Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1057: get together

The Terrado Starfield naturally has an imperial army.

When it comes to the army of the empire, it has to be said that its establishment has always been very strange.

For example, the Empire has more than twenty space fleets with very regular titles and uniform numbers.

The worst of them, the number of ships is not even the strongest fraction.

In a nutshell: Whether the fleet can do it has a direct relationship with whether the fleet commander will operate.

Terrado is on the empire's twentieth space fleet.

Theoretically, leaning on the big tree to get some cool off, the Mobis Foundation, the great **** of wealth, can't be hungry for the 20th Fleet.

But in fact it is not so.

The foundation tied the crown prince and did not need the Bird's 20th Fleet at all.

Therefore, the 20th Fleet received very little from the Foundation, and their livelihood was mainly dependent on Zhang Luo.

It's hard work, not humane, but at least it looks okay. There are more than a dozen main battle cruisers, hundreds of other battleships of various colors, and some big guys such as supply ships used to bluff ordinary people.

However, as soon as the Zerg came, they shrank.

Are you looking for a chance, and then a beautiful right uppercut?


The commander of the 20th Fleet is basically a warlord. Some people have guns, Lao Tzu is a character, no one has no guns, then the career is here, what human hero can eat or drink?

So the 20th Fleet simply wanted to inspire a future. The Queen of Blades had enough trouble, and naturally left.

Of course, they did n’t do anything right, the refugees still gathered some of them. They are all profit generators. They can be protected or protected. Anyway, it is to manage it. If you owe some materials on credit, you will be able to take a huge profit back. Back, this sale can still be done.

As a result, Zhao Wenrui took aim at the 20th Fleet, and their happy days of watching the battle came to an end.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui just wanted to borrow a few ships, and he had no time to rob the entire fleet for his use.

So he directly aimed at the flagship of the 20th Fleet Wahala.

Sometimes you have to admire some people for being big-hearted.

The Queen of Blades was full of anger and demolished the building over there, while the Wahala was used as a data collection ship a few kilometers away, hiding between the buildings, stretching out long guns and short cannons to investigate the situation of the Queen of Blades.

"Ah! Everyone has to eat hard, making money is not easy!"

Zhao Wenrui expressed his understanding of the operation of the Wahala.

But understanding comes to understanding.

Then there is special operations, using jet packs from high-rise buildings to play trapezes, like railroad guerrillas climbing trains and getting on the watch of the Whala, and then using hacking techniques to use nanoworms to trick the air gate.

When you enter the ship, it is James Bond, or Jason Bourne. Zhao Wenrui was able to kill seven in and seven out of the swarm, and naturally did not lose the security system on the ship.

I found the best one on the ship all the way, and the rest was naturally to use my fists to make love.

The Commander of the Twentieth Fleet is a reasonable and affectionate person. In the face of a fist that can directly punch the alloy column, he generously expressed that you brother I have recognized. As a meeting ceremony, what gunboat do you need? A few, or dozens, as you please.

Zhao Wenrui also politely said that he would never forget the digger when he was drafted. These gunboats will definitely show their performance. They will not beat the buns and beat the dogs. At least a few g of hot videos will be returned. This will become a proof of heroic combat.

The commander has become an insect-resistant hero without hesitation, not only explaining to the emperor and the people of the country, but also gaining great reputation.

The most important thing is that he has also made an elite such as him with strong hands-on ability. His life has been wilded a lot. He has a way to sell himself. When a thief has a door, it is simply a multiply.

The commander was busy saying yes, bothering you to loosen your hands locked on your shoulders and spine, too enthusiastic, I feel a bit overwhelmed, and I will soon break ...

Zhao Wenrui said that line, everyone is very busy, you are refreshing, I also simply.

So the ship got it.

Zhao Wenrui said goodbye to me.

The commander is full of mmp, but he has n’t been killed.

These ships built by Zhao Wenrui are all small models. They have a unified name called a space sampan. As the name implies, they can only operate on an airport like a planet or a colonial satellite city, and they do not have the ability to sail.

But such a device has very different performances in the hands of the **** and the turtle.

The Ranger ’s shipyard, coupled with the Nanoworm, magically modified these ships, it is really suitable.

The two ships were constructed at the same time, and the magic modification can be completed in 5 minutes, which is so efficient.

You have to ask what the magic changed, mainly because of the addition of an iron belly.

This design is also related to the Earthen A-10 attack aircraft. The belly is quite skinny, and ordinary weapons simply use its iron belly.

In fact, the belly of the medical transport aircraft is already very hard. The long-time warfare veterans like Jim Reno have more trust in its performance. Jim Reno himself has a magically modified medical transport aircraft as a car, and he takes one siege tank less. But it is possible to fly in short jumps.

It can be seen that how much he trusts this aircraft, he just treats the African black brothers' feelings about ak47.

