Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 940: Diligent performance

Infinite Supreme Wizard 940 Chapter Diligently Outstanding Performance Audio Novel Online Listening

On September 20th, UEF's vanguard officially landed at Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and planned to take these three places to offer gifts for the 100th anniversary of the super mourning.

The Vanguard ’s Marines are not many people. They are mostly aircraft. A ducted aircraft replaces helicopters and attack aircraft and becomes the main air-to-ground fire platform. They are visible at a suitable height and in an orderly slaughter. Zombie.

On the ground, there are specially introduced corpse traps. This equipment from the S.H.I.E.L.D.Technical Department attracts zombies by emitting odors, pheromone pheromones, and infrasound waves. In the open area, it is convenient to clear up.

Due to Uef's sufficient preparations, this official landing of the Vanguard was a massacre. In less than 6 hours, more than 10 million zombies were killed in the three places.

At the end of this wave of operations, the fire ended. So far, the zombie is still a very good fuel. Once it is burned, it can be completely burned out, and there is not much ash. So cremation is a simple and easy option.

On this day, Zhao Wenrui tasted the bitter taste of the layout for several days.

The fish-touching zombies attacked, and several confluences came from the northeast. Together with the zombies in the nearby area, the number was almost 2,000.

The wooden walls and wooden sentry towers in the eastern protruding part failed to withstand the devastation, and were basically destroyed. The half-built iron ore mine can only be abandoned.

If you choose to give up, you can also recover a part of the input. If it is a hard support, it will be built on the basis of damage after being destroyed by the zombies.

Thanks to the masonry defense line on the edge of the eastern forest, which was stable enough, it finally withstood this wave of attacks.

Regardless of the fatigue of the soldiers, Zhao Wenrui let them attack overnight and launched a sweep of the eastern and northeastern regions.

As time passed, Zhao Wenrui mastered more tips.

For example, he knows the ability of the soldiers to stand and rest at the training office, so he used this feature during the Qing squad and planned to let his shifts rest.

When they had almost rested, the demon warriors in front of them also gathered a certain number of zombies, which just happened to use circle tactics to destroy them.

This tactic is now more purely used by Zhao Wenrui. The corpse ranch has a vast terrain, which is very suitable for the play of this tactic.

So on the afternoon of the 22nd, all the zombies in the East and Northeast were cleared within the system-defined range.

In addition to the southeast that was previously settled, it can be said that half of the zombies in the corpse ranch area have been cleared.

Although the loss was not small on the 20th, Zhao Wenrui did not lose courage. On the contrary, he made a very bold decision, that is, in the three directions of east, southeast and northeast, he ran a horse enclosure, established a long wall, and set the future The final boundary of Qingcao Town was determined.

In order to achieve this goal, he did business with the Kingdom and basically sold everything he could sell in exchange for sufficient resources.

The bulk of this transaction is organic fertilizer.

The original appearance of organic fertilizer is zombie corpses.

In terms of resources, the biggest reliance of the Obonin Kingdom is on coal mines and iron ore, and the rest are basically lacking. Organic fertilizer was born under this background.

Over the years, the zombie killing has never stopped, specifically by the criminals who committed serious crimes.

They were exiled and were not allowed to return to the kingdom for the rest of their lives. They made organic fertilizers, including hunting, in exchange for necessary supplies, and even earned a piece of money to cover their homes.

It is in this way that around the city of Obonin, the zombies are kept at a relatively low level, and no large corpse tide is brewing.

This time, Zhao Wenrui even promised to get the organic fertilizer that he might get in the future, and obtained the materials he wanted by way of credit to build a long wall defense line.

This line of defense is segmented, with a total length of more than 13 kilometers, and its main function is to isolate wandering zombies.

Wandering zombies are the most unstable factor in daily life. If a region has them, and there are no effective countermeasures, there is no way to worry about production.

Zhao Wenrui's big move with a strong gambling character was also forced to help.

Although the corpse ranch is large, the scope of Qingcao Town is very narrow, which has severely restricted the development. If he can't fight, then the final result is likely to be dead here.

This operation, the most gambling point is that the next wave of fish zombies will not take these three directions as the main attack direction. Only in this way will he have relatively ample time to further stabilize the long wall.

On the 24th, fish zombies came again. Fate was still taking care of Zhao Wenrui. This time the zombies were scattered. There were small fish zombies in the northeast, north, northwest, west, southwest and south.

