Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 436: Not necessarily brave

Unknown **** opponent, using Tianlei to create a wild mountain into a flame mountain.

Then the mountains and flame will be endowed.

The burning mountains collapsed one after another, the whole mountain, the whole mountain collapsed. That scene was only comparable to the super explosion of the Yellowstone volcano in 2012. The real mountain collapsed.

In this big explosion of fireworks and gravel, the giant Titans came out of the mountains as if these mountains were all bred with their eggs, and now it is time to break out of the shell.

As these giants walk, they gather the flames around them.

Massive flames formed countless streams of light and gathered towards the Titan.

Then these Titans began to emit light, and the light was transmitted through the cracks on the skin, and the inside was rapidly transformed into lava due to high pressure and high temperature.

However, there are some problems here, that is, Kane first condensed the "Spear of the World" and took away a lot of the magic essence of the area that was affected by the sky and thunder, including the flames and rocks, which reduced the Titans to a considerable extent. strength.

Originally, the person who was curled up suddenly stood up, with a stretched limb, which would bring the effect of inferior nuclear explosion. Now it is an ordinary cracked stone. The explosion effect is high-energy explosive level, and the power is obvious. Inferior.

As these Titans gathered, they fired beams at the side of Kane. The power was equivalent to the ordinary plasma guns on warships, tearing the air, making a harsh howling, and crossing the distance of tens of hundreds of kilometers. , Incredibly accurate.

Kane knew that this was because he was locked, and he was locked when crossing the boundary gate, which is probably one of the purposes of the opponent's arrangement of the boundary gate.

Of course, it can only be said that the other party took a small detour. After all, Kane? Zhao can't compare with the main body Kane, and compete with the true God. He is more loss in all aspects. Of course, he does have the possibility of opposing the other party to death. People are more cautious and understandable.

Faced with this level of confrontation, Tassada felt very powerless. He felt that he could drive the fleet over.

In fact, this is an illusion, and Tasada soon understood why he said that.

What happened in front of him constantly challenged his lower limit of cognition. Those Titans gathered from all sides gathered together while merging. The merger was very rough and violently collided, as if to squeeze the two bodies into one, and they also Indeed, the lava splashed, the crushed stones flew, and the merged Titan became a lava giant. There was no longer a cooled hard-shell skin, but a huge humanoid lava.

However, this is not the end of the merger, they are still further merging, but they have not become bigger, but each time, they will shed a layer of **** shell.

These shells fall like shattered dandruff, and do n’t seem to be heavy, but in fact the opposite is true. The high-temperature lava Titan is continuously creating an ascending hot air flow, which is rolled up to form a mist-like barrier. Those slags It can fall under this background, and the weight is not light.

Kane looked at all of this in his eyes and said: "Forcing him to be at least higher than Emmon in Pisa's Naga, waiting for a desirable carrier to be cast."

That ’s right, these Titans are playing tricks now, the focus is not on battleship-level plasma cannon strikes. Even Sky Thunder, which is like the purification light of the mother ship, ca n’t help Kane. What is Titan ’s strike? It is nothing more than keeping Kane idle, consuming a little bit.

The main purpose is to shape the carrier for the next divine decline.

This is the place where God is restrained. The main body is not to be able to come down, but to pretend to be a grandson.

The ‘Spear of the World’ by Shicai Kane is also reminding the other party, if you dare to come down and open up, I dare to gather the power of world repulsion and make you work hard and hurt, so you have to think clearly.

From the perspective of Tassada, he did not see where the spear of the world went. Anyway, the golden light that turned into a wind flew away, and then did not give back any effects, such as the Big Bang, and nothing happened .

But in fact this blow hurt the **** very much. Before Kane, he had never encountered the existence of such extraordinary skills.

The result is like a human body that has not yet developed drug resistance. The first use of anti-inflammatory drugs is always particularly effective, and the devil is in a stroke.

