Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 387: Fierce battle in the stump

If we had to look at the problem from the perspective of the essence of religion, that is, brainwashing, we would draw an interesting conclusion:

Xingling's Kalai clan is basically honest children, willing to believe in fooling around. Through this faith, they think they have found the harmony and tranquility of the soul they need.

The Nelaxin clan, which is rich in dark templars, is a collection of small and clever people. They are unwilling to believe in fooling, they are more free-minded, have their own beliefs and pursuits, and are not bad in nature.

Tadarin is a concentration camp for ambitions and villains. Even if there is a muddy minority like 'Cui San'er (Drister of the City of Mossoble), he can't mix it up, or he can run away (basically don't To), or to be bent (the one that pursues the chain of ascension).

There are a few other clans, which are not as distinctive as these three, with a small number of people and limited influence. Needless to say.

Against this background, it is not surprising that Aldarus took the lead in exploring Leviathan's wreckage and looking for brain worms.

Although he is proud, his ingenuity, ability and character are not outstanding, but his character is okay.

He is not the type of "brothers give me", nor is it like the high-level lord of Tadarin, and he always responds to his subordinates: "Come and serve me! ‘Then we ’ll do psionic extraction and even sacrifice.

Aldarius learned the failure lessons of the Lyon Marine Company's annihilation, step by step, and did not forget to build in the process of progress. There was a ticket detection machine in the team, and every time a node position was reached, the detection machine would first fold the crystal tower into place. .

These are roughly shuttle-shaped, with a gold hoop-like material hoop in the middle. They are expensive like other astral creations. They have existed for a long time. They are the products of craftsmen's craftsmanship. Most of them originated before the Golden Age.

At that time, all the Protoss spirits dreamed of exploring deep space, with one heart and one desire, and great progress in civilization. In the following years, it was not possible. The Protoss of the leadership was tired of exploration, and the social status of inventors and craftsmen was low.

Against this background, the Protoss has been playing religion all these years. The good point is the construction of spiritual civilization. The hard point is to study how to brainwash and make the society harmonious and stable.

After all, the material has been greatly enriched and has basically lost upward momentum. So how do you pass a long life? This is a problem. It is inevitable that someone will be a demon. For example, some Protoss began to question the rationality of the caste system. Born to be a ruling order, is this appropriate?

Aldaris is a high caste. It can be said that as long as his performance is above the level, then the future will definitely be an executive officer, a law enforcement officer and the like.

He is not particularly sensitive to this, but takes it for granted. A similar kind of thing also extends to the attitude towards using utensils.

Like the photon turret that was set up next to the crystal tower fold and set up, he felt that my Daxingling equipment can be played everywhere and sharply everywhere.

Each crystal tower surrounds a circle of photon fort, which is exactly six. Peripheral areas can also break personnel and other units.

In this way, each point has a defensive ability, and can deflect personnel to assist defense as needed, very flexible. Like it right.

However, it didn't take long for the challenge to appear. First, the unit escaped. Zerg attempted to approach the ground and destroy the photon fort.

The capabilities of these photon turrets are actually quite outstanding, as long as the target is not too deep, the lower limit is about 7 meters, it can be detected and attacked. The power of the photon cannon is not bad, and the shot photon ball is not only erosive , It can still explode.

In addition, the design of the photon turret is also worth mentioning. It is divided into two parts: the base and the suspended turret. The nearly circular turret is suspended above the dish-shaped base. It can be said that there is no dead end except for the base underneath.

However, here is inside Leviathan. Leviathan is a creature and a big bug. It has a blood line that carries nutrients and a lumen that is extremely convenient for the bug to use.

The more the hub-like node area, the more abundant and dense the blood vessels, lumens, and the like. It is a highway of Zerg version.

Zerg is like a canoe to play the rapids warrior through these highways to quickly reach the area.

Therefore, the rapid troop transport is in place, not only for the protagonist of the Protoss, but also the worms and even humans have their own ways of playing.