In the end, what was more lively was the western defense against pits. Because the zombie from the north faced the jungle, they finally chose to go around from the west.

Although the zombie zombies from the south chose to go around from the east, but like the north, they first touched the jungle and then touched the outer edge of the territory, so that they were farther away from the southeast long wall. Facing the Eastern Masonry Line, it was annihilated.

The zombies who touched the fish from the northeast were driven in because the long wall had not been repaired there.

Then he was commanded by Zhao Wenrui to lead the Ranger successfully, circling in the open space, and finally was destroyed before the Eastern Masonry Line, but there was a time difference from the South, so the intensity of the line of defense was not high, a small number of soldiers solved the problem.

The successful prevention of this zombie invasion not only allowed the long wall project to develop in a non-destructive manner, but also allowed Zhao Wenrui to see clearly the characteristics of the zombies in this area.

It can be said that there are not a large number of relatively concentrated zombies in this area, so a one-way, disaster-level zombie tide erupts.

Rather, in the manner of Baichuanhuihai, small batches of multiple shares are committed, the amount is not large, but the frequency is relatively high.

To put it bluntly, this is what the team-level wandering zombies are doing.

In this context, Qingcao Town is like the bottom of Tiankeng. The closer it is to the bottom of the pit, the easier it is for small groups of people from all sides to gather fish and zombies. Small stocks touch fish zombie.

Therefore, the secret of fighting zombies in the corpse ranch lies in the use of guard limits and patrol use.

The wider the warning limit, the better the patrol team uses, the smaller the threat.

Of course, the premise is to wipe out the zombies in the area.

With this knowledge, Zhao Wenrui suspended the construction of the long wall plan by half, and changed it to the laying of the Tesla Tower.

The Tesla Tower is an important way to see.

There is no Tesla Tower or other facilities or war soldiers in the field of vision, even if the area has been explored, it has changed from the dark state of war to the state of static fog, that is, knowing what is there, but it is not clear What is there now.

The Tesla Tower needs resident personnel to maintain it, and its own defensive barrier value is not high enough, and it is easy to be destroyed. So Zhao Wenrui ordered people to set up a wooden wall around the Tesla Tower, adding a layer of armored shell .

There are even outposts nearby. This sentry tower is generally not garrisoned. Once the Tesla tower is attacked, the patrol can dispatch personnel to clear the soldiers according to the specific circumstances. If the zombies turn around and attack the soldiers responsible for the soldiers, then the soldiers can hide in the sentry tower , Use the protection of the outpost to ensure the output of firepower.

In this way, a few soldiers are enough to wipe out dozens or even dozens of zombies before the Tesla Tower is destroyed.

I have to say that Zhao Wenrui's command pressure increased after the fighting was dispersed, but the effect was very good.

On September 27, there were also zombies who touched fish. Except for the zombies of the west, southwest and northwest, they collided into the pits of the refusal horse and were slaughtered. The rest of the directions did not have a climate. Continuous staff reductions and attacks on the nearby Tesla Tower after anger, also died quickly, causing very little damage.

On September 30th, on the 31st day of Zhao Wenrui's visit to the Corpse Ranch, all the zombies were wiped out within the boundaries of the system.

Zhao Wenrui once again received a hidden reward, but the freshness of the reward content was seriously insufficient.

First of all, it is 2 points of freedom. Zhao Wenrui does not hesitate to continue to add to his intelligence. Today, multi-line command is already the norm for him. The characteristics of the corpse ranch. The demand for this is quite high, which makes him very stressful and expensive. After buying 1 point of intelligence at 2 points for free and multi-line command, he obviously felt a lot easier.

Then comes the guard reward, this time with 4 assault infantry.

This reward Zhao Wenrui thinks it's okay. After all, every time you go to the ground, you basically start construction from the beginning. General soldiers want to land quickly, and they need very good conditions. Only guarding is basically free.

Moreover, the guard veterans can continue to upgrade and become stronger and stronger. With such powerful veterans, it is very practical to clean up or patrol in the early stage.

Then there is the aura, the last time is the aura of excitement, this time it is a crit aura, the radius is also 100 meters, the affected soldiers have a 5 chance to overplay and hit a crit.

