Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: Give divine grace to save the world

Text Chapter 1492: Giving God's Grace to Save the World

Kane surrendered justice, got a slave of the evil god, and retaliated fiercely against the master behind it.

The original criminals not only took their lives back, but also watched a blockbuster movie for free.

Kane thinks this is a very good win-win start. With this as an entry point, he can quickly grasp the situation in Avignon.

He looked at the three investigators with positions similar to plainclothes police detectives. Seeing that they were all in awe, he took out badges, introduced himself and stated his intentions: "I am the envoy of the **** of light and the palace of the kingdom. Mission, I also like to start from solving specific problems, talk about the situation in Avignon, from the perspective of your work."

The three looked at each other, and the process of identifying whether it was the kingdom’s imperial mission was rigorous and lengthy. However, the situation is obviously special right now. Kane has already used actual actions to prove the strength and identity of his god’s human spokesperson.

Even the Cthulhu's deity dared to summon, and then took advantage of the situation to return. Such courage and such ability are sufficient to prove the strength of this **** envoy and the power of the light **** behind it.

His own combat power and the status of a divine envoy were enough to enjoy the highest courtesy. Even if he wanted to see the king, the king would have to receive him personally, which would not be considered rude.

In this context, why pretend to be Gonghou?

As a result, the three of them believed in Kane's identity almost immediately, saluting solemnly, calling them adults, and reporting their names.

Schultz, Lange, Hannah.

Just by hearing the names, these three people are from the core ethnic group of the Weimar Kingdom.

This is easy to understand. Even though this Charolais has been ruled by Weimar for hundreds of years, the official Weimar institutions still prefer to use Weimar people, not just a matter of trust.

Weimar's official system is ultimately established on the basis of the Weimar people's culture and habits, which is more suitable for people of this nation.

Before the three talked about the situation in Avignon, the leader Hanna had the courage to ask about the situation of the military and police like Kane, and hoped that one person could handle the aftermath.

Kane readily agreed. Under his coercion, this Hannah can still proceed from a work perspective, consider comprehensively, make bold proposals, and be a competent grassroots commander.

At this time, except for a few of the military and police, all the others were sober.

Because the memory is too deep, they can't forget the cry and the horrible look of the slave of the Heretic God, but there is a light mark. Whenever they think about it, they will wake up the mark at the same time, and the two will cancel each other. There is no need to see a psychologist. I am afraid I will believe in God of Light in the future.

Although there is a suspicion of taking advantage of the vacancy to enter the preaching, this is really not Kane's original intention, he just chose the most cost-effective method.

And with the doctrine and credibility of God of Light, preaching does not need to take advantage of others.

In addition to the military and police, there are many wounded and dead in this large courtyard. After all, this is a stronghold of a cult. Fighting against the slaves of the evil **** is just the last boss battle of the clearing and suppression stronghold.

Seeing that it would take a lot of time to deal with the aftermath, Kane greeted him and flew to the sky again.

Before he looked down at Avignon from the air, he noticed that there was more than one problem. It's just that this place is already a critical point, so it is the first choice.

Soon after flying into the sky, an extraordinary explosion occurred in an area near the river west of the city. Its characteristics are very easy to identify. In addition to the ordinary explosive shock wave, there is also the spread of weird mental power, forming an abstract black skull, which rapidly expands and deforms in the air, and then dissipates.

This is not made by the troublemaker to frighten people, but a characteristic of evil spells, which represents a large amount of human resentment.

Kane didn't even bother to think about why he didn't come. It seemed to be a good place here. As soon as he arrived, things went wrong one after another.

He went straight to the scene of the explosion, because if he saw that the speculation was not bad, the humans near the explosion point were now being divinely exposed.

The direct consequence of the divine exposure is to drop the san value, but this is the simplest case. If the cult aims to do something special, the divine exposure may cause distortion on the spot.

Its characteristics are extremely similar to the results caused by virtual crystal radiation, but the attack is more immediate and can greatly change people on the spot.

When Kane felt the scene, the situation was worse than he expected.

