Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 901: Eat jujube pills

Once again, Kane was aware of the super virus incident in New York almost at the same time as the gangsters of other countries around the world.

Kane said: "People in this country always say that they are blessed by God. This time they really need God to bless them."

Not to mention Nick Fury, even he has no particularly good solution. After all, there are no infinite gems, and it is not only expensive to consume too much, but also has many restrictions.

Of course, there is still a feasible way, that is, let the evil spirit cells engulf the virus.

But after zombies, the physiological structure has changed, just like Spider-Man strictly said that he is no longer a human, at least physiologically not pure.

Evil God cells engulf the virus, but they will replace it, otherwise it will lead to the structural collapse of the genes and the end.

So how different is being demonized and zombified?

Kane felt that, in the eyes of many parties, it was crow and pig black, one was controlled by the endless gluttonous desire, and the other was controlled by a certain evil god, which was not very good.

Maria Hill asked tentatively: "Bruce and Tony both said that it is almost impossible to develop an immune agent or an antidote efficiently. What do you think?"

Kane focused on reading the relevant data sent by Hill, and said after a while: "It can't be said that there is no solution, but for human modern technology, the cost is too high."

He explained: "This virus is specifically targeted at human chromosomes, and at the same time activates several discarded gene fragments in the human body. I can also develop locked gene drugs in a targeted manner."

"The problem is that even if humans replicate at no cost, even if they can produce a large amount of medicine in a short time, the end result is that humans will become two populations from now on. And this genetic medicine is not free. It will affect the evolution of humans. It is even possible that due to this kind of lock-up, some adaptive evolution cannot be spontaneously completed, leading to extinction. "

"In general, this virus is not something that humans can resist at present. It has become inevitable for humans to be profoundly changed."

Hill asked: "Are you optimistic about the virus control being implemented in New York?"

"Yes, my experience tells me that this kind of thing will not be shifted by people's emotional will. If it can be controlled, how can it be called extinct?"

Hill asked stubbornly: "Is there really no chance at all?"

"It's too low to ignore. In my opinion, humanity's choice now is how to ensure survival. Of course, it is not race, but ethnicity. If it is a seed bank or something, I have it here. Bohet Star I went to this time The environment is highly similar to the Earth, with a slightly higher atmospheric pressure and oxygen content, which is not a problem. Oh, yes, the blue moon there is particularly beautiful. "

"..." Hill made his final effort: "After being alienated by the virus, he still has IQ."

Kane seconds understand, "What do you mean is that when you become alienators, you will enter a new era, and the existence of wisdom still makes them move along the path of human civilization, but only in some ways?"

"Yes, I think this is probably the worst result? Will many people die, survive, inherit the mantle of civilization."

Kane shook his head: "No, the hunger addiction caused by this virus will become physiological and spiritual over time, and become a desire from the soul. Eventually it will win. After all, human self-control will not rise indefinitely. The gluttonous desire will be strengthened with every meal. "

"Is it going to eventually become the walking dead?"

"Yes! There may be special cases of jumping out of this vicious circle, but very few. The vast majority of the development curve is first rising and then restraining. The most difficult thing when you are infected, the body indexes are the indexes of ordinary people. 2-3 times as much as it is wise. "

Kane specifically pointed out: "This stage is a very important period of accumulation and development for them, benign and malignant, and the results will be very different."

"You mean those special alienated bodies?"

"No, the special alienated body is not the same as the normal infected person, and the later this characteristic will appear." ......

All in all, with the same data, Kane's analysis is that humans will die. People who have been alienated cannot be called new humans. They will lose their minds before trying to solve their hunger.

"Unless humans completely abandon resistance, all alienate in a short time, and then realize the seriousness of the hunger problem, while the wisdom is still there, make every effort to survive ..."

Kane said, inadvertently matching the past history of Marvel's zombie universe. Since it took only three days to fall into the world, he began to face the problem of no fresh meat to eat.