The probability is a little low, but the critical strike damage makes people shine, 300, below the corpse, one shot in seconds, if this is a large-scale combat, the effectiveness is very impressive.

Since the climate of this era is somewhat similar to that of the Earth ’s Little Ice Age, after entering October, it is equivalent to the temperature of December in the early 21st century. The sky is already very cold, and often the north wind roars, and the broken snow flew.

But the corpse ranch has ushered in a period of rapid development.

This is not only because Zhao Wenrui vacated his high construction, but also because the kingdom is also working hard.

Many people have determined at this time that Qingcao Town should be stable. They knew that Qingcao Town was initially determined to be inseparable from Clevin Zhao and his troops, but investment confidence increased a lot at once.

Therefore, a large number of loans were placed in front of Zhao Wenrui, including private loans.

Zhao Wenrui was also polite. In exchange for resources, he borrowed money to build a building. It took only a week to fill in all the shortcomings, and the 4th Battalion sent troops. Not only did all the rangers in the battle of the Tibetan Golden Valley land, but the assault infantry later came in. .

With 120 rangers, 120 assault infantry, more than half of the veterans, and 8 elite guards, Zhao Wenrui had such a strong feeling for the first time.

Of course, distributing these combat powers to the various fighting positions of the Corpse Ranch still seems extremely thin. The pioneer general who had battled with the zombies here had more than a dozen times this amount of military power, but was still offended by the zombies, and now even the ruins have been demolished.

However, Zhao Wenrui is not very panic. The ordinary combat power is not comparable to his professional corpse hunters, and he will not make the mistake of the pit bottom effect, and will not let the zombies complete the merge in this area, and the quantitative change will cause qualitative changes.

Even in order to promote more soldiers to veterans, Zhao Wenrui planned to launch out-of-boundary operations to further eliminate the zombies.

In general, out-of-bounds operations are fairly smooth.

But also educated.

A Qing squad encountered special mourning, muscle tyrants, and breathers. Although no soldiers died in the end, but only a few wounded, it also made Zhao Wenrui realize again that the boundary drawn by the system was justified.

Fighting across the line is not impossible, but it must be prepared to withstand the vain improvement of the enemy's combat power. Special mourning is mixed with the zombies including the offender. Zhao Wenrui weighed it a bit and still gave up frequent cross-border operations.

From a small point of view, once the zombie crowd is mixed with a certain number of special funerals, the difficulty of confrontation can be said to be a stepwise increase. If he does not have obvious defense or combat power improvement, he should not be too greedy.

Another important reason for him to give up the challenge of crossing the line is that he tasted the sweetness of the lossless victory.

The lossless victory greatly increased the confidence of the kingdom up and down, so he was willing to increase investment to gain more benefits.

And by grasping the capital far beyond the constant, he quickly landed various projects and achieved strategic goals.

He thinks this is a win-win situation.

Compared to this, killing more zombies per unit time ~ ~ Promoting more veterans, and the benefits it brings, seem a bit worth mentioning.

On October 9, the population approved by the Qingcao Town System officially exceeded the 3,000 mark, while the actual population was more than 4,600.

Zhao Wenrui was able to achieve his goal at a faster speed. He could suppress the speed and raise all the main indicators to a matching level to achieve a balance without obvious shortcomings.

And those investors naturally get generous rewards. Even those with poor operations have earned 50 rewards in less than a month. The efficiency of such money to make money has made many people regret it, regretting that they failed to see the situation early and entering the market too late, or regretting that the courage is not enough and the investment is too small.

In any case, Zhao Wenrui's lossless victory once again caused the Obonin people to fall into a carnival, and even ordinary people have more or less, direct and indirect benefits.

For a time, Zhao Wenrui's reputation was pushed to a new height. Even George II said half-jokingly, "Clavin used two battles to gain the popularity I had accumulated in ten years."

Zhao Wenrui didn't pay attention to this, because he didn't care about it, because the 60-day count wasn't over after the system reached the population mission of the Corpse Hunting Ranch. Instead, it continues to count down.

His first feelings were fortunate.

Because of this information, he easily realized that in the remaining days, there will be difficult challenges waiting for him. Therefore, the system did not determine that he completely won this round.

Thanks to his earlier completion of the 3,000 population task, otherwise it is likely that he will be hit by zombies in a state of good self.

Now with psychological preparation, the situation is very different.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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