao from suddenly bursting with passion, and straighten his sleeves behind the scene that has not appeared.

C Kane self-confidence is now also a face-to-face character, still on his own as in the past, is not suitable.

Or to put it another way, why do you keep so many soldiers? It was used to share his worries and sell his life for him.

Speaking of this, he also admitted that he with a human mind is still somewhat "satisfied" with "the long years". After all, humans are short-lived species, and what is often hung on the mouth is "10 years is too long, only to fight for the day and night 'Such words.

This means that, after a hundred years of waiting, he is already a bit impatient.

So the worm swarm is preparing to destroy the Cree Empire. It is his true master who is unwilling to continue to do so. See if he can make some big moves to attract the attention of the potential enemy.

So he could n’t wait for the black hand behind the Starlight Club, which is the righteous master he had to wait for, and used such a small broken thing as a fuse to sound the horn of the universe-level war.

Zhao Wenrui did n’t know that he chose to blaze, which directly caused the Kaijin Palace, one of the strongest forces in the universe, to become more and more sturdy, and the energy consumption of the first fleet preheating exceeded that. The total amount of energy released by a 200 million ton equivalent nuclear explosion.

Ships have always been super money-burning gadgets, sailboats to armored ships to steam turbine battleships to nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to spaceships to starships, each time the cost is increased almost exponentially.

That is, Kane ’s purely private system of worms has been replaced by other civilizations. Even the now-creeper Cree empire cannot afford to preheat this 10,000 starships as if letting Ma Zi help buy packs of cigarettes. Ratio.

With the c-Kane ratio of farming and planting the world's first local tyrant, the avatar owned by Zhao Wenrui, a human avatar, is simply a female child.

After struggling with some worries, Zhao Wenrui smashed some of his hard-earned capital into real power.

"Soul strengthens extraordinary perception!"

Zhao Wenrui first added such a buff.

It must be said that, as far as gold fingers are concerned, c Kane's gift is quite kind.

The last time was the shining system of the commander department, inspired by ‘survival with the red alarm system’ and the like.

And this time the golden finger is a sandbox system like ‘My World’. The final result is basically to choose by oneself and brag to say that it has unlimited possibilities.

Is of course not that good. After all, the environment that Zhao Wenrui faces is not so rich in elements. He can only pick up the existing ones and play with the assembly.

So the degree of freedom is not the place where c Kane is kind, but the initial setting, which gives a few good skills.

Like those so-called hard-won accumulated 'experience points', Zhao Wenrui, who has been awakened in his new identity for 24 hours, has not really worked hard. His related memories are only settings, but also a guide to let him understand How to use the core active technology to "swallow".

Simply put, everything is based on the concept of 'looting'.

I have to say that here contains some of the bad taste of c Kane, and even has some "this mountain sees that mountain high" psychology.

Just like Zhao Wenrui's instinctive desire for the commander system, the coveted giant marching ant breeding control technology, the farming faction + commander department has formed c kane, and sometimes it is inevitable to take the predator + one punch superman Road, is it better?

In reality, like his deity, he finally succumbed to inertia, and chose the best commander, the most confident, and comfortable to use farming commander. The humanity is avatar, so he takes some hope and becomes a trick. Meaning, given the technology of preferring to fly alone, I want to see if Zhao Wenrui will continue to walk on the road.

There is also a related proposition environment to determine the direction of growth.

In this respect, the deity was also a good life. The path selection of the Vientiane gate system is extremely rich, and it can be derived from temperament. In the later period, he even chooses the mission world himself, so that his own technical system can be quickly shaped and plumped.

For Zhao Wenrui, the choice is much narrower, how would he choose?

It is to eliminate all difficulties and move forward towards the commander ’s official commander, even if there is a long way ahead or even a risk of severance, do not give up; still bow to reality, compromise with practicality, and finally embark on the road of purely strengthening the body, and go further and further , Making the farming + commander completely reduced to the idea of ​​"the most beautiful one can never get".

C Kane wanted to know the answer. Some of these emotions even seem to be a conjecture of ‘if I take the initiative to talk up with me, is it possible to catch up with the goddess’?

That is to say, not only seeing one's temperament, but also the need to "dream".

Of course, the past is past, but knowing the answer can be considered as a chat.

Zhao Wenrui added a perception buff to himself, mainly considering that the reaction and sighting ability of ordinary people can't keep up with the speed of extraordinary enemies. The attack is no matter how high, and the entire miss is in vain.

On the contrary, even the ordinary bullet kinetic energy can also make the other party a little delayed. He believes that for the extraordinary person who has given help twice, this is a loophole or opportunity.

