Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 661: Blood sacrifice

Zuatu is divided into three areas: upper, middle and lower.

The outermost part of the lower zone is built on the flat ground.

In the central area, on the renovated stone platform, it was originally a rock mountain, which was greatly developed and mined. It was used to repair the city and build the wall, and the stone mountain was a little bit cut into the core structure of Zuatou. Foundation.

The location of the blood sacrifice is in the midtown area. Most of the officially organized activities are in this area, which is also the most concentrated area of ​​city-state facilities.

Kane and Semma stepped up and reached the blood sacrifice square, which was already full of people.

This square is not the largest in Zuatu, but the location is very good and the popularity is high, so the blood festival is basically held here. The Grand Plaza is generally only used for large-scale activities such as city-state war expeditions.

People stand casually on the square and look messy, but no one whispers and does n’t even make a loud noise, so they do n’t feel troubled.

In the center of the square is the temple warrior of the **** of snakes Hechs. Their armor looks gorgeous and sophisticated, the shoulder armor is a snake head with a big mouth, and the helmet is made from the skull of a python and inlaid. With gems as eyeballs, it looks lifelike.

And if you observe carefully, you will find that the equipment is not practical and has no constant spell effect. It is just the simplest magic power to attach and look at it.

When Kane arrived, the 13 trolls to be sacrificed by blood had been escorted to the center of the square by the warriors of Hess. They had only the most basic cloth to cover their private parts. White is the base color.

Kane can only interpret the contents of these oil paints with probability. The most conspicuous one is the green bone snake logo, which represents that this is a sacrifice to Hess.

The 13 trolls were all **** by Wuhuada, unable to move at all, and their eyes showed the light of despair and fear.

A Hessian warrior was already reading the sentence. According to his statement, most of these sacrificed persons were guilty of felony, and two others were exposed spies from other city-states.

But in Kane's eyes, his statement is clearly problematic.

There are at least four of the sacrificed people. They are usually treated with respect. Even if two of them are spies, there are also two from nobles and above. Obviously, the cruelty among the upper class of Zuatu is very cruel. of.

After the warrior publicly stated the crime, it was time for the priest to appear.

There are special facilities for the principal priest to take a break, and at this moment, under the protection of the samurai ceremonies, travel from the facilities.

At the back of the ceremonial ceremony is the musical instrument team, mainly tambourine and bagpipes of special musical instruments. They blow and beat. It sounds a little different in Kane, but it is not unpleasant.

But when the second part of the music looped, the Hessians on the square began to sing carols, and those who were not believers also sang along. It is said that this can increase the possibility of obtaining the blessing of the viper.

Kane scoffed at this statement, but some believed it.

So the atmosphere on the square quickly became rich, even if you ca n’t sing, if you do n’t know the words, you will also hum a few words, and many hums will converge into a buzz, and the effect can catch up with the Uranus superstar of the original world. The concert is now live.

It was in this chorus that the priest cast a spell and summoned a bust of Hess from the round platform in the center of the square.

Kane noticed that the priest used not the summoning technique, but the technique of activating the organ, that is to say, the bust of Hess was somewhere underground in the square. When the organ was activated, the **** would rise when needed. .

He estimated that the same is true of other gods,

Seeing the idol rise, the believers of Hess took the lead in prayer.

The song quickly weakened and replaced with prayer. Prayer became more and more neat, and the solemn feeling gradually came.

In the end, it was the drummer who used the drum to finish the prayer, and the square quickly became quiet.

On the altar, the ritual ceremony officially began. The priest danced the ritual dance in front of the crowd, twisted his hips and swayed his arms, and he had a very slow sense of nightclubs. Unfortunately, Kane Sun had no memory in this regard.

Kane thought that the sacrifice began officially, and it would not start until this troll-style rope was finished. Unexpectedly, people danced, killed, and jumped to one of the sacrificed people. From A dagger with a fang-like pattern drawn around his waist was a knife across the chest of an sacrificed person.

Kane looked at his technique and knew that the priest hadn't killed it with a sword on the battle front, but the pig-killing knife method used by the blood sacrifice was very slippery, neat, and the entry point was also well chosen.

Blood splattered, and a painful wailing was made by the sacrificer.

After the wailing weakened, the priest stepped forward to dissect on the spot. With the body of the sacrificed person still twitching, he skillfully took out his beating heart, held it high, and held his hands to Hirsch Place it in front of the altar directly in front of the statue.

After that, the priest danced again. This dance was obviously different from the previous one. It looked crazy, and brought on the afterimage, and cut out the hissing sound of a venomous snake.

That's right, the audience is large, but the sound is very clear, as if it sounded in everyone's ears, this is a divine trait.

Kane's spirit was revitalized. For him, only at this moment did the priest bring out a little dry goods. Simply put, he used divine power to perform the ritual.

The previous ones are nothing, and they can even be equated with the performances of the witches and gods, and once the divine power is used, it is really to build a bridge between people and gods and interact. This is dry goods.

Not only does it represent technology, but it can also feed back some of Cain's information through specific phenomena.

With the divine dance of the priest, some magical things happened, such as the sacrifice heart pulsating again, and then gushing out of the blood from the blood vessels, the blood volume is far beyond the volume of the heart.