But this time it was not enough. They went out to save people. The bugs let them suffer. Especially during the time when they fell together, the violent breath of the Hydra shot the transport plane into the sieve, and the people inside were also not good.

So that they did n’t come back, the transport plane had to go to the shipyard for repairs. The repair by scv was not enough, and the number of wounded people also increased greatly. The system has also kept up, and if it is the same as in the past, this battle cannot be fought.

Jim Renault finally understood why Zhao Wenrui asked him if he had any technology from Hercules.

It is not as durable and large-capacity as Hercules, and it can be quickly put into a folded transport ship. This mission is really dangerous. In many cases, it is carrying a face. Once the medical transport engine is unfortunately hit frequently, it immediately kneels. Not discussed. This time the bugs are really fierce enough, all of them are like sharpshooters, or the kind of sharpshooters that use anti-equipment sniper weapons.

"Caute! What a shame!" Fighting against the wind, Tax Finley also scolded, seeing his embarrassment, he knew that the action was not going well.

The situation with Tax Finley was similar. It is not that our side does not give force, but that the enemy is too evil. Tex has always emphasized that firepower is the number of insects killed in a unit of time, but it has never been able to weaken the firepower of the insects. Their attacks are still so powerful, causing a fatal threat to medical transport aircraft. Not dare to land.

"Guys, I helped you get a weapon to deal with those purple insects, iron belly, fly slowly but pull more, spore guns can carry a dozen hard, use them to lay flame eggs, barbecue bugs, crunchy crunch , Chicken flavor! "

So Jim Reynolds and Tex Finley ’s squads were each accompanied by nearly 10 iron-belly companions. Sure enough, the difficulty was greatly reduced. Jim Reynolds ’brows were stretched, and Old Tex had the mood to smoke a few cigars.

"Horton's kid is really a good hand to solve the problem. What is this business called, yes, crisis PR! Sure enough it's not ordinary people!"

The unusual Zhao Wenrui also broke his heart for Renault's Rangers.

This team is actually a group of veterans who relied on morale and feelings. Many of them are the kind of war men who have retired and found that ordinary life is not suitable, and they are fouling the battlefield.

They know that their destination is one day in a certain war, so they have a special kind of cynicism. Let such an uncle listen to the command, it really depends on personal charm. Anyway, general officers are certainly unable to hold.

So many people with suicidal tendencies are really old-fashioned in fighting, no matter how big the battle is, they can play well. The bigger the battle, the more show, but it is also inevitable to bring a kind of death.

The art of directing them is to enable them to perform at a level that ordinary soldiers do not have, but to fire glorious bullets without moving.

Jim Reynolds and Tex Finley need to consider such issues, and Zhao Wenrui also has to consider it, because all his arrangements ultimately require people to act.

So the seemingly simple operation has quite a lot of ideas behind it.

Not much is said about his puppets, except for the profession is useless, but the professional aspect is indeed trustworthy.

As the battle deepened, Zhao Wenrui inevitably increased the number of puppets.

Manipulate the iron belly to break up a wave, and in a blink of an eye, there was another batch, larger than before.

Jim Reynolds didn't ask Zhao Wenrui why he had more docile and eccentric people when he played.

Who hasn't ordered a little secret? The role played by Zhao Wenrui is unquestionable, and those of his genre will know that they are scattered soldiers, and may even be dead.

Zhao Wenrui's ability to use waste is that of Zhao Wenrui. As long as Zhao Wenrui does not harm ordinary people, that is enough. There is no reason for people to investigate, and Jim Reynolds can be mixed with today's wind and water, and naturally understands the truth of being in the same light.

At this stage of the battle, it seems a bit stale.

Reality is different from a game after all. In the game, it is very simple to show the content that quickly passes, but in reality it is often the focus.

For example, Kerrigan grabbed data related to the study of the Mobis Foundation artifacts.

The performance in the game is to stand there and pretend to be more energetic than to read the energy to burn the building, but in reality, it is superman to kill all the way to block the gods and the Buddha to block the Buddha, torture the encountered humans, looking for equipment to read information.

This process is more **** and violent than the game, and it takes longer.

In this context, active insects have become a dish that must be taken seriously.

Zerg has three large nests in this area, of which the center of gravity is in the west and southwest, and they have been connected into pieces, and the facilities should be upgraded and upgraded, which means evolution and evolution. This means that Zerg has more and more powerful arms over time, ordinary The number of soldiers also doubled.

They will form a team, escorting spore crawling punches and needle spines to deploy, turning an increasingly large urban area into a jungle of death.

On the Renault Rangers' side, there are practical difficulties not knowing where the personnel are.

The initial evacuation of the Mobis Foundation's research department was not decent.

Some lucky people, who just happened to be following the senior researchers protected by the relevant mechanisms, followed the corresponding process and boarded the ship for the first time.