At the same time, because the infection is too fast, the material wealth created by humans has only been severely damaged by surgery. There are still many available items in the collection, from raw materials to equipment.

This is also very important. It really needs to become a fierce battle. It consumes the blood of the hair shaft. I want to do my best in public relations to solve the problem in time. The material conditions are not allowed.

Of course, what is more important is the burst of creativity in the danger of death. This is not comparable to Kane or Wise Brain. The base is huge, brainstorming, thinking of a golden idea, and analyzing from a probabilistic perspective, it is also easier to get results.

In this universe, the virus is an upgraded version, but the infection has been opened in a poisonous way, rather than blooming more, and the countdown of extinction has begun before the power of the relevant organization is released. This has also become an important reason why he is not optimistic about the future of mankind.

Hill bit his lower lip and asked, "So if we can drag on for a while, can we emigrate?"

Kane shrugged: "Even if I try my best to build a space city with a population of 10 million people, it will take at least a week."

I thought about it and said, "Well, look at the performance of human beings. If the performance is really good, then I will send a 60-kilometer space city to humans after a total of 10 days. On the contrary, we will pick up some lucky ones from the corner Or the survivors of the negative corners are left to the orthodox human species. "

"Thank you, I thank you on behalf of all mankind."

Kane snorted: "I'm for Olivia and Rachel to have a foothold. They can't be on the Hill. If they are assimilated, they will calculate me like you from time to time, then It's boring. "

Hill looked embarrassed ...

At the same time, Nick Fury is reporting to the members of the Security Council.

Nick took the relevant materials collected by the Hill, not only professional, but also easy to understand. It does not require much professional knowledge and can be seen clearly.

The member of the board of directors representing the beacon country couldn't help but ask directly: "Is this country going to be destroyed !?"

Nick Fury stupidly said: "If it is not a human crisis, I will not rush to ask several people to go online urgently."

I have to say that since Tony Stark and Bruce Banner made a global network system, the hardware conditions of the projection meeting have been significantly improved. Not only the response is timely, but the effect is also good. At first glance, it looks like a real person Meeting here.

Therefore, the director of Beacon Country was embarrassed and annoyed, but forced to endure the complex facial expression that did not happen, and clearly expressed it.

The representative of the flower planter coughed and asked with the poker face and the unchanging voice that the usual Taishan collapsed in front of him, "Mr. Fury should have done some emergency preparations?"

For the representative of the flower cultivator who only said things, there was basically no obvious expression. Nick Fury was also very embarrassed. He seriously reported the emergency operation again. Starship Hill did not speak directly, but said it was very means, and deliberately guided a bit, making people misunderstand as part of the ability of the mystics.

After hearing several directors, they breathed a sigh of relief, and they all thought that Nick Fury, despite his bad temperament and spicy style, was indeed the best choice for SHIELD. It is a sharp tool that can always sacrifice the jealousy of even the country at a critical moment, efficient and powerful.

The director of Beacon Country felt that the country was probably not going to die, and suddenly he had enough energy to decide to regain his face and asked Nick Fury: "So, what is the main purpose of your report? Let the council sacrifice 8.5 million New Yorkers for you endorsement?"

Nick Fury laughed: "No, I'm here to tell you, first, the mystic is impossible to maintain the spell endlessly. 36 hours is its limit. During this time, all the New York City will be killed. Either build a high wall that is sufficiently rigid. "

The director of Beacon State went straight: "This is impossible, and no one can do it!"

Nick Fury ignored him this time, but continued: "Second, I do n’t know what role the terrorist group (referred to as the Hydra) played in this incident, and I have no ability to continue fighting with them. .According to the latest information obtained, it is speculated that their core is the deep submersible fleet that previously attacked the third aircraft carrier combat group in the Arabian Sea. "

The director of the Beacon State said dissatisfiedly: "The council has sent out personnel and funds to equip combatants with expensive biological armor, just to deal with this terrorist group. Now you and your people want to quit?"

Other directors said nothing.

