Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 649: Round 1

Kane started with a group transmission, which directly disrupted the orderly battle queue that destroyed the other party and disrupted his rhythm.

The long-prepared shadow trolls all carried their spear rods in the card slot on the back of the armor, holding a spar waist knife in their hands. And the energy attachment has been carried out, and the blade is burning with a purple flame that will shine around.

As magic sword warriors, their extraordinary energy use is not as imparted to change as the caster, but more direct and bursting. This time, it was completely demonstrated,

After the group teleport is completed, these shadow trolls immediately cast a whirlwind, and at the same time urge the energy, so that the shadow flame attached to the waist knife can spread to a wider area.

I saw a piece of purple flame ripples blooming in the Atalai array, just like a blooming ephemeral flower, but soon it became a piece, either the Atalai sacrifice, or the soldiers, all submerged in this death In the flames.

Alexstrasza and Ysera were surprised by Kane ’s tactics and the killing efficiency of the Shadow Trolls. The biggest difficulty of this play is that there is also the same level on the opposite side. In general, like group transmission The spell-like method cannot succeed, and may even hit the opponent's arms, destroy the interference, and cause the magic to bite back. The opponent will fall into the stone and become very passive at once.

It is precisely because of this, like Alexstrassa and Ysera, when facing opponents of the same level, they always seem to be a bit handcuffed. When Nasario rebelled, they were a bit off the chain. If not, blue Sindargosa, the dragon queen, may not die.

But Kane couldn't see this limitation at all. The whole process was quick and smooth, and he didn't know whether it was good luck or strength. Maybe it was all a bit?

When the two queens thought that the battle had basically settled, there were new changes in the battlefield.

A scarlet pillar of fire rose straight up in the tide of purple flames. Through the dazzling light, you can see that at the root of each group of flames, there was a corpse sacrificed by Atale.

"Death sacrifice", the concept suddenly exploded in the minds of the two queens.

In a similar situation, they had seen it before when they met the minions of the ancient god.

In the battle of quicksand more than a thousand years ago, the Twilight believers basically **** the sacrifice sacrifice contract.

It is said that this contract will enable them to gain strength and have a long life. Once the death (unnatural death) occurs, the sacrifice is automatically activated, and all of your own, including the soul, is sacrificed to the other party of the contract, the faceless.

The faceless person is actually the beloved clan of the ancient gods, but the foreigners are more used to calling these octopus heads faceless. This description is quite apt, their heads are indeed like octopuses, sarcomatous brain shells, plus a pair of eyes with orange light, and below are tentacles, without a conventional face.

There is also a strong presence among the Faceless, such as Zakaz and Kisix, who killed Tyr, the King of Order, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are demigods.

The Twilight believers signed a contract with this kind of existence and sold themselves cleanly. Once killed in battle, it is often used by the faceless who cast the soul-eater technique.

Sure enough, the subsequent development of the battle was very similar to what the two queens had seen before. The slain Atalai rituals stood up again, the neck did not change much, but the head had become an octopus head.

This is no longer the original troll, but Enkiji devoured his soul, controlled his body, and came to the world like a corpse.

At the same time, Kane reminded them that once Kane signaled, the boot coffin that needed to be destroyed as soon as possible had changed. The tops of them burst out, emitting a large amount of bone residues, and there are spirits of trolls coming out from the inside in the form of light and shadow. Those bone residues fall on these light and shadows, just like the nuts on the sugar, quickly It is full, and then spliced ​​like a jigsaw puzzle to form a troll-style bone armor.

This is the first time Alexstrassa and Ysera have seen this level of undead spells. These souls with bone armor have crazy psionic fluctuations.

The movement is like a beast, jumping and slamming, powerful and swift, extremely wild, the enchanting blades of the shadow trolls often require several hits to solve them.

At this time, Kane saw a golden energy spear condensed in his hand and threw it out. After the spear left the hand, it immediately turned into a streamer and disappeared, and then appeared a golden thunder that had fallen from top to bottom.

It is precisely because of this peculiar attack that the Golden Thunder successfully bypassed the dense airspace of the blood-colored beam and appeared directly behind the Atalai array.

The main target of the Golden Thunder is an Atala troll with a ritual dance.

To be more precise, the huge voodoo mask with the bright feathers on the head of the troll is the key point that Kane wants to fight. It is a holy weapon, which is caused by the powerful energy fluctuations. Constantly diverging, the Atal Trolls of the entire battle front are nothing but the puppets under their control.

This is also the reason why the array of Atale Trolls is so organized. Not because the queues are usually performed well, but because they are unified and controlled, such as a commander.

Kane hit the key as soon as he shot, and of course did not forget to notify the two guardian dragons to start.

Alexstrasza and Ysera received prompts and immediately used their tactics.

