Infinite Sorcerer Chapter 943 Stop Calling Audio Novel Online Listen

As a military relic of the old era, Zhao Wenrui still has great expectations for the weapons processing plant.

After all, with the technical support of the blaze system, even the remains of wastes like the last stronghold can be used, and the weapon processing factory will not be worse.

But the fact is not as good as Zhao Wenrui expected. The main reason is that the weapon processing plant lacks the sealed environment like the last stronghold. It has been weathered for a hundred years. Even the thick steel is seriously damaged due to metal fatigue and oxidation, and let alone other things.

In the end, that is, resin and rubber, which is an extra harvest. The Obonin Kingdom lacks the relevant material application technology, but the shine system can.

So by the spring and March of 2110, when Zhao Wenrui made a crossroads, his troops already had radio stations, steam armored vehicles and other utensils available.

The crossroads are strategically important, and the environment is different from the Tibetan Gold Valley. It was once a maple forest area, which was artificially exploited. Now the forest area has retreated to the eastern mountain boundary, leaving a large, not much fertile, but fairly smooth Is open for people to use.

The related tasks received by Zhao Wenrui are to establish a stronghold with a population of more than 2,000, and the other is to eliminate the terminal town to the north.

This town was established by the fourth pioneer general and led the military and civilians. After the fall, it became one of the important habitats of zombies in this area.

The subsequent posts did not attack the town, but chose to bypass.

Zhao Wenrui is now a soldier of high quality and has no pressure on the system's 30-day mission deadline.

After establishing the command center, he laid down more than 100 camps in one day and piled the available population to more than 200.

Then a large number of rangers and assault infantry were put on the battlefield to start cleaning the surrounding area.

On the fourth day, the main defensive surface was basically established. In addition to the terminal town in the northeast of the stronghold, it was necessary to guard against it. The other main station was the northwest, where there was a gap of more than 300 meters, leading to the vast wilderness.

Zhao Wenrui let the engineering soldiers build a masonry pass in the northwest, and the long wall was raised on the topography in the east, but the wooden refusal to horses and pits were not set, because in his view the miracle of this forward line is very good. It will appear soon.

On the 10th day, in addition to the terminal town, the crossroads area systematically formed, except for the terminal town, could hardly see a zombie. On the twelfth day, the scout troops composed of rangers fed back the news, and the final investigation of the town was successfully completed.

Correspondingly, the construction of battle positions has also been completed.

Zhao Wenrui made the assault infantry launch a frontal attack on the terminal town.

The alarmed zombies formed a wave of thousands of corpses in a very short time, and the assault infantry reached the evacuation of the steam armored vehicle to the battle position.

On the side of the battle position, the snipers on the masonry whistle took the lead in firing, killing the special funeral who was chasing the vehicle. The plan to make these special mourning mobile cans was abandoned.

In the face of the large zombie forces that rushed up afterwards, the shockwave tower was fully equipped, but only a few rounds of shockwaves, the zombies were sitting on the corpses. The only thing that was not beautiful was that when it was used as an organic fertilizer raw material, there would be considerable losses.

After exterminating this wave of corpses.

The assault infantry made persistent efforts and continued to strike the end town in the form of array advancement.

The result was another wave of corpses.

The snipers who have been playing long-range fire support roles this time have played an important role. Because there are flying monsters in this wave of corpses, their speed is too fast, and their attack power is extremely high. If they are not stopped, any soldiers will be slaughtered by them indiscriminately, and they cannot retreat at all.

Fortunately, the number of flying monsters is scarce, and Zhao Wenrui's side is a strong protective assault infantry as a bait, so there is no danger of killing one strike, only a few assault infantry were injured, but also through the auxiliary power of equipment Covering and assisting with comrades-in-arms, they managed to escape from the armored vehicle.

After the second wave of corpses, there was no threatening power in the town. When the assault infantry returned again, they failed to form a powerful impact, let alone the corpse tide, sporadic rushing out, all died under the assault infantry's volley.

However, a wave of corpses in the northwest made Zhao Wenrui slightly embarrassed.

Thanks to his prudence, the Northwestern defense was not only masonry, but also built a shock wave tower and a sentry tower stationed by snipers.

