Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 244: Beneficiaries are sought after

A secondary artifact, that is also an artifact, is rich in information. It is a very high-end device that is powered by extraordinary power.

Most of these artifacts are not used for fighting, but are similar to the holy grail of Rachel Ayr. They are used for production or life. For example, a mirror with a good injury can be taken in one shot, and the basic ingredients are put in Can produce all kinds of delicious lunch boxes.

These magical items are all set up with super encryption, and the people of the Holy See cannot use them, but they do not want them to fall into the hands of evil incarnations or believers, but can only be sealed and guarded.

The power figures of the Holy See who proposed to use these artifacts as exchange chips said that these things, for us, are tasteless.

Even if we have the technology and the power to use it, we still face more demand gaps, and most of them will not be the first choice.

And when the technology and power have been ample enough to freely transform them, their value will be just like that. The same kind of creations derived from our own technology system may be used more smoothly.

The most important thing is that, according to the normal deduction, this has to be at least 2000 years later. Watching them for 5000 years, continuously solving various problems caused by it, what is the cost? Can it be posted?

So this is not an IQ problem, what is the problem?

Taking this kind of artifact to change the artifact of our home system, or an artifact that can bring us real benefits, not only throwing away the pot, but also benefiting, the trade-offs, how cost-effective is this sale?

I didn't do this before, because I didn't encounter artifacts with exchange value, and people who were able to trade with us.

Now I have.

"The Holy Grail, it's about whether we can use the holy advent in the last ten years before dawn, and we can't overestimate it. But we are not suitable for tearing with Kane? Shafiq, just look at his black guard Werewolf Combat Team, look at his own performance in the capital of the dead, and tear apart from this black king, how much life do we have to fill? "

"We want to get the Holy Grail in order to have enough combat power to deal with the last 0 years, and even the monsters and monsters that raged in the first years of the magic wave. If we tear up with Kane and lose a lot of combat power, then we even take In the Holy Grail, there is no short time to make up for the lack of combat power. "

"As long as we support the current situation, we will become the biggest winner in the context of magic recovery. Those incarnations of evil spirits, believers, and all kinds of ulterior motives are just clowns. Every day, the power we gain They are 100 times and 1000 times theirs. This is determined by the scale. How can a small workshop fight an oversized factory? "

"So our aim is to stay out of the way as much as possible, while throwing up bait while saving and preventing, let those crazy dogs grab and fight. And at the beginning, we can't do too explicit, we have to make some right For us, the so-called benefits of no value, let Kane Shafick do things for us. "

"When the deal is negotiated, we can use more gods as chips to let us find the lost sacred objects such as the Ark for us. Every time we get one, we will be stronger, and Kane Shafi Every time Ke gets one, he will be coveted by an extra force. When we need it, we will burst out the news. When he wants to dump the bag, someone has to believe it. "

"And all of this needs a good start. It shouldn't be too explicit to avoid being noticed by the cunning guy and sitting on the floor. This time is the opportunity. The Holy Cross Corps cooperated with him for reasonable reasons and not reluctantly."

Su Qin and Zhang Yi, a good-spoken lobbying nation, the power gangsters were said to be tempted. This is the reason behind the rare and decisive rapid cooperation between the Holy See and Kane through the Holy Cross.

Since it is cooperation, Kane is naturally open to conditions.

One of the conditions is to allow him to cooperate with the British secular official to search for the living corpses and the society behind them.

Yes, the Holy See agreed.

But to the surprise of the Holy See, Kane did not cooperate with secular officials on the basis of his guards, as a baron of the secular highlands.

Instead, the British Ministry of Magic was brought in, and most families of British wizards were pulled into the water. One family and one representative made a big project.

This project can be called the icebreaker of the wizard after the hidden world, and can count a bunch of firsts.

At the same time, it is the kind of perfect work with a score of 00 and a completion score of 20.

It made the British secular official, the British Ministry of Magic, and even the British wizard have a face.

The British always miss the Victorian period, because for them, it is the most proud period. The sun never sets, the colonies spread all over the world, and the national power is unprecedentedly strong ...

It is impossible to reproduce this kind of splendor. The basic position of Britain, the area of ​​the country, and the number of people have limited it. In the new era, it is the European Union, the United States and the United States .

The comprehensive factors such as land area, climate, and population determine the potential of these three places. The reason for the potential is that they have their own problems to be solved. Whoever solves them well will be the leader in the future. .

However, the United Kingdom, who once sat on the throne alone, has always missed the years when he was a big brother, and his children and grandchildren also have a mentality of ancestry from top to bottom.

Of course, even if there is something like World War II, Britain is still not bad. Their ancestors plundered the world, which really left them with too much wealth. It is not easy to lose.

But with money and status as a great power, the power is getting smaller and smaller and more and more precious. The British feel very unpleasant. This is all-round, from the queen to the people, from secular to extraordinary.

The world's economic and cultural center of gravity has long been shifted. With NATO's stunning military performance in Iraq headed by the United States, the United States has already dominated the world and sought solitary defeat.

Correspondingly, it was the humiliating performance of Britain in the Anglo-Arama War in 1982. Aftermath is still gone, NATO friends often chew like dishes, not to mention the French who have been grudges and hatred for hundreds of years.

The search for live corpses, however, demonstrated the ability thoroughly.

Look at the opening of Hell's Gate, and then look at our side. You are not good at plugging a pit. Hupeng and Youyou called a lot, and the last place was chicken feathers and hastily ended.

