Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 932: The most difficult beforehand

On August 21, Zhao Wenrui, who had slept with two girls, felt happy physically and mentally, and the people in Tibetan Valley also felt very good.

Small places, lack of entertainment, celebrity gossip news, has become one of the main pastimes after tea and dinner. So the news spread quickly.

People feel very good because it is finally determined that this young general has a normal physical orientation, not abnormal.

Perhaps the general environment is too repressive, or perhaps the people ’s mentality to survive has indulged the dignitaries. In the Kingdom of Oboning, the proportion of dignitaries perverted is somewhat high. Especially the generation who is now picking the big beams, that is, the father of Clevin Zhao.

They basically lived in a state of precariousness for the first half of their lives, especially when George, one of the ancestors of the zombie, had just died, it was a few days after today and tomorrow.

Until George II came to power 20 years ago and initiated the pioneering campaign, although repeated battles and repeated defeats, this change in war initiative has greatly reduced people's survival pressure.

Then came the release and catharsis.

As if overnight, there are many more alcoholics and perverts.

Even Zhao Wenrui's cheap father has a nausea habit of loving a little boy. If there is no hard and soft for the old man, it is questionable whether Klein and his brother can come to this world.

And from the perspective of the public, whether it is drunk or perverted, are unreliable pronouns. So they would rather Kleveen? Zhao bullied a man and a woman, and forced to sleep the girl or daughter-in-law who would not want to see a pervert who is often drunk.

Zhao Wenrui also learned about these backgrounds later. I was glad that the pressure was released and the belt was loose, but at the same time, I also felt that the bottom line of people ’s dignity is really low in the chaotic world. It can be said that I can give up in order to live. Almost all gave up.

With less than 20 hours left before the arrival of the Corpse Tide, Zhao Wenrui personally went to check the three-section northern defense line he designed. Even the wooden bolts of the traps are checked one by one.

Is mainly because of the story that a horseshoe nail destroyed a kingdom.

And other items have been checked, it is already afternoon, it is gloomy, and it looks like rain is coming.

Zhao Wenrui prayed in his heart, it is best not to rain, not too heavy.

Compared to the zombies who rushed forward in one direction, the defense system seemed much more complicated.

The more complicated it is, the more likely it is to have problems when it is affected by external forces.

So if it rains, he will be the one who loses the most.

In the evening, thunder and thunder, Zhao Wenrui's worried face could not eat.

After all, it rained, and soon, but in a hurry. Rainfall is not small.

Soon after the rain stopped, Zhao Wenrui ordered people to check all night. Others could be dragged backwards. The defense line must ensure no problems.

Although the engineer soldiers are not as powerful as the soldier puppets, they also affect their minds, otherwise such orders will be difficult to be effectively executed.

Not only is the issue of insufficient prestige, but also because people have been in smooth winds since the Tibetan gold valley, and the faces of zombies have not seen much. It is inevitable to breed slackness and contempt.

Under such a background, his orders would appear to be overkill, unappealing, and incompetent.

In fact, the shining system has a warning of damage, and even follow the relevant information to confirm which facility is detailed, even if there is a problem with the wooden wall of a standard unit, it can be ruled out.

But those that are not systematic are hard to say, such as pits. He also expects these pits to play an important role. If the ground is filled with water due to low terrain and other reasons, it will be basically abolished, and the already abolished institutions are counted in the defense system, then there will be problems.

Checked in the middle of the night, and one third had problems.

Zhao Wenrui looked at the time and ordered people to solve it as much as possible, but before 7:30, the construction must be stopped and all the personnel evacuated.

Then he forced himself to sleep.

Couldn't sleep at all, it was dawning, and it was only a squint.

In the early morning, Zhao Wenrui was awakened by the sound of a clock from a station not far from the command center.

Feels as uncomfortable as having experienced a hangover.

Still has no appetite.

This feeling of uneasy sleep and sleep, the last time I tasted it, was the first time after joining the Marines in the previous life, and leading the team to the mission.

Zhao Wenrui thought that similar situations would never happen to him again.

Forced himself to eat a portion of sauerkraut mashed potatoes and two pieces of bread, and asked about the situation on the front line. There were more than a dozen traps that could not be repaired, but the personnel were all withdrawn on time.

Zhao Wenrui confirmed the situation of the soldiers again.

The three barracks sent troops, not counting the four guard bodyguards. The number was 112, which was more than he had expected, but not much.

4 people guard the entrance of the Gut Road, 4 people guard the entrance of the Iron Bridge, and the rest go to the first defense line in the north.

Then some arrangements in the rear, make preparations for the construction of an emergency line of defense, and resources should be transported as far as possible.

Just when he issued a personnel order, the train entered the station.