It is clear that Aldarith has not yet clearly realized, or unwilling to believe, that Zerg is actually a qualified opponent and a strong enemy that can turn Protoss's head into a dog's head.

So when the protoss step by step, the worms are also actively operating, and then wait for the prostheses to lay almost, the worms give them a big surprise.

When it comes to sending troops quickly and with a lot of speed, Zerg does not accept any race. Especially in the local battles nowadays, a large number of bugs come out of the ground, and once they appear, they are already very close to the photon fort.

The photon turret is indeed sharp, wherever the bright white light ball goes, the worm is like paper paste, and the flesh and blood splashed is blown, but unfortunately it has a limitation of the shooting frequency after all, which is not comparable to the machine gun.

Of course, Aldarus is proud of Protoss equipment, and the universal use of energy shields is one of them.

To elaborate further, Protoss' energy shield can achieve full protection against external attacks, but his own fire can not be affected by the shield barrier. This technology is not available to humans. The battle cruiser also has shields, but its muzzle is unprotected.

Protoss not only has an energy shield for all equipment, but also has a special charger for the energy shield, which can recharge equipment and personnel.

As a result, a large number of worms suddenly appeared, and the turret clusters besieging each node, not afraid of life and death, fangs and claws were on the same level, but the light blue translucent, vaguely visible protective cover of the hexagonal luminous skeleton continued to appear due to attacks , Flash, but it will not break, nor will it disappear.

The AI-controlled photon turret always maintains a stable shooting frequency, and at once it will bombard the worms into flesh and blood residues.

Aldaris and others were informed that after the Zerg fully attacked the node, they naturally jumped into the defensive battle. This time the Protoss has three arms, fanatics, dragon knights, and high-level templars.

Zealots are melee units. Their main weapon is a psionic blade with a forearm armor. Above the back of the hand, it is more than a foot long and looks like a light cone, so it is also called an arm blade or psionic cone.

This kind of energy blade, which is called nothing and nothing, actually has its upper limit. At least the single-molecule claw blade of the Zerg can fight with you.

The Dragon Knight can be understood as the Prototype's heavy-duty power armor, which is generally controlled by Protoss disabled people.

Kane has never understood that Protoss ’s technology is so advanced, but he ca n’t even get a limb regeneration, not to make such canned weapons, dragon knights, immortals, and even figuratives. Protoss. The driver soaks in a device similar to an amniotic fluid tank, and uses special psionic connection equipment to control the equipment in a telepathic manner. This is the essence of canned weapons.

Just like the Hydra is not only thorny and acid spray sharp, but also the fan blade sickle claw is also powerful, the Dragon Knight is not only a powerful shooting weapon, its deconstruction is reminiscent of the mechanical legs and sickle claws of arthropods such as spiders. , Is also a weapon of combat.

Aldarith himself is a representative of the high-level Templars, wearing a big cloak, floating and moving, and always has a phase remnant behind him.

These are not for comparison, or just for comparison, the cloak is a protective weapon, and the phase afterimage can allow the high-level templars to choose the position of the body and the afterimage at any time to achieve the purpose of avoiding fatal blows.

Ardaris took a dry protoss to fight the fire, and the fans used the charge skills to rush into the Zerg group at high speed, and then used superb fighting skills to fight.

The dragon knight is like a free shooter, cruising on the battlefield and shooting from time to time. Many times they are for the fanatics. When they are deeply surrounded, they will use the phase teleportation skills to get rid of.

This skill will cause a certain burden to the Dragon Knight, which cannot be used continuously, and has a certain skill cooling time.

Al Daris usually acts under the guard of the guards. He mainly projects energy **** to strike, and sometimes releases the psionic storm.

His psionic storm can not only kill the enemy, but also add a certain energy shield for his family. This is a unique technology of the Kalai clan, and neither Nelasin nor Tatarin ’s Protoss can do it. Of course, they also have their own technical strengths.