It must be said that although this ritual hall is not small, it is still too suffocating for the two guardian dragons. It is not easy to act in real life, but the two queens will naturally not be troubled by this problem. Then, seeing them as humans, they generated light and shadow on the upper body of the dragon, and then the light and shadow spit flames against the coffins arranged vertically.

The two were in charge of one side, and the two sides of the hall were swept by the deep fire line formed by the flame of the dragon breath. In the extraordinary high-temperature flame with magical power, these coffins burst one after another, not a big explosion, but a crisp collapse , It became a pile, no longer in shape.

At this time, you can see the difference between these coffins and the coffin in the mask hall. These are the coffins of the souls. They collected the bones of many trolls. Of course, they are only symbolic. A few of the specific bones .

Kane also distinguished the differences through the details. The carvings of the coffin masks here, unlike the mask hall, have their own characteristics, but many coffins have the same shape. If these mask carvings are troll-style epitaphs, then the mask hall is obviously a personal signature, and here is a cemetery monument.

He noticed early in the morning that the coffins had special energy slowly operating, presumably because they had been turned into special magical equipment by his opponent.

Looking at this ceremonial hall, although the width is relatively limited, it is hundreds of meters in depth. If you are fighting here in a battle group, the party that can send troops from both wings is undoubtedly extremely advantageous. And Ysera, when there is a chance to destroy this layout.

And his attack obviously created such an opportunity.

The other party was obviously unable to look after the head. If he wanted to keep the voodoo mask holy, he could not stop the two queens' dragon breath.

The scarlet mask is generated like an upside-down pot, with a golden thunder chopped on it, like a torrent of current hitting the vaulted stone wall, splashing and scattering around.

The opponent carried Kane's blow, and it didn't look particularly strenuous.

Kane didn't care too much. In fact, after inspiring this blow, he was already preparing for another blow.

This time it was aimed at the war worms under his command. The opponent's soldiers were puppets. Isn't he right? As the master of the insect swarm, his strong point is to provide various auxiliary effects to the war insects, group transmission, but it is just a small knife.

The shadow trolls received Kane's signal and contracted and prepared.

Soon afterwards, in a purple flame rising from the sky, the shadow trolls evacuated the battlefield.

This was followed by a violent explosion. This explosion made full use of the principle of multi-point linkage resonance. Even the crystal armor of the Shadow Troll may not be low-grade.

The energy wind caused by the explosion can be clearly felt even hundreds of meters away. Kane's coat was blown and hunted, but it was the dragons and the hair was not messed up.

Of course, this does not mean that the dragons have better protection. The protection provided by their armor is relatively dull, just like being wrapped in a transparent shell. Kane ’s is stressful and has independent judgment. Ability, so that users can better get the experience of interacting with the outside world.

The big bang made the battlefield messy, even the pillars of straight blood flames were extinguished for more than half.

There is no doubt that this is a major blow to the Atale side. It can be said that a group of faceless people have just debuted and have not been shown their talents before they were completely killed.

In fact, this battle group in Atale has quite a few ways. At the beginning, the battle array is pushed forward, which can be regarded as an army regiment. When the bone armor undead joins the battle, many soldiers in this battle group will be immediately upgraded to the grassroots commander ~ www ~ Command a team of bone armor undead.

Those Atalai priests will provide a series of voodoo spell aids, and can even forcibly jump into the faceless, providing stronger spell support, and not necessarily death after death.

As a result, all of this was chopped by Kane's three axe. The powerful war group simply failed to gain the opportunity to show its strength.

Kane didn't appreciate it either. If the other party complained of grievance because of this, he would say that the other party was simply talking on paper. Just thinking about how amazing the output was after his own set of serial moves were exhibited, it was actually wishful thinking, opponent It's not a dead person. It's really weak enough to be rhythmically. It doesn't even need a photo album to finish it, and it has collapsed, and evenly matched people will not give this opportunity.

The battlefield is not a show, it needs to be simple but not simple. It can be split into small arbitrarily combined tactics. It is flexible, short and fast. On this basis, it is as high as possible to pursue high output. This is Kane's tactical philosophy.

As before, it seems simple, but after a small set of effective output that is not difficult, the combat power is immediately withdrawn. In the blazing shadow flames, the puppet trolls that have been eroded by the power of shadow have gained effective The treatment, whether it is a broken armor or a hand-wound body, is rapidly healing, and the energy and energy are also recovering, preparing for the next wave of combat.

However, Kane does not make the battlefield deserted. He has always bowed left and walked with at least two legs. The shadow trolls rest, isn't there a puppet of the holy light?

Now, it is also the time when they appear. Faceless people are the clan of the ancient gods. They are divided from the perspective of extraordinary power. They belong to the branch of the void system, and the Holy Light is their rival. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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