This was only slightly thrilling, and at the cost of a shock wave tower, it resisted this wave of corpses.

Zhao Wenrui also saw the horror of the spitters of this era for the first time.

The spitters are long-range arms in the zombies. They can spit highly corrosive liquid like the king cobra spitting venom. The shock wave tower was destroyed by the spitters in the zombies.

With the end of the town's Raiders and the defense of the northwest defense line, the task of the crossroads is completed in advance. There was no force nearby that could threaten Zhao Wenrui and his troops.

Zhao Wenrui is naturally quite satisfied with this. He now feels more or less the crush of crushing his opponent. He feels that as long as the overall strategy is conservative and reminds himself not to over-inflate and make waves of death, his road to expansion should gradually be able to snowball, going more smoothly and wider.

However, c Kane was not satisfied.

He got this humanity avatar out, but it wasn't for him to pretend to be a blessing and to be a savior to lead a group of indigenous people to rejuvenate civilization. Rather, by observing human avatars, you can understand your personality characteristics and deficiencies more clearly.

Although Zhao Wenrui's performance, he also feedback some content that made him care. But it was far from meeting his expectations.

Especially after Zhao Wenrui took the slant, took the kingdom in one fell swoop, and then used the system to digest the kingdom again, there was no power to trouble him too much.

c. Kane disdains the added difficulty of man-made, and refuses to admit that the gold finger he blessed for Zhao Wenrui has a major loophole.

For example, the single-player adventure mission was not successful enough, and Zhao Wenrui refused to take risks alone.

Or in a deeper level, when building this platform and mode, he still instinctively favors humanity avatars, so that in addition to the problem of the corresponding mechanism setting, the golden finger is too large.

So how do you satisfy yourself

It's also simple, snap a finger.

There is no need to use the power of infinite gems. The function of this snapping finger is just to activate a small organ in the human avatar.

The essence of this organ is psychological suggestion. Once used, Zhao Wenrui will enter a deep sleep state.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wenrui's position was entrusted by ai, which was the wisdom brain on the ship that delivered him. It not only controls the salary, but also the specific person in charge of the human avatar project, which is an extension of c Kane's will.

After the humanity avatar was recovered, Zhinao's fire was named under the name of c Kane, and he started a conservative strategy. Taking the five areas under the current Zhao Wenrui's strategy as the periphery, and the Oboning City as the core, the internal recuperation began, and the expansion strategy is equivalent to a pause.

At the same time, c Kane noticed Uef's actions.

On December 31, 2109, it was Uef ’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. Its vanguard successfully completed the gift-giving operation. The original Beijing-Shanghai-Guangzhou three cities of the flower family were recovered and completed the construction of the core area. The first batch of landing fulcrums.

In March, it's close to UEF to take all three places completely.

At this time, otherwise the UEF Army cleaning up the outer periphery of the city is no longer the original vanguard, but the Restoration Army, which is part of the large army.

The main purpose of the tasks assigned to them is to train troops in actual combat. It is conceivable that the difficulty of the Qing squad work itself is very limited.

"Attention, a group of black mad corpses, they found us, they rushed over" Scouting Bee reported the latest situation.

"Look at us." The most powerful firefighter in the combat group said boldly, unloading the group's equipment bag and putting it aside, then the Vulcan gun was picked up, and the one with the knife standing in the middle of the road in the most prominent position The car roof.

The mad corpse saw him and screamed to speed up. One of the differences between the mad corpse and the swift corpse is that they are good at exploding seeds, and their overall combat power is stronger after the blast.

They run very vigorously and understand basic coordination.

However, the mad corpse encountered by the Recovery Army combat team also has the ability to throw attacks.

They were still far away, and they had already started throwing stones they had picked up. When these stones flew out of their claws, they were already burning.

The fireman did not hide, but stood there as a target for the mad corpse.

At such a distance, they are thrown while running, and these stones have little accuracy. Looking at the situation where the burning stones screamed and flew far or near from the hands of firepower, on the contrary, if he carried out the so-called evasion, the probability of being hit was greater.

