Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1054: High-tech is self-willed

Colonel Oulan's side, local combat, can be said to have the upper hand. Among them, a Minotao class battle cruiser is the biggest BUG.

The Huberian is naturally more powerful, but as a guest outsider, a ship like the Huberian has a special star port docked in the Port of Necropolis, and cannot go deep into the Port of Necropolis and blend into the war .

The samsara naturally want to use this weapon.

Weapons are used, not to mention anything else, just the Yamato Artillery's occasional gathering of energy hits, and the opponents who can coax them have no temper.

Not to mention the laser array dedicated to scattered soldiers, it is also able to fire multiple lasers at the same time, and the light infantry team soldiers flew apart and collapsed instantly.

It's a pity that Oulan is a dog, and he doesn't agree to use the battle patrol, so he stays above his old nest, and seems to regard it as a way of doing things that can't be done.

Without war patrols, samsaras still have a lot of considerable power.

For example, reloading Goliath robots, missiles in the air, and cannons on the ground, the cockpit has a good vision, and it is a weapon for light infantry.

Another example is to wear a siege tank. Even the Empire is not fully popularized, and many second-tier troops are still using older arc siege tanks. But the pirates of Port Necropolis have long used the latest.

Even if Ken is willing to spend money and just walked out of the laboratory, a small amount of the penetration II invested in the Mengsk Guard can be obtained. This is how pirates are, or that the official of the empire is so bad.

In addition to running on the ground, there are also flying in the sky, ghost fighters, Oulan ’s shipyard can build, and even special aircraft Raven.

The samsaras took the elite route and tried to get the best weapons out, and then formed a strong fist team to fight the cavalry.

They knew that the Rangers had broken the copper and the iron, and they all depended on the life of Jim Reynolds. There is also a limit to the protagonist's life, and Jim Reynolds may be hard to die, but his men are not so hard to die. To kill it as the commander of the bare rod, he must be the one who cut the throat and lost. After all, even if it is better than picking up the tatters, no one can pick up faster than dozens of people.

As a result, the first fist unit was just created, and was preparing to put some pressure on the Rangers happily, and was suddenly jumped up and slapped to see that the sky was no longer blue.

They know that Rangers also have the help of reincarnations, but this is too powerful. This is no longer fast, but it is simply forgery and deception. This is to play the world game, and such a method of warfare can directly make the opponent cry and dizzy on the spot.

My big Oulan's advantage is so obvious that it will save a mixed formation, and you have six tanks on the side. The economic aspect is not much consumed, is this justified? Is there a magic law?

Just when the reincarnations on the Oran side were about to cry without tears, they suddenly discovered that the mine in the northeast, uh! The color changed, and then, the stragglers there were all cleared in a very short period of time. The soldiers on patrol failed to do even the early warning, and suddenly disappeared from the channel.

"Obviously, we were calculated by the other party in a very targeted manner."

"So what should I do next? I must remind you that due to the failure of this raid plan, our credit at Oulan has dropped very badly. If we can't get some results, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get his support Now. "

"I think we should get off in person. The opponent's reincarnation is obviously better than the plan and has a logistical bonus. We compare the command ability and the logistics production with the other party.

"I don't object to the end. But there are two points to remind everyone. 1. In this mission, our advantage in the end is not obvious. Not to mention heavy weapons, even a single weapon gives us a few fronts, which is enough for us. Drink a pot. 2. We rushed to the front line, and it is very likely that we just hit the other party ’s calculations. If he can repeat the shooting in the highland not long ago, we are likely to be killed in suffocation. "

"It won't work, it won't work, then what do you say?"

"So we're trying to find a way here. The more we can't be chaotic at this time. At least for the throat-cutting battle, we are still leading in points. Renault Rangers, if we want to overtake us, it is not enough to rely on the current pattern. Either he has to win the mine below in a short period of time, or he has to go deep into our side and pick up garbage at our door. "

"That is to say, you tend to set up ambush, we will come down in person and ambush Jim ?? Renault?"