Among the people who arrived today, there was a king's envoy.

Said that he came to condolences, but Zhao Wenrui suspected that he came to pick fruits.

The days before, under his command, the establishment and development of the Tibetan Golden Valley stronghold far exceeded people's expectations.

He estimated that the dignitaries of Oboning City, in addition to recognizing his talents to a certain extent, more feel that the Tibetan Gold Valley is a project to give points, there is no zombie at all, and no one will do too badly.

Although the king promised, he would eventually give him a stronghold as a fiefdom, but obviously not here, not at this time, it is too easy for him to pick the fruit, and he is afraid that he will not go there. This is to send someone to remind.

Zhao Wenrui asked Jonathan to receive the special envoy early in the morning. As a result, the envoy was very dissatisfied as Jonathan was worried.

This result Zhao Wenrui actually has a certain psychological preparation.

He wants to create a character with obvious shortcomings, one is that the belt is slightly loose, and the other is arrogance.

Was given a handle, so that the king could justify his loss from the front line.

Although the shine system is obviously war-like, hiding behind it is not conducive to his growth.

But in his view, growth is multi-faceted, and a full understanding of the world, kingdom, family, and even the lives of fart people is part of growth.

This is what he lacks.

Although he received Clevin? Zhao's memories, there are two problems with these memories.

First, he obtained these memories from the perspective of a bystander, just like a big book in front of him. It takes time to understand.

Second, these memories have a strong subjectivity. What Klevin sees and hears is not equal to the truth, and the same thing, the points he focuses on and the points that Klevin focuses on are definitely different.

Under such a background, he actually wanted to take up his post in a hurry, risking his life and death.

So he decided early in the morning to establish human characteristics, and the arrival of the special envoy was an opportunity.

But he did not expect that the envoy was more brain-damaged than he thought, and even broke into his office and questioned him.

"Take it down." Zhao Wenrui simply ignored the special envoy and issued a direct order.

One of the Ranger Guards stepped up and kicked the envoy to the corner of the room.

A foot that can fly more than a hundred kilograms to a few meters. Ordinary people can't bear it well, and it is not light to fall. The envoy's face is green and can't climb.

"Clevin? Zhao, do you want to treason?" The envoy roared with exhaustion.

"Tied up and hung on the wooden wall of the first line of defense in the north."

The envoy was carried out. The entourage of the envoy was outside the door. The five senses tried to stop it. This time, Zhao Wenrui did not need to say that he was knocked down and tied up.

Zhao Wenrui said with a sullen face in the office: "Next time, no matter who it is, no matter what the reason is, it will go straight to my office without killing anyone and kill it directly."

"Yes!" Ranger Guards led the order.

Jonathan on the side only recovered from the shock at this time, and repeatedly said: "How did it happen, how did it happen?"

Zhao Wenrui sneered and said: "This is going to be in ancient times. My office is Baihutang. Military planes are in the ground. Anyone can arbitrarily break through? Not to mention the special envoy. The king rushed straight in and had to say Reason for the past. "...

More than 20 minutes later, Zhao Wenrui, who was late, was already standing on the first long wall of the northern defense line.

The sun is blocked by the mountains to the east, and the light is not abundant at this time in the north-south valley. It gives a feeling that dawn has just arrived, and it is actually past 8 o'clock.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a shadow swaying, not very careful, it will be thought of as swaying vegetation, in fact, it is all zombies.

An urgent report was delivered to Zhao Wenrui. Zhao Wenrui scanned it in ten lines and laughed.

Was sent by a reconnaissance team directly under the military, informing him that there were thousands of swift corpses coming from the north to the Tibetan valley.

"When reporting to the military department, the time when the early warning report of the reconnaissance mission will be received, and the time when we start the operation are clearly marked."

Jonathan on the side listened and sighed again. Sorry for Zhao Wenrui's EQ.

The reconnaissance team has the only airship force in the whole kingdom. It is the kingdom's eyes to observe the movement of zombies.

Zhao Wenrui's approach is tantamount to making it clear that he is not willing to let the investigative team share the credit, and may even cause him to be scolded because the information was sent too late.

If Zhao Wenrui was not prepared on this side, the intelligence from the investigative team would have no other role except to promote the situation of 'leading first.'

The investigative team is indeed suspected of negligence, but after all, the behavior of the zombies has been mysterious so far, they suddenly decided to attack in a certain direction, just like the migration route of the marching ants, so random, so the investigative team It is also justifiable that sin will not die.

Now that Zhao Wenrui arrived late because of the news, he used this method to refuse to share the results with the investigation team, which is equivalent to completely offending the investigation team, and it will be difficult to engage in benign interaction in the future.