This seems to be a rescue station with a lot of people, so the explosion directly killed and injured a large area, and the scene was messy. More importantly, the distorted extraordinary energy fluctuations were still spreading in waves, almost visible to the naked eye.

Under the influence of this twisting force, people's bodies quickly mutate.

Especially those who were injured but did not die.

The injury reduced their resistance, but also put their mental state in a terrible situation.

The force of twisting came in, and these wounded fell into a semi-conscious state almost immediately.

It's like having a high fever + choking in sleep, wanting to wake up, panic and pain, these emotions further aggravate the erosion of distortion.

As a result, the hair grows wildly, especially the hair, which grows more than ten centimeters in the blink of an eye.

The skin became bloodless, and tended to be transparent. The blood vessels under the skin went from looming to bulging and thick to almost bursting with bleeding, torn muscles, creaking bones, and the painful and hideous expressions on their faces made these people look like ghosts. Some people even bleed their mouths, obviously biting their tongues subconsciously because of excessive pain...

But even so, there is still no way to wake up.

There is more than one kind of distortion, but the wild return is just the most basic.

On this basis, some huge pustules grow on the shoulders, and there seems to be a second skull inside, but this kind of sarcoma shape and the skull without the support of the skull will make people feel scared if you think about it.

Others are serious bone hyperplasia, just like the skeletons and white bones that broke out of the ground, they stretched out the flesh, and the blood grew out, and the shape was strange, it is difficult to tell which kind of creature it is. skeleton.

There are bone hyperplasia, and naturally there are crazy fleshy ones. Sugar-blowers generally grow vigorously, and there are fleshy but not skinny ones. The skin is quickly cracked and shredded. The **** pink muscles are creeping crazy. Accompanied by the screams of the parties, it is definitely a scene of capital punishment.

"Oh!" Kane sighed.

He is not omnipotent, he is at this level, and if he wants to reverse, even if he can do it, it can't be harmless, especially the spiritual aspect.

It's hard to imagine that the person's consciousness can be normal if it makes people suffer again, and it is a suffering that doubles the pain. It is really difficult to define whether to save a person who is physiologically normal but has a severe mental breakdown is kind or cruel.

And this kind of reversal operation is impossible to target all targets at the same time, so who should be saved first? Who the **** is it?

It's all soul questions.

As for using his domain power to suppress the distortion of energy fluctuations.

This can be done.

But the point is afterwards.

An overly strong withdrawal reaction can be regarded as a kind of torture.

This is the reason why he sighed. Although he is strong, he can't save these people. He can't even save them. He can only give them a happy life.

He is really good at this.

The light suddenly dazzled, and then completely dimmed, and the life was also extinguished after burning through this light and silent ritual, and the soul collapsed, like blowing a lamp and pulling wax.

Under the influence of the realm, the ritual of light silence takes place inside everyone's body.

So Kane played the role of death this time, and wherever he passed, no matter what stage of mutation he was in, he immediately stopped all changes and reactions, and there was no active feature.

Go all the way and die all the way.

Of course it is not that no one was saved.

There are still some lucky ones.

In the previous explosion, he was not severely hit, and he had firm conviction, or had faith, and did the right thing at the critical moment, knowing not to look around, keep his mind, or concentrate on praying.

Under such circumstances, when Kane came and was covered by his realm, he was basically saved.

When these saved people later stated the situation to others at the time, most of them used the same description: I suddenly felt the light, just like someone dangling with a strong light in the dark, even if I didn't open my eyes, I could detect it.

Then I opened my eyes instinctively and saw a luminous person. Although he could not see his face, he still felt kind and amiable, because the light warmed the heart.

Then there was the feeling of being splashed with boiling water, but I didn't panic at all, because I knew from the bottom that this was not a malicious harm, but a kindly purification, which was to remove the previous pollution.

Sure enough, the sufferings came soon, my body was purified, and my soul was redeemed.

I also fully understand that this is the faith I pursue. It is not only kind, but also has a sharp side.

But no matter which kind, instinct will tell you for the first time, this is for your good, if so, this is true, otherwise it is false...

At that time, Kane was really not preaching, nor was he interested in pretending to be. He just used his domain to resist the distortional fluctuations and purify people as soon as possible, otherwise people would still be affected by the eroded part of the distortion.