In this battle, the overall feeling is that the Protoss are relying on their technical superiority to make comparisons. The supply of the charger can protect them from worries, and the superb fighting, tactical skills, and Kara ’s spiritual link can also allow them to cooperate with each other and show their skills in the battle, and win less.

Of course, there are also those who are rushing through the waves, or are unlucky ghosts. Zergs use the number and tyranny to prove that the Protoss warriors who have lost their energy shields will be torn apart in seconds.

It ’s crazy bloodthirsty, so is the style of Zerg. Their lives are relatively short. Even if they are alive, most of the time they are blank, sleeping or dazed. Their fighting skills are born and engraved in the genes, just like the beast one. Know how to use their minions at birth.

Ordinary beasts need to play to familiarize their minions when they are young. Wild ones must practice their skills in practice. Although their skills are often only three-axes, they are absolutely sharp. After all, the survival pressure is great, hunting Repeated defeat, will gradually lose weight until starved to death.

Zergs are not like this. Zergs carry a huge amount of information in their genetics, as if they have been compressed. They are professional combat weapons and are equipped with professional combat techniques.

This technique is still awkward, but there is a lot of additional information. Although it is not dare to say that a born veteran is a veteran, a qualified soldier has definitely met the standard.

The rest is through practice, unity of knowledge and action.

They are simple and simple in mind and focus on killing. Therefore, in the original history line, such a situation often occurs. Three or five jumpers + a Hydra can capture a human town and even slaughter it. It makes people feel that the various performances of humans in the town are stupid. In fact, it is not that humans perform poorly, but that worms often occupy various hidden advantages, and the fighting time is often extremely cut off. In a flash, there is a little negligence. Or hesitation is the difference between life and death.

The same is true right now. The Protoss are long-lived species. They are called young people in their 200s. The Templar warriors simply understand that they are out-of-service warriors, and their daily work is to hone their fighting skills. It is conceivable how high their professionalism is.

But even so, the Zerg can still find a gap between them and let them deal a fatal blow. Even through death to create opportunities for companions.

The latter is undoubtedly very scary, not only embodies the madness of Zerg, but also shows that they do not lose to the wisdom of humans and Protoss.

Facing such a fierce and cunning brutal opponent, the Protoss are also quite tricky.

But anyway, this wave, they can cope with it.

Aldaris also cheered for everyone afterwards, saying that the army of the worms had been slaughtered.

What he meant was that the number of worms in Leviathan's wreckage was limited, and after the death of this ticket, it would be difficult for the worms to launch a battle of this scale.

That's right, but Aldarius still underestimated the Zerg, or missed two points.

The first is that there are actually more worms in this area than he thought, and there are more.

The second is that he is facing a civilization, not a group of beasts. The reason why Zerg can be famous for explosives is because of its strong production capacity.

Here is a mind-blooded ~ ~ As early as when the human marines tried to attack this place, the brain worm had already commanded the worm, from the priority of repairing this block to the priority of the fight.

Brain Worm is very clear, as long as it can hold back, the final victory is its own, because it has contacted other blocks and has a fairly good grasp of the overall situation.

It can be said that although Kane's glass **** fleet hit the Zerg with water as soon as he came up, from a certain point of view, the real damage was far from the surface. If you want to completely wipe out the worms here, you have to take the attitude of attacking a dwarf planet completely occupied by worms.

It is impossible to let the killed Leviathan come back to life, but with the recovery ability of the Zerg, it is entirely possible to glue it into a super space fortress.

Zerg can also collect materials that have been spilled before, and even corpses can be reused.

This kind of re-eating of my own vomiting and even internal organs is quite disgusting, but I have to say that it is really awesome, so in this dark universe, Zerg is recovering with unimaginable efficiency. Neither the Protoss, nor the human beings represented by Lyon Fox have failed to really value ...

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