And in the eyes of some interested people, even the investigative missions, which are so interactive and even relying on them, have some mistakes and will not tolerate them, let alone others?

Clevin? Zhao is obviously a very independent person who doesn't know how to share. So how can such a person achieve any great achievements and benefit others?

Zhao Wenrui's idea is: like this kind of unregulated and unreliable eyes, don't simply do it, save the name, have the possibility to cause some related troubles, and have to bear the risk of being caught by a false alarm.

Zhao Wenrui ordered the emergency report to the envoy, and then said to the envoy: "Just rush this wave of corpses, you said that I will hang you here with the defense line and die. Will the king cut my head for this?"

The special envoy cold and sweated, speechless.

Zhao Wenrui really wanted to cut this guy in front of him. He was foolish and pretentious, habitually buckling the **** pots, and had no brains. Such a person seemed to exist for nausea or to harm others.

However, if he knew he could not, he would just give a lesson. If he was killed, the king would not be able to explain it. Anyway, he also represented the king.

During the speech, the corpse tide has appeared.

The corpses have not yet entered the field of vision, and the ‘Kaifan Battle Song’ has arrived first.

The so-called Kaifan war song is actually a cry made by a group of corpses,

This howling allows some zombies in the area to respond and join the team.

Therefore, once the corpse tide occurs, it is not only the main body, but also the zombie riots of different scales according to the situation and the people of the SHIELD Bureau, often making 2-3 times the ordinary zombies to follow.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't know how many ordinary zombies there are in this corpse wave. His idea is to go all out to destroy the most shocking and destructive corpse of corpses.

The envoy was scared to see a large number of swift corpses rushing here like a pack of wildebeest galloping on the grassland.

The height of the wooden wall is only 5 meters, and the zombie can be reached by simply folding it.

He didn't want to be eaten by the zombies at all, and then changed into zombies.

"General Zhao, please, please give me a yard, I was wrong."

The envoy thought that Zhao Wenrui would put his foot on the shelf and become addicted, or he would not wait until the crisis hit him to pull him up.

Didn't expect that he had just begged for mercy, and Zhao Wenrui had people pull him up.

Frightened, Zhao Wenrui gave him a gun and said, "This wave of corpses has been guarded, and you have a credit."


Zhao Wenrui ignored the special envoy and went to the sniper rifle mounted on a long-legged tripod and started fighting.

The weapon provided by the blaze system is very characteristic.

Whether it is a shotgun used by soldiers or a sniper rifle used by snipers, steam is used to send gunpowder, so it emits a "bang, bang" gas explosion. It is not as loud as a gunpowder weapon when shooting, but The range is closer.

Like a shotgun, for zombies, the best range is 2-38 meters, and the sniper rifle is only about 300 meters. In modern times, a gun with such a range can only be called a precision rifle.

However, the sparkle system is not without a more powerful steam gun. Like the gun used by Zhao Wenrui, the shape is slightly sci-fi, the core is more fantasy, and the special component steam core, Zhao Wenrui now does not know its working principle.

Anyway, with the steam core, there is no need for a specially equipped portable steam cylinder, and the range is also increased several times.

According to the evaluation of the blaze system, his combat positioning is a heroic sniper.

This special steam sniper rifle follows this setting. It also comes with a full set of combat uniforms.

Speaking of which, Zhao Wenrui had to say convincing to the barracks of the shining system, giving him the feeling that the barracks were equated with the Terran Barracks in the game StarCraft, or even stronger.

Entering a person wearing only underwear, and coming out as a fully armed soldier, it is difficult to imagine how such a facility that allows armed or even human body transformation to be embodied in a one-stop service can produce equipment and weapons at the same time.

Because of feeling incredible, Zhao Wenrui once suspected that he was actually living in a virtual world, or was making a long and real dream, rather than traversing.

Finally, he is not the kind of person who refuses to do anything that is decadent once questioned.

He felt that even if it was a matrix, he had to climb to a higher height within the rules before talking about others.

At this moment ~ ~ He went to the front line mainly for the effect of that aura, morale +1 seems not much, but if the general training is well, the morale of the regular army with political and religious work in place is 3 , Then the role of this +1 is highlighted.

The morale of 4 is equal to the state of fighting off sex, high fighting spirit, and letting go.

5 morale, that is the explosive heroic mode of "fire at me".

With this +1 morale, the ordinary rangers present have a little veteran style. As for veterans, it is always at its peak.

A wave of bow and arrow strikes in front of a hundred people, it wiped out the arrow part of the corpse tide and caused a series of situations such as knocking over and tripping.

Zhao Wenrui's spirit was uplifted, and his heart was hanging, and he felt a little calmer.

There are thousands of zombies, and the threat is indeed a multiple of the same number, but the small number of small invaders can invade.

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