"No, Jim Reynolds, the son of destiny, ambushing him for fear of accidents at critical moments and failure. And this guy really wants to retract the Huberian. It's hard to kill him."

"Also, Milahan has long been thinking of Rangers, and now it ’s just a matter of saying the past, and giving an explanation to the people underneath. So do n’t expect Jim Raynor to lose what happens in the Throat War, Pirates. There is no credibility at all, Mila Han turned over and said he would n’t recognize it, and we ca n’t bite him. "

"Then what are we going to do?"

"We are engaged in the Northeast Mine." The reincarnation pointed out and said: "The other party thought that the heavy artillery blocked the main road, and our combat power could not pass. In fact, we still have ghost fighter formations, a little roundabout. , You can go straight to the mine, and then you can kill SCVs wantonly. "

"We waited for a while, let the other party think that the plan succeeded, and produced SCV mining. Such broken SCVs are all money, and we also took the opportunity to save up ghost fighters."

"Jim Reynolds used vultures to play tactical maneuvers, but no matter how maneuverable, how can they compare with ghost fighters? We wiped out the SCV in the northeast, wiped out the SCV in the east in one fell swoop, and probably even the minerals in the southeast then It was taken by the opponent, and it was still destroyed. Without SCV, it is useless to overwhelm the mine. It costs money to produce SCV. You have to worry about being destroyed by our ghost fighter. It is the opponent who is uncomfortable. "

"And we, we dominate some of the most efficient garbage crushing systems, naturally have the advantage of saving money, it is difficult to cut the throat and want to lose."

"When we win the cut-throat battle, we will force Mila Han to abide by neutrality. At that time, the economy is on our side, and we are mixing large forces. We will come down in person and see where they are going!"

The samsara set aside the strategy, and then began to execute.

The wretched tactics of the stealth sneak attack of the ghost machine also catered to Major Oulan, and he agreed to the plans of the reincarnations.

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui, who did not take the usual path, played very hi.

Normally, destroying the command center on the Oulan side can fertilize a wave. In addition to the existing silicon crystal mines with convertible points, scrap iron is quickly converted into standard raw materials.

Unusually, it takes a certain amount of time to break the wisdom brain of the command center and occupy it, saving the cost and time of building the command center. It can be used as a mining base, and those SCVs are considered to be delivered.

The approach taken by Zhao Wenrui is neither normal nor abnormal.

The huge command center was not destroyed, but it was not occupied, but was dismembered.

It is also a wave of fat, but this wave of fat is the invisible value, or that the raw materials needed for 3D printing are full. For example, the circuit board needs silicon and resin, and silicon is ok, but the resin only needs to be recycled. Otherwise, the cost of acquisition through chemical operations will be greatly increased. After all, there is no crude oil here.

But through the dismemberment command center, some of the more scarce polymer materials and so on will be available.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wenrui built a shipyard on the high platform and added an additional reactor directly.

The science and technology laboratory is to solve the problem of water and soil dissatisfaction based on materials. The reactor is to strengthen the manufacturing capacity so as to obtain the possibility of double printing.

The weapon created by Zhao Wenrui is not in the map of the series of weapons that can be made in the StarCraft Terran Shipyard, but is his own private work-the wild bee drone.

The appearance of this kind of drone is like a blackbird fighter. At a glance, it can be seen that it can fly very fast. In fact, it is indeed cruising speed of Mach 6 and maximum speed of Mach 9, the general fighter seems to be stationary in front of it. Drivers can hardly track them.

This type of drone is specifically designed to eliminate manned driving. Manned driving is just a load-resistance problem, and it is vulnerable in front of it.

Due to the slim size, only one-third of the normal manned fighters, the production rate can be very high.

The advantage is that the more the number, the better the matching effect.

Zhao Wenrui let the shipyard keep producing this little thing.

What about silicon crystal mines?

In fact, on the contrary, the current collection of silicon crystals is more efficient than SCV collection.

The cutting and collection of SCV is too extensive and primitive, the efficiency is low, and it will hurt the structure of the silicon crystal mine, accompanied by a certain degree of waste.