However, the master is not called in vain. Looking at the six ways and listening to all directions is only a basic ability.

Despite the fierce fighting and the turbulent energy wind on the battlefield, the Leopard people still discovered Zhao Wenrui's anomaly the first time. In that situation, it was as if the edge of the battlefield where red and green were fighting, a sudden rise of blue.

Sometimes extraordinary power can be so sensitive.

Especially in this world, because the transcendental system is not complete, transcendental power is far from a common force. Therefore, each transcendence has distinct attributes and is easy to investigate.

Conversely, if the dnd universe is full of extraordinary walking, the power is refined, and it is extremely complicated, and the environment is always filled with extraordinary power factors, then the elephant will be invisible, and it ca n’t be done.

After the Leopards determined that Zhao Wenrui's rising power was the extraordinary power, two people gave up siege to the extraordinary and rushed to Zhao Wenrui.

Was previously regarded as a ants, but with extraordinary power, the treatment will immediately upgrade. It is worth taking seriously.

Lightning fast, with afterimages, these leopard clones are not a bit stronger than the original black panther. If the original black panther is present, it is estimated that these leopards will be kicked one by one.

Facing the culling of two Leopards, Zhao Wenrui was mentally prepared.

But still can't help sighing secretly, in a bit of a joke, he originally wanted to be an ap, and steadily carried out the skill output on the side, but unfortunately, the transcendent as the only tank of his own, the Qunla hatred is unstable, he has not attacked , Already grabbed the hatred.

Of course, I can't take care of these now. He squatted swiftly, and then his feet burst into light, shooting like a rocket, successfully avoiding the two leopard scarlet blades with the ray of light and chaos.

And Emma, ​​who was not too far away, all subconsciously widened their eyes, and Owen murmured absently: "This guy, hides so deep ..."

As everyone knows, Zhao Wenrui's heart is bleeding, not only because the ‘experience value’ is burning, but also because he personally destroyed his previous settings.

As the so-called outfit is cooler than the moment, it is difficult to close afterwards. Those who are familiar with him and those who interact closely with him will instinctively question everything he has done in the past because of this secret exposure.

Many originally sincere and sincere actions may be understood as ulterior motives. Many of the efforts that make you feel distressed will be regarded as a relief effort ...

Therefore, the collapse of human settings and the dramatic change in social relations are also huge losses.

This also makes Zhao Wenrui hate these leopard people more and more.

"What did I do with tm? You guys just like mad dogs?"

The bite was really dead, and the two leopards immediately launched their skills as soon as they could n’t hit. The figure flashed and appeared in the air. Just like the previous one, it took advantage of the other party ’s free fall speed to be relatively slow, and the direction was not allowed. Change, fall parallel with it, and at the same time surround the crazy hack.

But Zhao Wenrui said, I only observed how you did such extraordinary things a few minutes ago, but how could you not guard against it?

Don't you dare to use this trick, do you not take bean bags as dry food, or lose your mind?

As a result, in the eyes of Emma and others, Zhao Wenrui changed from two kicks to three consecutive sounds, the light burst in the air and jumped a bit higher.

The next two Leopards are really hurt, and the skills are activated. If this skill can be eaten frequently, then it will not be the way to deal with the extraordinary. So the target has not been caught, and it has fallen freely. Become them both.

Actually took less than a second and landed.

Who makes this a high-end bureau?

Let the opponent predict the point of arrival, and also give ‘enough’ time, it ’s unreasonable not to take the trick.

Zhao Wenrui was in the air, and the third sound exploded. The explosion was particularly splendid. At the same time, two black light thorns sprayed down. The effect is like the dark giant used by the two Titans to pierce the space. sword!

"Huh?" The extraordinary in the fierce battle can not help but utter a voice.

Not because of Zhao Wenrui's sudden outbreak of audio-visual effects and glaring eyes, but because of Zhao Wenrui's way of using energy ~ ~ is full of familiar taste, very similar to his Sun Gate.

Is of course similar. Zhao Wenrui and his minions have grabbed a few of them who can open the sun. Although they have not studied thoroughly, they have also picked up some techniques.

C Kane learned the evil taste of this deity and named it ‘Little Universe’.

At this moment, Zhao Wenrui exploded the small universe in his body, and this is how the extraordinary power came from.

‘Boom! ’

In the sound of thunderous initiation, the black energy sword stabbed two leopards who avoided the inevitable.

At the next moment, the two leopards disintegrated and burned in the scream of sorrow.

Is the kind of explosion that burns while exploding, countless fine explosions, layered into scattered Martian fly ash, the scene looks extremely cruel.

‘Engulfed’, finally showing its fangs ...

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