In addition, he also had to set up a cursor for people to guide their consciousness, because he wanted to leave to solve problems. The source of distortion is not on the surface. So what should the twisting force affect these people after he leaves? Naturally, it depends on them.

With the blessing of his power and his own belief in driving the power to operate, it will be safe.

While saving people, he also contacted Hannah.

Hannah suddenly heard Kane's voice in her ears, and she was naturally taken aback.

But she quickly calmed down, and she knew the situation and understood Kane's meaning.

In fact, the sound of the explosion had already been heard at this time, but it was blocked by the central mountain area, and the sound was weakened a lot, and it appeared magnificent and empty. It was over with a buzzing sound, which made people confused.

"Lange, you take the third team and continue to deal with the aftermath. You would rather slow down and be a little more careful. Don't let the remnants of the fish die and the net breaking method succeed.

Schultz, you take two people to call up all the people who can be mobilized in the South City and go to the West City Temporary Resettlement, where it was detonated and suffered heavy casualties.

Master Gonghou is already there, and we need to evacuate people and those who have been rescued. For those who were transferred to the North District, we met directly at the settlement. "

Schultz was also a good one. Without asking how Hannah got the information, he ordered two people and ran away on horseback.

When the street is racing, this is also a Charolaite characteristic. The brandenburg’s characteristic is the steam rail car. Unfortunately, after the catastrophe happened for a while, this characteristic disappeared with the shutdown of the factory, and Kane could not see it. .

On Kane's side, saving lives is the first priority, and the most effective rescue is to destroy the source of distorted energy as soon as possible.

However, the location of this divergence source is quite secretive, and the twisted wave formed is not a mere ripple pattern. It includes changes such as relay conduction and multi-angle refraction.

Obviously, this is a carefully planned bureau.

And most of them have something to do with him.

Because of Alpha's latest energy characteristics analysis and comparison, many characteristics similar to the previous Cthulhu divine power were found.

In other words, this is probably another secret stronghold belonging to the same cult. Because his previous operation was too harsh, he tortured and killed the slave of the Cthulhu, and also took the opportunity to wound the Cthulhu, so the Cthulhu also hated him and immediately launched his revenge, which activated the arrangement here.

Such a possibility naturally made Kane very upset.

So he tried his best to save people.

To this end, he did not hesitate to separate the mechanical clone change into twelve magical instruments, and set the formation method in the form of clock scales, thereby strengthening the scope and effect of the field power, and restraining the distortion of energy fluctuations.

The result of this operation is naturally immediate ~ ~ outside the radius of 500 meters, the impact is lifted.

After that, he did not hesitate to consume the mysterious elements, and used the eleventh-level magic, the rain of light.

This technique is mainly aimed at all natural life within a radius of 500 meters and within a radius of one kilometer. Even cockroaches and mice in this area count.

No matter how far away, the influence of the distorted energy has not spread, and no matter how close it is, he passed his rescue not long ago. Basically, the radius of two hundred meters in the radius was basically killed by him because it could not be saved.

As a typical miracle, the rain of rays of light naturally shocked the entire city, and even some people came straight to the area covered by it regardless.

As for the recipients, most of them were ignorant at first, and they hadn't noticed the influence of twisting energy on them, but soon the pain came.

But just like those who were saved by Kane at close range later said, some pain can be detected in the first place. It's like soaking in a hot tub in a bathhouse. When you first entered, it really made people grin, but people knew what was going on.

This is also the same, instinctively knows that this kind of pain is a good thing, and soon the body also feedbacks the characteristics of the removal of the heavy gimmick and the reduction of the disease, and naturally knows that this is a blessing. Some people couldn’t help but burst into tears, while others quickly stripped off their clothes in order to take advantage of them. Some even opened their arms and ran back and forth, laughing, looking like a lunatic...

In short, when it comes to extremes, no matter good or bad, people are calm. This also has something to do with being too depressed and eager for miracles in my heart.

However, Kane knew that all he had dealt with was the surface, and the underground situation was probably much worse and worse than the ground.

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