The new type of nanoworms devouring mining will not have this problem, but it is equivalent to finishing in one step. After completion, the high-grade raw materials, auxiliary materials and residues are clearly arranged for easy collection.

Therefore, the silicon crystal mine only needs to let the nanoworms wind up, and the rest is to receive the goods at the point.

This method was fully promoted from the beginning. So the reincarnations of the Oran side take it for granted. They ca n’t see anything in the mine, there is no command center, no SCV, and other protection facilities such as missile towers, machine gun bunkers, and even more, because there is no Made.

Zhao Wenrui even demolished the mercenary camp at the starting point, as well as a supply station.

The supply station is a supporting facility that provides ammunition-based supplies to all combat units.

This cannot be without.

But it doesn't have to be fixed.

Even with a ground-drilling design, it can protect itself relatively well and does not affect the unit ’s access from above, but Zhao Wenrui still has no impact on the rigid and inefficient supply station.

He believes that too much repetitive structure is simply a waste, so he built a self-propelled supply station. It looks more like a facility like a barracks or heavy factory. It can fly slowly into the air, and it is stunned for the long one. In this case, 10 sets of supply stations are set.

So in this battle of cutting throat, such a facility is enough.

Together with the barracks, Zhao Wenrui placed it on the first platform for the space defense orbital gun, which is called the shelving.

Olam's reincarnation naturally noticed these concentrated troublesome facilities. It can be said that this array, a nuclear bomb, is full of harvest.

Unlike games, in reality, ghost fighters can also replace ghost soldiers and be locked in sight. Sighting technology is just to provide accurate coordinate data for the last voyage of a nuclear bomb. Is there any technical content that is not enough, so it is not surprising that the ghost fighter can achieve it.

And Oulan has exactly a tactical nuclear bomb well.

So the reincarnations naturally wanted to send a message to Gaotai.

The only problem now is to choose a suitable time, not only to save up and down, but also to shovel, but also to the lateral influence. Seeing that there is little time left for the throat cut battle, come here for a while. It is impossible to change the plan and change the plan. This kind of multi-strike is what the reincarnations want, so they temporarily refrained and decided to at least give a fatal blow after sweeping the mining industry.

Of course, in fact, there was no chance from the beginning. Zhao Wenrui mobilized various important facilities to hold a group, which can only prove that his drone is basically enough, and he has the confidence to defend the sky.

Jim Reynolds, after they had a few troubles outside, some people were tired. Driving the vulture back to the starting base, I leaned, and it was white. Is this a sweep or a drop?

Then Zhao Wenrui appeared, and they found out that there was a large lifting platform on the vertical wall of the northwest corner of the emotional base.

"Warriors, welcome home, drink a few bottles of beer, eat a few barbecues, and the locomotive just happens to be upgraded."

As soon as I took the elevator to the top platform, I immediately became very fulfilled.

The various facilities are cleverly and compactly placed, and the large places are piled up. It gives people a sense of sight in the camping camp, and there are really umbrellas with air curtains. Barbecues that make people's index finger move, fat big meat and vegetables are evenly combined, skewered on the skewers, a bite is rich in flavor, lips and teeth are fragrant, and a few bites of cold beer are poured, a burp is made, and it is very cool!

Jim ?? Reynolds did not polite with Zhao Wenrui, a dozen people were enjoying themselves around the cold dining table.

Zhao Wenrui changed their equipment.

The previous vulture tanks were directly dismantled, and the new product is a three-wheeled motorcycle in front of and behind, which is very fierce and stable. The Vulcan Gauss gun can be fired continuously, or it can be focused on a single shot, directly connected to the retina. When the eye sees it, it can be aimed, and then the brain is fine-tuned.

In the words of Teks Finley: "This technology is cool, stare at anyone and die!"

When Tex they yelled and drove the new toy around to find trouble under Olam.

Zhao Wenrui also drove a special version of the fiery chariot, hung a stylish looking small trailer behind him, and pulled his tools and equipment to the southern area.

