Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 702: Touring

Touring, to put it bluntly, is a purposeful trip, and it is a high-end visit.

And this concept is connected with religion, and often has the meaning of visiting, relying on hanging, learning.

However, the tour that Luohan faced this time had the taste of governor and inspector. After all, the main object of the tour is the Holy Beast Kaka, not his **** officer.

To be more specific, this is a project jointly developed by the Gonk temples of other city-states. The subtext is: Luohan, as the head of Gonk, it is necessary to patrol all the bets of our Quick Claw Gang. It's your duty at night.

Luohan naturally knows that this is the sliver of people flying. To put it bluntly, he didn't show muscles for half a year, and some people had the illusion that they were actually very good, and found a reason to break his wrist with him.

Simple analysis, this time is about to prepare him from the nest, and then start.

The analysis of the level of the ghost heart is not enough to transfer away from the nest. It is best to go to someone's home PK. For example, digging a pit in a Gonk temple and wearing Gonk's skin. After being tempted to enter, admire his miserable situation without the support of the gods, which called Tian Ying and Tian Ling Ling.

This is obviously the typical failure to clarify the key information, so that the root cause made mistakes. His strength comes from himself, but it's not Gonk's gift.

Luo Khan, who inherited Kane's ideas, believed that if this kind of initiative stretched out his face, he had to draw back decisively and forcefully in order to make the other party sober.

After all, although he was behind closed doors, he was considered to be a farmer after joining the WTO, not a hidden farmer. In this context, if there are provocations, then soon, shrimps, crabs, and turtles will come up one after another, ran to find a tramp, so that he would be overwhelmed. It was almost the same as the one that grabbed the hottest red stick, and the effect was almost the same. Xiao Xiao immediately had a clear contrast and was shocked.

Soon after receiving the invitation to tour, Luohan replied that the tour will begin after the harvest festival.

In this world, the harvest festivals of the trolls have actually disappeared.

Not only is it difficult to get a good harvest, but the climate has also become unmatched. The original harvest festival is in the third week of September. The climate is similar to October in the Central Plains region of the home flower garden. The autumn is refreshing and the fruits are ripe.

However, during the present harvest season, the characteristics of late autumn and early winter are already present, and the atmosphere of bleak death is the main tone.

Of course, Luohan ’s natural temple will not be affected by the luxury greenhouse.

Especially after half a year of fine-tuning, the light energy system has long been stable. Not only is the daylight like a pillar, covering the temple, even at night, there is a bright moonlight shining down, and it is not affected by climate such as dark clouds and rain.

Such a stable energy intake is naturally envious of others, and it is also enough to sway.

In the worst case, the forces of Helian have sublimated their envy, jealousy and envy towards the temple of nature into a kind of solidified resentment. Negative emotions continue to accumulate and wait for the opportunity to erupt.

To put it better, this is the most powerful advertisement.

As long as you are not blind, you cannot ignore the magnificent beam of light that connects heaven and earth, especially at night, the beam of light can be seen hundreds of kilometers away.

It even quickly became a reference for travelers in the entire region to discern the direction. One can imagine how strong the topicality and advertising effect it brings.

The priests in other temples have been bitterly preaching for several hours, which is not as effective as others for a few minutes. This is also the reason why other temples hold their breath and complain.

Part of the endless energy is converted into the nutrients needed by nature, so in the natural temple, the climate is pleasant, and there is no sign of decay and decay.

Although they live in huge artificial artifacts, enough space and joint design make people feel no sullenness at all, but have the feeling of the sky and the magnificent palace.

Only with such a subtle environment can the orthodox piety be washed out, otherwise the ditch environment, even if it is pious, is mostly distorted or extreme.

This morning, the main entrance of the natural temple has not been opened for more than half a year. From the outside, the inside is a deep natural promenade. The vegetation is lush, the vines are woven, and the flowers are birds. The temple warrior walked out.

The spirit spirit of these temple warriors is obviously superior to those of other temples. Their eyes are superb, and looking at them will make people feel like they are being targeted by fierce beasts.

In addition to shining their eyes, the center of their foreheads is suspended with a new green light holy emblem. This holy emblem forms a translucent mask on their faces vaguely, but the specific function is not obvious by looking.

Their dress is obviously different from the warriors in other temples.

Instead of using the golden color that has caused eye fatigue in the eyes, it is dark green.

These blunt thorns are like armor made of thick thorns and vine skins. They have the wild charm of trolls, but they also have the order effect of artificial artifacts and the characteristics of precision.

In particular, the inner lining of these armor is high-quality fur, and it is specifically used as the edge of the armor, which forms a sharp contrast and set off.

The characteristics of the main elements of plants, animals, and nature are fully displayed through the armor. The degree of recognition is extremely high, and people can know what way it is at a glance.

This was transformed by Luohan's strong demand. Luo Khan pointed out that the priests of the temple are themselves the signboards, and sermons are not only spoken on the lips, but also pleasing to the eyes, and a sense of intimacy emerges.