But the average researcher and unlucky egg, the situation encountered is not much better than ordinary people.

Or, someone always remembered suddenly at this time. It turned out that the most important thing to yourself was the family, so staged a Jedi party, no matter if I had that ability. Anyway, I must first find my family, be with them, and then each Cry help.

Renault Rangers faced such a chaotic situation.

The essence of this operation is to prevent the Queen of Blades from obtaining information about other artifact fragments.

It is possible that even ordinary researchers can grasp this information.

As long as there are enough researchers in the Queen of Blades, the information can be pieced together.

This is where the pain is so painful. Renault ’s Rangers must rescue as much as possible, play the role of firefighter in the film and television, let a group of cosmic pirates, desperates, war hyenas play the rescue angel, there are always a lot of The satire happened instantly, and it was awe-inspiring.

The artifacts research data of the Mobius Foundation is equally important. If the Queen of Blades has enough, they can understand the operation principle of the artifacts, and maybe countermeasures can be targeted.

Imagine that the tyrant's ring finger is no longer alive. If the Sarnaga artifact has a similar problem at a critical moment, it is not simply embarrassing.

The magic of the artifact itself is naturally sufficient. The man who can manipulate the artifact is a relatively short board, and cannot exert the power of the artifact like Sarnagar. So this is the starting point for the Queen of Blades to create countermeasures.

Therefore, artifact related data is best not to be obtained by the Queen of Blades.

The cheapest point is that, in order to prevent theft or something, the relevant research of the Foundation is physically isolated. That is, there is no externally connected network. So these data are not easy to be stolen, but correspondingly, if you want to transfer, you have to play manually.

There are a few places where data cannot be copied due to various reasons, and it is uncertain whether to delete it.

This is also a matter for the Rangers. They must break into the high-tech building, go through all the obstacles, destroy the high-tech institutions, get the data, start the destruction mechanism, and then kill them to escape. This kind of play has more than one performance.

These are the few points of trouble in this operation in practice.

In the context of the hard support of the purple worms in the parallel space, the difficulty is raised to another level. It can be said that the crossfire will not stop all the way.

Zhao Wenrui had to leave two iron bellies specifically to deliver ammunition to the automatic firepower of the nearby commanding heights to protect the route, and check their running status by the way.

Maintenance, automation systems also need maintenance.

And the bugs are not stupid. The gunfire at the commanding heights is always so unsightly. The bugs do n’t mind using a stupid way to get into the building and rush to the commanding heights, trying to destroy the automatic firepower points there.

They even take the elevator, but they are too slow, and they love to run the building more. Jumping insects are definitely cool runners. Hundreds of floors are rushing all the way, seeing stitches, without gasping.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Wenrui had to arrange more, such as the puppet combat team with the Hornets automatic machine gun guarding the mouth.

In short, with the passage of time, the intensity of the war is gradually increasing, so that to maintain the same effect, the cost has increased greatly, and more and more complicated.

After a few points of maintenance and supplement, Zhao Wenrui took another look, okay, there were few people around.

From the beginning of the battle to now, he has filled in more than 200 puppets. It feels like a bottomless hole, how many can be used.

What's interesting is that when it comes to the moment, it's not as urgent as the interpretation in the film and television, and the pressured person can't breathe. It ’s not like that, it ’s more about planning. If the plan is not in place or fails, it will suddenly face a dead situation at a certain moment, and then most of it will die.

It's that simple.

On the contrary, there are not many hot scenes about Huo Gang.

"Commander, there is a Zerg team 1.5 kilometers ahead."

Gyroplanes are flying everywhere, and these quiet aircraft are the eyes that light up the map. The entire combat system includes them, and the relevant real-time data can be used for retinal imaging.

Zhao Wenrui immediately took his command to ambush according to the nearby terrain.

Soon, the ambush started, and the precision shooter came up with a few waves of merciless shooting against the Hydra.

The Hydralisk in the Zerg team was shot with huge blood holes, and its long-range counterattack ability collapsed almost immediately. Most Zergs can even tell where the enemy is.

However, they will not wait, but carry out reverse advances, rushing past, and then specifically confirming the position.

This time it was unavoidable that they encountered spiders and thunders. This kind of intelligent anti-infantry mines are actually very flexible in usage. They do not necessarily have to let them go around like a little monster.

As soon as the bombs exploded, the formation of the Zerg team was fragmented overall.

In this way, although the Zerg's individual combat power basically does not affect, there will be problems that the soldiers will be broken and the follow-up will be weak.

The most terrifying part of Zerg is the endless flow. Like the piranha started to work, it does n’t matter whether it is killed or not. It always appears constantly, the attack keeps on, and the target will soon be dazzled, without breathing. Close to the dead end.