The most impressive thing in the southern region is a waste water river that flows from northwest to southeast. Green industrial waste water flows in man-made canals and exudes a white heat. From a distance, it looks a little dreamy. The pungent smell alone dispelled the impression.

Undead Harbor is built on a dwarf planet, and the environment is really bad. But this planet has an atmosphere and a magnetic field. Even if it is directly exposed to the air, it can live so very eighth. From this perspective, the environment is not bad. It is so bad now that it can only be said that humans can do very well. .

Zhao Wenrui did not come here to write environmental protection papers. He cared about the wastewater river, but because he could barely use it to produce hydrogen isotopes of deuterium and tritium, and then there was a fusion fuel, the kind of fusion fuel that could explode.

The raw materials for making drones are enough, and he can not only count too much to pierce the siege tank, so what is the point of dismantling the command center and occupying the materials collected by the shredder system?

Zhao Wenrui decided to build a decisive weapon that made Colonel Oulan desperate.

This will consume almost all of the nanoworms he carried. There should be no way to restore them before the mission ends.

But he thought it was worth it, saying that he could not enter the world next time, he would have his own ship.

He thought about his name, Galactica, translated as the Galaxy, apparently there was a certain spoof.

The original history of Galactica is actually an old ship. Compared with the battle patrol of this era, it is estimated that even the shoes are not worthy.

But it doesn't matter. The key is that the name has meaning, there are compelling characters, and others can be changed.

The overall design blueprint, there is no need to change, the retractable runway, equipped with fighter jet pods on the side, but mainly used to launch and recover the bee drone, the structure can be more compact, and the effect will be better.

Since it is a ship with a position similar to that of the Protoss aircraft carrier, it is no longer necessary to join in the liveliness of the main weapons of the central axis. The shape of the catfish head and streamlined body are more suitable for flying in the atmosphere.

As for the means of combat, focusing on the wild bee drone is just fine. In a very short period of time, 300 UAVs can be retracted. The UAV can carry a small equivalent of tactical nuclear bombs. There's no need to add a lot to it.

Without adding any retractable turret, it is beneficial to the layout of the electromagnetic force field layer.

In other words, Galactica's shield will be more personal, more powerful, and normally open than the ordinary war patrol shield.

After a series of positioning settings, Galactica's appearance gradually emerged. Captain 676, ship width 184, ship height 115, can be said to be a fat and thick catfish.

The most costly nanoworm is the keel, because there is no such a large device to print it in one piece, so it depends on the effect that the nanoworm replaces the integrated generation in the key parts.

There are almost too many hulls. First, the largest size is printed, and finally the nano-worms complete the welding at the seam. The uniformity and strength of the material after fusion all meet the performance standards of the one-piece construction.

All in all, with Nanoworm, the most critical points for building a large ship can be passed smoothly. Although the remaining minor parts are also important, the shipyard can be printed. Of course, it is necessary to upgrade the technology laboratory.

Zhao Wenrui made a big guy in the open air, and naturally the reincarnation of Colonel Oulan noticed.

In fact, they carried out according to the previously agreed strategy, and basically gave up the periphery for this reason.

After all, according to their repeated calculations, as soon as the ghost machine brigade came out and swept the mining field of Renault ’s Rangers, the main points production period of the Rangers was over.

Together with the destroyed SCV ~ ~ will be a big deal.

It cannot be said that the points will show a negative growth (complement SCV) for a considerable period of time.

Even if they resisted making SCVs no longer, the efficiency of picking up tatters could not be better than overriding their own best raw steel processing lines.

What's more, there is a silicon ore with relatively good reserves and quality in the Oulan Highlands. At the appropriate time, it can be said that the Oulan is the only one to start this piece.

This is why there is a mine in the house, and I am not worried.

So the chickens and dogs in the periphery are broken, and if you let it go, you will let it go.

Moreover, they also tried their best to warn the outlying Oran soldiers, and issued a series of orders. The Renault Rangers wanted to eat the scattered soldiers, it was not easy, and they had to pay a price.

And now, the ghost machine brigade finally saved, and immediately dispatched, starting from the northeast, sweeping around. One of the reincarnations personally drove the lead.

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