There are also two or three burning stones that can indeed be hit, but behind the firefighter, the snipers in the combat team used a wave energy gun to kill them.

The general energy wave of the water mass shot out, collided with the burning stone, and burst out, like fireworks. The flying speed of these burning stones is close to ordinary arrows, and the reflex nerves of well-trained ordinary people can keep up, not to mention the genetically strengthened Recovery Army.

The other two snipers in the group used precision rifles. With the agility and reflex nerves of the two, the running zombies are slowly moving targets.

The shooting was targeted, either a head or a heart, one shot. The hit rate is high and the shooting frequency is not low.

When the corpse approached 50 meters, the fireman standing on the roof of the car also shot.

His Vulcan is not a six-barrel, three-barrel, 127 caliber, average rate of fire, but he is adjusted to the lowest gear, each shot is three, suddenly with the mechanical sound of the barrel rotation, the shooting sound is very Dull.

His shooting is not based on ordinary aiming, but on the sense of gun. There is no miss at this distance. The kind of advance card is very good. It feels like a corpse actively hitting the bullet track.

In this way, his killing efficiency is higher than the sniper, but also more bloody.

The powerful bullet hit the mad corpse, either blasting a hole, or simply breaking the limb or breaking into two pieces, flesh and blood splashing

"These idiots, who don't know what to think about, charged us head-on," the fireman said dismissively after the last corpse shot 20 meters away.

c Kane not only noticed the combat situation of the Recovery Army combat team, but also the combat situation of the SHIELD fighters.

Since the Holocaust, under the leadership of Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. became more and more transcendent, and eventually merged with the Avengers to become its peripheral organization.

One of the important influences of SHIELD on UEF today is to transport heroic combat units.

c Kane noticed this time an Aegis spearman who was alone in a city.

I saw a mad corpse has rushed in, using the usual way of playing, throwing a burning stone, and pulling closer.

Aegis of the Aegis cut with an alloy sword in his hand, simple and powerful.

Due to the unusual sharpness of the alloy sword, the burning stone did not explode, but directly split the two flying stones into four pieces.

In this way, when the mad corpse approached, the Aegis of the Aegis was ready, and a slashing cut would cut the waist of the mad corpse.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced away with a few afterimages, avoiding the attack of the other two burning stones and the rush of a corpse.

Then get a three-shot combo ~ ~ chopping, left cross, headwind.

Because of the step effect bonus, these three hits are particularly powerful. While passing between the three headed zombies, they cut them under the sword and broke the madman's siege in one fell swoop.

Almost immediately followed by this set of movements, it was also a sliding step, three figures flashing, a few meters short, and tens of meters long, and rushed past, also with a residual image, where I said, the mad corpse is different Office.

Then he took the initiative to meet a muscular tyrant.

This muscle tyrant has a knotted muscle and a stone-like color. When the ground moves, it sounds loud and dreadful.

The Aegis of the Aegis had no fear. The edge of the alloy sword shone with dark blue and purple energy rays.

This is an extraordinary method. After the energy is added, the cutting power is equal to one. The skill cools very quickly, that is, there is no accompanying large-scale energy erosion effect.

No need at all, the sharpness value after strengthening is enough to cut the gold and iron, chopping the muscles into more than ten segments, even if its recovery is strong, it can still be reborn.

So the muscles were overwhelmed, and the killing of the Aegis by the Aegis was simply a matter of dissolving the cow. When it was misplaced, it was cut into many pieces. The incision was smooth, and even the blood flowed out after a long while.

The Aegis of the Aegis had no fear. The edge of the alloy sword shone with dark blue and purple energy rays.

This is an extraordinary method. After the energy is added, the cutting power is equal to one. The skill cools very quickly, that is, there is no accompanying large-scale energy erosion effect.

No need at all, the sharpness value after strengthening is enough to cut the gold and iron, chopping the muscles into more than ten segments, even if its recovery is strong, it can still be reborn.

So the muscles were overwhelmed, and the killing of the Aegis by the Aegis was simply a matter of dissolving the cow. When it was misplaced, it was cut into many pieces. The incision was smooth, and even the blood flowed out after a long while.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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