It is about the degree of vomiting and diarrhea, general food poisoning, but Kane's experience and ideas make him use the gods of the DND universe to measure the gods. Those gods not only have to fight the devil in the nine layers of **** and the devil in the endless abyss He also has to fight against heretics, often fighting for priesthood and faith. One or two old fritters are fighting. The experience of warfare is very rich.

Kane missed the opportunity to quickly end the war.

Facing the Titan, which is constantly condensing the body of the element, after Kane propped up the protective force field, he directly transmitted Tassadar and Xiongwei.

Tasada they left with a mission.

Here, they are burdensome, but in other places, they can help him.

The Protoss feels that the scene in front of them is blurry and distorted. Look, it has reached the periphery of a huge city. The burning area where Kane is located is hundreds of kilometers away. Even so, you can still see the blazing flames, reflecting the sky dome, because the edge of the burning area is less than 5 kilometers away from them, and the city is based on the mountain. Jian, their party is on the mountainside of the highest mountain.

"Warriors, all cheer up, follow me." Settling down, Tassada took command and led the Protoss warriors and Xiong Wei into the city.

The city was really run down and deserted as Kane said, and it was full of a dark atmosphere.

The fire that illuminates the sky in the distance can not bring much light to the city, but instead forms more and darker shadows and quiet areas.

"We are light, we salute the darkness!"

This is not a slogan, this is the language of sacrifice, and it is the specific content that Kane asked them to help. In the name of sacrifice, killing the evil spirits in this waste city, Kane will get the power of an area for every clear space. The benefits.

Tassada, waving their shining energy weapons, they soon encountered evil spirits.

Some evil spirits rely on the infested items, such as broken teapots, rotten brooms and the like, to form the body, sharpen and energize to achieve the effect of weapons, and some are wrapped with elemental substances that have been thoroughly refined, such as mud, Flowing water, iron powder, and frost, which use it as a medium container, form a semi-luminous object, and fight against the existence of the real world.

The highest level can directly crystallize part or even all spiritual energy.

What makes the Protoss profoundly influential is a spirit body with peculiar scarlet claws, the hands are gaseous, the joints are liquid, the knuckles and claws are solid, and the rest of the body is plasma, which is energy . As a result, a pair of glowing scarlet claws flew up and down in the darkness, strange and unpredictable, and extremely sharp, and the psionic protection of the protoss could not stop it for a few times.

But under the command and leadership of Tassada, the Protoss bravely fought against these strange enemies. After a short period of discomfort, they quickly got started.

As for Xiong Wei, there is no need to worry about those fearless guys.

In fact, Xiong Wei's fighting style is very mentioning. Each of them regards himself as a heroic unit. No matter how many enemies there are, they dare to charge alone.

However, the cooperation between them is actually quite good. There are always people who are covering one another, attacking, or even charging.

Kane called this the Spartan warfare. The essence of the Spartan warriors in battle is not actually battle formation, but elite + tacit cooperation. The Roman phalanx, as well as some of the east, such as the one in the camp, is a battle formation, which relies more on the joint force of the team built by the discipline, rather than the individual bravery and strong professionalism.

Tassada they fight in the Abandoned City, Kane side suffers damage, and at the same time breeds killing tricks.

Because he devoured the divinity of the Cthulhu system when he became a god, he was more or less affected. When he expanded his strength and looked down from the sky with the eyes of true sight, he could see a huge amount of darkness on the earth. The tentacles spread in all directions.

The effect was as if he were a white hole. Although he was not big, he could eject infinite things. At a central point, he could detect ten thousand times the controllable energy of the core volume.

These tentacles are not as thick as buckets, soot is rolling, but flat, like the shadow is removed on the wall, and the sea grass is floating in the water, giving a feeling of being affected by buoyancy and water flow.

This is Kane using his night to cast his spells. Darkness is his home court. Although his opponent has an advantage over him, at least he pulls it back.