The meaning is very clear, this matter Nick? Fried has everyone a satisfactory statement.

In fact, we ca n’t blame the directors for their inhumanity. Using Nick Fury as a big animal is really a multi-headed snake. It is most appropriate to confront it with SHIELD + Avengers.

If it is any country, the effort is lighter, the problem cannot be solved, and the effort is harder. If the other party puts on a scene in the Arabian Sea or loses nuclear weapons, what should they do?

There is not even a point to say that the maritime power of the lighthouse country can be said to be unique in this era. Eleven nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are first-rate in terms of equipment, personnel, and related combat experience, but can it be the result? It was destroyed and had no ability to fight back.

Instead of playing at sea, could it be playing against each other at home? John Bull is an island country. Gaul chickens and flower growers all have long coastlines. Teddy bears are notorious mud-foot giants, and have been languishing for years. SHIELD ’s amortization fee is still dependent on it now. The group died? What to take? Vodka?

Only agents like S.H.I.E.L.D. at least don't make countries angry.

Although the think tank estimates that the Hydra also knew that SHIELD was affiliated with the Security Council, the headquarters of SHIELD was after all in the lighthouse country, and the lighthouse country has already lost its face, and it is not bad. …

Nick Fury argued for reason: "Bio-armor is currently the only equipment that can isolate virus infections. The SHIELD Special Forces need to enter New York to eliminate those with special infections, and at the same time appease the local people properly and make them think they have Hope, so as to achieve the purpose of delaying the outbreak of the city. Otherwise, even the mystics ca n’t trap the breakthrough of 8 million infected monsters with a comprehensive physical quality of 2-3 times and a large number of special infected people. "

The directors are speechless, Nick Fury is still very good at this reason.

The situation in New York is really dire, and there are two men and women from the National Guard and the Army. The infected people are intelligent and can use firearms and weapons.

More importantly, the infection is not only difficult to prevent, the efficiency of alienation is also fast, the general troops go in, and the personnel are estimated to be exhausted soon.

But if any infected person is raging, as Nick said, it will cause a phenomenon similar to explosives. The survivors are quickly transformed, and then they will go out to eat outside the city. How can millions of infected people break through?

Even 36 hours, it may not be enough for the combat troops to be fully in place. After all, the latest troops have been trapped in New York City because they are torn by the mob of the Hydra organization ~ ~ When I think of the infected, they have the wisdom to use firearms. , The directors will be sad.

Although vehicles and heavy weapons are basically paralyzed due to nuclear electromagnetic explosions, light weapons are still not easy to deal with. The simplest thing is to build a temporary wall and need someone to guard it? Where can I find enough fully enclosed chemical protective clothing to wear for the guards?

Thinking about it, the directors finally decided to let Nick Fury and his people first respond to the virus crisis in New York.

"Let the terrorist group release it first, we will openly shout to the other party to see if we can achieve synergy in dealing with the extinction crisis."

Nick Fury glanced at the director of the florist who spoke, and answered. I couldn't help thinking: "What will this terrorist group do? Fight together? Conditionally intervene? Or just sit back and watch the situation?"

As a result, Nick Fury found it at the Presidential Palace of the Lighthouse State.

After finishing the briefing with the directors, he went directly to the presidential palace, not far away, after crossing the river, the Liberty Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and a series of well-known buildings were in sight.

Although Washington DC was also hit by a nuclear explosion electromagnetic wave, the lower district where the presidential palace is located recovered relatively quickly. When Nick arrived at the presidential palace, the inside and outside were brightly lit, and the president was in a meeting.

This would be the highest-standard meeting for the entire team. The defense ministers and intelligence agencies are all there. The big brothers have seats, and the rest like generals have to stand.

What they discussed has shifted from nuclear explosion related to virus related. Because Nick Fury had already sent the information when reporting to the directors.

Nick Fury arrived, and everyone's eyes focused on him.

The haggard president, after saying hello, went straight to the topic: "Can we use a nuclear strike against New York again?"

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