How many individual soldiers can't show their prowess is so dead. The face is a pipeline with a stable output of damage, a typical turn, how can I win? There was no way to even develop one's ability, and he was forced to death.

The battle formation that disrupts the Zerg is the main way to crack the output of its continuous damage to terror, especially for the Purple Bug. If you ca n’t do this step, you must not be tough, just die, after all, their flat a level is back to the original level The timing angle is very good, and it is a model for the general attack to kill people.

Without the formation, let alone Zhao Wenrui, even the puppets dare to show off their white blades. They also have knives, mountain knives, and Cheng Bianjin's three-blade axe.

Zhao Wenrui can't be called a show naturally, but waves, dancing with long swords, blades of light wrapped around his body, wherever there are many insects, even the less dense thorns and thorns can be shown to you. , Very compelling.

At first sight, the first reaction of needle spines is often to dive quickly, but in fact, they can only function normally on the carpet, and it is more time-consuming to plan pits. You can blow it to death.

This is the kind of thing. After a successful deployment, the sharp needle is better than Li Shuwen ’s big gun. The mosquitoes and flies can be accurately killed for you. The spore tracking gun is also made famous by the corpses of countless flying units.

But if it is not deployed, hehe, it is a dish of abuse.

Zhao Wenrui and his team killed this Zerg team swiftly and continued along the road. Soon they encountered help again!

Zhao Wenrui was overjoyed. He is now mainly relying on this swagger to cheat people. Of course, if it is a public, it will bring in the iron belly and send it to the rear. If it is from the Foundation Security Regiment, or whatever military organization or paramilitary organization it is affiliated with, it must first act together, and be fooled by following it. Then became a member of the puppet.

Then the team is about to grow, so go back and take a whole round, the upgrade and upgrade, the strengthening and strengthening, and then come out are just good soldiers.

This approach is very stable, but the efficiency is a bit low.

But Zhao Wenrui believes that sometimes, stability is fast. What should be won, what should be emptied, there is no remaining problem, no need to consider repeated competition. The city is so big, filter it sooner or later.

He also saw the Queen of Blades from a distance a few times, and he made a gesture to make a gesture, but he finally suppressed it. The purpose is not torn, a lot of consumption is not worth the loss, of course, the key is still not sure to win, then you will not go up to find abuse.

The Queen of Blades also tried him a little, and he immediately flashed, running faster than the rabbit, and the Queen of Blades gave up. After all, whether he wants it or not, it's difficult for Queen of Blades to catch up with him. Playing a hunting game is not what Queen of Blades wants. She still has something to do.

Zhao Wenrui said: "This is a game between masters, unless it is forced to the corner, otherwise most of the time it is understood that force is for the purpose, and simply showing off force will only reveal its own ability information, and a fool."

Jim Reynolds and Tex Finley had an iron belly companionship. The last two rescues went smoothly, and there was also a smile on their faces. When they met Zhao Wenrui, they were both joking with him.

Zhao Wenrui has always been very concerned about the overall situation, pointing at the electronic map and saying: "Look at this pattern, obviously we have already eaten it, and the worm nest in the north is left. Once won, the north, northeast, east and southeast face us. There is basically no threat and of course no value. "

Tax Finley said with a cigar: "Is it necessary to win the northern worm nest? There are a lot of worms there."

"You also said a lot of bugs. When we went all the way down, the northern swarm swarmed us sideways, and the joke was big. So I suggest you join Jim and get rid of it here in one fell swoop."

"Okay, listen to you, anyway, there are two big bombing ratios, and it's just useless to be idle."

Zhao Wenrui continued to analyze: "We will streamline the deployment of the northern nest of the worms, we only need to protect the surrounding base ~ ~ We have ensured a southwest channel. This can better ensure that the retreat is not lost. As for other In the area, the bugs want them to be deployed. Anyway, we will not go anymore. When they are pushed forward step by step, we have successfully evacuated. "

"The southwestern and southern regions have basically been caught in a deadly jungle of insect swarms. The ground is covered with fungus blankets. There are needle spines and spore cannons everywhere. There are also underground units and various powerful warfare insects. In this case , We are not suitable for separate action, concentrate our strength, let the iron belly trip, occupy the high point, and shell the damsel. Hard way out. "

Jim and Tex nodded, and they knew that sometimes they had to be head-on, and there was no way to make a coincidence.

Zhao Wenrui also said at this time: "The northern worm nest is a preview of this style of play. You look for the feel. I will get the Zerg monsters in the middle road. The zerg will occasionally get abnormal deformities like Zersla. Like a land battle cruiser, with its heart and lungs there, it always feels that our fleet will be threatened, or it is better to remove it. "

"Cersla, can you do it alone?" Jim Reno asked concerned.

"How can a man say no? Besides, I may not be able to single-handedly, but the nuclear pop-up horse seems to have not lost ..."

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