At the same time, huge and crystalline crystals are constantly appearing around Kane's body, and condensed into huge eyeballs by pixel imaging.

The diameter of the eyeball is more than one meter, the general deconstruction is similar to the human eyeball, and the iris is golden.

After the eyeballs are shaped, the lava Titans are almost assembled. They have become eight small people nearly 50 meters high (relative to the time when the shell broke out), and the natural release of power on their body is dozens of the original. It ’s almost like a day of destruction that has been driven by energy (Superman ’s opponent), the place is like a thunderstorm environment, the current rages, and everything collapses.

Seeing that the Lava Titan had approached, his eyes floated up and released a cone of light.

The irradiated lava Titan thought it was an energy strike, crossed his arms across his chest, trying to block the energy strike. It turned out that this kind of irradiation seemed to be harmful.

There is no harm, it does not mean that there is no effect. Each light spot floats out of the body of the lava Titan, and then turns into a stream of light, flying to the eyeball.

Because of the speed of light, what you see from a human perspective is that the light disappears after a flash of light.

This kind of light flickering becomes more and more dense and frequent with the continuation of the irradiation. Later, countless small pieces of light formed a large area of ​​colorful shining, and flew along the illuminated area formed by the cone-shaped radiation of the eyeball.

Then suddenly, the Lava Titan stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the black tentacles tangled up from the giant's feet.

This entanglement is still not three-dimensional, but a two-dimensional effect, like a shadow moving on the wall.

Such an attack, the Lava Titans have no alternative.

This is Kane's ability to gain a better understanding of related magic after getting more space knowledge from Protoss in this universe-Shadow Tentacle! Although this kind of tentacle is generated and consumes mysterious material, it is worth it now.

When Kane was in the dark HP world, the company he started was called the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce. Not only because of the stalk of the eye of the Sauron of the Lord of the Rings, but also because he is unique in this respect.

As the master of the blood worm group, he always pays attention to investigation and surveillance. After all, this is part of control.

With this as the starting point, there are more techniques related to 'pupil'.

Like the one cast on the lava titan now, called the Dark Sacred Eye, its purpose is not to injure itself, but to illuminate the other party ’s light power through the power of darkness and draw it away.

This method is like taking water with fire, roasting it, creating steam, and then condensing the steam into water droplets.

The principle is like this, but it looks domineering. When the eyes are glared, the light in the other party's body is drawn out endlessly.

The loss of light power makes it more convenient for the power of darkness to take advantage of the void and complete the infection.

When the dark tentacles are filled with the body of the lava Titan, it is shown that all the body parts are covered by the shadow of the tentacles. Then, the Titan is like a burning coal, and the whole is dimmed into a huge and rough stone sculpture, still Don't move.

Then next ...

The **** who fought against him used the mountain to breed the Titan. The main purpose was to fuse into the body of the element. Therefore, even if he was in the mountains at the time of the war, there were mountains broken nearby and turned into a Titan. These big men did not directly come to him. Trouble ~ ~ It's impossible to hit mosquitoes with cannons. The other **** is clearly aware of this.

Therefore, Titan is constantly condensing the essence and shaving off the slag. On the one hand, it allows the carrier to withstand the soul and has enough magic to cast the art. On the other hand, it is because at the level of the deity, it is no longer possible to simply consider physical strength No loss, it depends on the energy throughput efficiency.

Almost every deity has its own size, and this data is not static.

Because Kane is a new god, he doesn't need to worry too much in this respect. Human form, complete the transformation of the divine body, is enough to accommodate the divine power.

Not to mention the secondary avatar, so the body of the secondary avatar is the energy treasure, but it is those extraordinary objects such as the tabard, which need to open up a special space for storage.

The hostile **** saw that the lava Titan was turned into statues one after another, and did something unexpected to Kane. He even opened the temporary space door and let the remaining lava Titan escape from the battlefield.

Although it was an accident, but the reason Kane did understand in seconds, the other party was distressed!

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