The blood gushing out first filled the grooves on the altar, and then went against the common groove to connect the statue of Hess, and in the end, it looked like the two vivid fangs of the statue of Hess, The blood-like venom was continuously sprayed out, forming the blood flowing in the groove.

Even if this is a unique relationship, it is not clear where the source started from, but it has been running.

After completing this step, the priest was relieved from the dance of madness, but his face was sweaty, but his expression was exuberant. He picked up the back chopper with gold and silver in it. So that people can see the expression that still shows all kinds of painful details like a living person, and tell people out loud that the sacrifice has pleased Hirth, and Hirth is punishing the sacrificed person with venom, so that his soul ca n’t rest in peace.

The trolls in the square cooperated with awe and looked out in prayer.

Kane knew that this was simply a fool. After the establishment of the connection between man and god, it is all a matter of deception. It can be said that it is in front of the **** and deceiving the banner of the deity.

Some people think that the main purpose of the blood sacrifice is that God is so weak that he needs to rely on drawing the life energy from the blood to survive.

This is a wrong perception. God is a spiritual energy body and absorbs spiritual energy.

On the basis of knowing this information, looking at the blood sacrifice, one can draw a conclusion that it is an artificial channel of faith, which conveys the power of faith to God.

This operation is not a good way, it is equivalent to forcibly feeding God.

Because the power of faith transmitted in this way is negative. Fear, panic, and even resentment are inevitably mixed in it, and even the arrogant is the main component.

From Kane's point of view, this is just like using prescription drugs that have side effects, and good people can toss them.

At the same time, it can also be understood as an act of selling bad wine against water. The positive belief power is not enough, so just use this kind of stuff to make up.

This is a kind of harm to both parties. For the gods of the faith department, they are always washed away by the power of this inferior belief, and his thinking and state will inevitably fail. Over time, it is easy to fall and twist.

To say that the **** of faith is artificial is to refer to this.

The **** of faith is a manifestation of all thoughts. All thoughts are impure and impure, and even all kinds of negative, can you expect to produce good fruits?

For believers, this is also very painful.

Anything that forces you will be unpleasant, and the same is true of the belief. Intimidating and tempting you to make achievements is completely another kind of black coal kiln doing brute force.

That said for a long time, neither end is good, but those who are capable of playing this trick are cheaper?

The answer is no.

The divine power of the fallen **** is like dirty water. As a stream of priests used as a cutoff, can he use this sewage every day?

Then the question comes again. Why is this kind of detrimental to others, and why do some people do it and have fun?

Because this is at least a way. Even if drinking thirst quenches thirst, it is still working. Even if power has a negative attribute, it is also power. People are hungry, and the dirty bread in the trash can is placed in front of them.

That's probably what it means. There is no way to tinker with this set from a certain angle.

Of course, in Kane's view, they are not worthy of sympathy.

Because there is no way to be the general trend, under this general trend, the individual's desires and interests are also included.

In general, the situation is very complicated, there is pressure from the environment, there is also personal greed and ambition, and various factors are combined to create such a deformed thing.

I have long heard of trolls creating gods and killing gods. It is better to see them than a hundred times. Today, I have seen them. In addition to killing gods, you can also slip away like a cabbage. There is a good way of raising, depends on the use of depending on.

To put it bluntly, this is to live the belief system. God Loa may have been beautiful ~ ~ The image is also more positive, but now the scenery is no longer, it is weak, and there is only a shell of belief in power. Playing around is like a machine for enemas, once producing the famous fine meat red sausage, and now producing fatty meat starch sausage, the machine is still the same machine, but the raw materials and products have changed.

Hidden in the crowd, Kane looked at the treacherous faceless expressions of those who believed or believed, or forced himself to interact with the priests on the altar, feeling quite drunk and waking up watching the monkey drama.

The blood sacrifice just started at this time, after all, only one was killed.

Kill one, you can establish a connection for a period of time, and then just like the scene of a promotional event, the priest is like a host, throwing all kinds of burdens hard, and heating the atmosphere, you can send a wave of confusing powers of faith, and then Get divine feedback.

After receiving the divine power feedback, the priest scattered a wave of sugar, which is the blessing of divine power. Further enhance the atmosphere on site. Then another wave.

This is the general process, and of course it is not dead. For example, if you can't see the atmosphere on the spot, you can send the sugar first. This is how you can advance your strength first and then take it back later. In short, there are big accounts to manage. As long as it is profitable, it is not a busy job and you can still play in the future.

And the audience below is also from the awkward field, the cold field to the hot field, the excitement, a few waves of sugar sprinkled down, fascinated, I want me to want more, the power of faith has contributed in this state of excitement, was The atmosphere on the spot was infectious. Those who blindly followed, rather believed in others, believed!

"Now looking at it, I have thought about it a lot before. The gods of Loa are not only weak, but also confused by the consciousness of fake drunkards. There is no way to distract to see if there is an external **** approaching. As long as it is not coming from the open fire, then It may not be possible to find it by passing by. As for the priests, the routine is quite deep, but how much it has been inherited, it still depends on ... "Kane said to Alexstrassa and Ysera when he summed up afterwards .

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