Of course, in this respect, Kane is actually a wise man.

A beautiful and handsome military uniform, plus a successful promotional film, can make a country's enlistment rate.

The modern religions of the origin world, all bigger and stronger, also pay attention to appearance.

For example, Christianity, the clerics of other people are simple and solemn, and there is a fan when they look at it.

Since it is known that most intelligent creatures look at their faces, they work **** it.

So there is the current warrior of the natural temple, no gold and silver decoration is needed, and the magic light is up to the point, but it looks like there is a force.

Human spirit, the mount can not counsel.

The Yishuier tyrannosaurus only needs simple and practical armor and saddles to set off, and the effect is immediately available. It looks majestic and rides the pull wind.

Since Luohan took charge of the temple of nature, warriors in temples have rarely been out, even if there are at most, and they are wearing more durable training armor.

Today, he was officially dressed in a uniform. At the moment, it attracts the attention of people on and off the road.

In this area where temples are piled up, most of the roads at this point in time are nobles or freemen with some status. They are more appreciative than the people at the bottom. The sales of the natural temple warrior quickly won the big Praise of the majority.

Those who are more capable see the savvy of this team of warriors, well-organized, orderly, solemn, capable, and full of explosive force.

The commander of the team is a troll rage, standing taller than the ordinary trolls riding on the tyrannosaurus, muscular, armor is heavy, and it is indestructible when he looks at it, he carries the big flag In the stride of the meteor, the tyrannosaurus had to take a quick step to keep up.

Luohan is in the middle of the team, very prominent. Simply put, he is the only colorful in the team. The crotch tyrannosaurus has a grass-green skin, blue feathers, and a golden armor saddle. The crown of the head and the shoulder armor are also full of colorful feathers. At first glance, the fancy looks like a golden pheasant, but when you look closely, you find that the colors are harmonious, not eye-catching, but have a rainbow-like bright and gorgeous feeling.

Through the difficult Howling Corridor, the eyes became suddenly bright, but it never made people feel excited.

The Gobi desert, the gravel wilderness, there are no trees at all, even the thorny plants are sparse, the sky is turbulent and rolling, as fast as a horse, but it will never be exhausted, the sun can only reveal a short moment from the occasional gap, see The ground, the light of the sun and the shadow of the cloud form an irregular veined light wave flow that is easier to see on the sand and stone surface of the river bottom projected by the sun, and together with the strong wind create a strange and alternative atmosphere.

When faced with such a landscape, any life will inevitably produce the feeling that it is a forbidden place of life.

Then the knights were under the dark clouds, at the end of the field of vision, and saw the glorious eyes of Carlock? Sh, even in the daytime.

The reason why the Yinyan Church is willing to send a knight to come here is mainly directed at it. This is an irrefutable miracle. The Holy Flame Fountain of the Great Flame Great Church is dwarfed by comparison.

The team's senior priest Hilma Rahzan confirmed: "It is indeed silver flame, magnificent and unmatched, like the light of the sun, which is the characteristic of the eye of the 11th-level spell.

In the world of Dragons and Dungeons, all spells reach the apex at 9th level, and the 10th level is a legendary spell. Of course, the most famous one is the 12th-level spell. The first magical goddess of the world.

Whipping the horse, rolling the wheels, the team headed towards what the Silver Flame Church called the eye of the Holy Light ~ ~ Two days later, the Great Hart Castle gradually revealed its body on the gravel wilderness posture.

Its majesty is not only in itself, but also in the contrast of the surrounding environment.

If it is in the shadow and cliff area that rises to the cliff of Wancheng, it does not matter in height or volume, but it is a wilderness, common gravel, the largest is only the height of a person, a few meters in diameter, against such a background Next, Dazhebao looks super majestic.

"Where did the creator get the boulder to build such a behemoth?" Graverson couldn't help sighing.

"I heard that the creators have the skill of turning soil into stone. This kind of stone is different from rock in the true sense. They are stronger than steel, and they can also absorb magic energy to a certain extent and further strengthen them. "The accompanying investigator Gado Elsen of the Fort Corland Library said.

The Fort Corran Library is an organization, and the Ombudsman is a unique occupation in the world of Eberron. They are particularly good at solving mysterious events.

The Ombudsman is considered an advanced profession, and at the same time has a specific full-time scope. Elson belongs to foreign affairs, has some characteristics of an explorer, and has a higher ability than the Ombudsman.

Level 7 rogue, Level 5 ranger, Level 4 investigator, Gado has a total level of up to 16, and has become one of the first-class strong creatures in the world.

The Fort Corland attaches great importance to the creators, so he did not hesitate to ask for a seat from the Yinyan Church and send her to come.

Gravesen and Hilmar also hope to see the creator. Although they are both members of the church, they have different starting points. Graverson is military-oriented, and Hilmar is religious-oriented.

The Knights were welcomed by the Gashkar tribe, and the newly added sand lizard cavalry greeted them into the city.

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