What about us? The living corpses are already lurking in the private sector, more than 700 families involved, and arrested at the same time, 00% success rate, no leakage, no disturbance to the people.

This is the ability of our British official, British Ministry of Magic, and British wizard.

French official spraying acid water: Is that okay for you? Is that Kane Shafick too good?

The British laugh: May I ask Kane? Which country is Shafick? Are there any British people born and raised?

We have the chief white wizard of the whole world, and we also have the chief war wizard, which is called the successor, and even the strongest Dark Lord is made in the UK.

So, do n’t talk about the most energetic American Wizards of Magic and American wizards. You have n’t cleaned up a huge stall of bull ghost shrines!

Don't tell me what inland Europe is the birthplace of wizards. How many generations of old things are about inheritance, power, and development, or are we in the UK wizarding world.

Countries are speechless.

It's conceivable that Britain is happy from top to bottom, and how ruthless Kane's reputation is.

Therefore, in comparison, the actual situation is more severe and more urgent than the opening of the door to hell, and the degree of attention and influence are not so great. At least outside of France, the Thunder operation that hunted for living corpses is more famous than the power-off operation that Kane and his followers have done.

After taking such a big step, it succeeded in not getting eggs, and the Holy See could only pinch his nose to recognize it.

Kane became the biggest beneficiary of the incident.

Prestige is an intangible asset that is hard to brush off. After Kane brushed this wave, the position of the gangster was stable, and the world knows that there is such a number one person, whose age is very high, and the future is limitless.

Looking back at the Hellgate opening event, after the Holy Cross and Kane reached a cooperation agreement, Kane and his team immediately started work.

After Kane entered the 5th district to understand the actual situation, they really realized the embarrassment of the Holy Cross.

Their methods have achieved suppression and suppression, but they cannot be eliminated. Their wounded and material delivery teams were harassed and blocked, and the deeper the combat team was, this situation became more and more intensified, and then on the basis of the penetration of evil spirits, the people of the Blood God and the Secret Society also engaged in penetration Reverse the operation of the crackdown.

An important reason why the Holy Cross Army invited Kane to take action is that the night has quietly come, the suppression effect is even worse, and the enemy has a further additional bonus, which makes the impulsive Holy Cross Army completely fell into The situation of advancing and retreating.

Fortunately, the cooperation agreement was quickly reached, and Kane was indeed able to deal with the opponents of the dark line.

Under the formation of the magic circle, the occupied area was quickly purified. During the formation, there were also evil spirits, blood gods, and even demon servants. However, the Sigma Werewolf has extraordinary combat power, sharpness in the distance, high defense and high recovery, and high-speed charge and terrible force. Put it right with them, you have to drink hate on the spot if you are not careful.

There is also a dexterous attempt to destroy the magic circle, and then once the magic circle is set up, it will enter the first stage of operation, followed by a special flame, and the negative energy around it is the endless supply of energy for each other, which cannot be destroyed. There is also a risk of being bitten.

In the end, these infiltrators can only watch the area being purified, and they ca n’t run away. During the purification process, the entire purification area is in a high-energy state. For Kane, the map is full of light, Sigma The werewolves killed in the past with a clear direction, and these infiltrators were all slammed.

At the forefront, the fierce firepower of the Sigma Werewolf killed a large number of cannon fodder units, forcibly conquered key nodes, and then rounded up. Those who fled slowly were trapped in the encircling circle, and eventually disappeared.

At 20:20, after the Montmartre Heights, District 5 was captured by the Holy Cross Army, and Kane also arranged for a thorough purification here.

And Kane also harvested a batch of energy crystallization. There is also a valuable order.

It turned out that the officers and soldiers of the Holy Cross legion, fancy the paramilitary traveller series of portable equipment. They even asked whether the legendary Terminator was sold, quite a bit of the grandeur of the Middle Eastern oil king.

There are naturally teachings from the Holy See, but the traveller series products are indeed good, and the buying hearts of the officers and soldiers of the Holy Cross Army are still more sincere.

Kane naturally knows that fortune, on this planet, the Holy See says first, and no one dares say second. Compared with others, the little wealth he accumulated was shallow like a piece of plastic paper in the wind.

Even the retreat that was split from the Holy See was far more valuable than him.

Do not believe? In 853, on the other side of the Scarlet Mountain Villa on the other side of the Scarlet Villa, see what kind of food Yin Xiu will prepare for Gao Frei.

It can be said that if Godfrey was arguing, he digested the intellectual wealth and magical things contained in the temples sealed in the temple mountain. What has the incarnation of Hasta, the incarnation of Shabu, the goddess of youth Eden, the Valkyrie, all come Only kneeling.

Maria's Temple of Stars, even if it took advantage of the Hermitage. Of course, he also paid off, sending away a true **** and cultivating a true god.

As for whether the hidden repair will seize the opportunity ~ ~ that is their own problem. They must have related technology.

Conversely, Gao Frei or Alice, whether they can grasp their own destiny, cooperate with the Yinxiu Society, or even surpass that force, or cooperate with other forces and individuals to make a big move, That is also their own problem.

At 20:30, Paris, France 4th district.

Montmartre Heights and Zone 5 have all been cleared. Before Zone 4, when the bounty wizards used their strategy, they finally won 5% of the zone.

According to the latest professional deduction of the staff, the blood **** and the secret society basically failed this time.

The time it takes to open the gates of **** is extended to more than nine days, and they can't afford it.

However, Kane still did not relax his vigilance.

It is not to say that I do not believe the calculation results of the staff, and that there will be other variables.

Instead, he considers that the other party can perform another mode of operation ...

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