Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1001: Before the storm

Zhao Wenrui, who lacks positive influence, has undoubtedly been striding on a blackened road.

But although it is easier to fall, it is not done overnight. In the context of not having enough weight resistance, Zhao Wenrui completed a wave of mass killings, and then madly retreated, and reason raised his head.

He realized that in a big city like Hejian City, there would never be a lack of strong guards. If he did n’t understand the truth of the end, it would be difficult to escape easily.

And the actual situation is more dangerous than he thought.

If it is not in a special period, within 5 minutes of the city gate, there will be legendary strongmen.

Understand that this is a world of extraordinary spells, so that the world of generalization is rich in monitoring spells, including the monitoring of the life of the city guards.

Once a large number of city guards died in a very short time, the corresponding alarm will be triggered. Therefore, what is really fast is the extraordinary warning system bundled with a large magic array, not an alarm bell or a help signal flare.

This time the only reason why the legendary strongman did not jump out in time is because the information was leaked.

For many people in the Freemason Holton branch, the abolition of the branch and the change from light to dark are definitely a major event. After all, it affects the interests, or more plainly, the rice bowl.

Cecil's gangsters at the headquarters were deflated, as if they could not retreat, and were grilled on the fire, but at least no need to worry about food and clothing, the middle and low-level members of the branch were different.

Needless to say about the pressure of raising a family, what's more important is that I am used to doing prestige and good fortune, but now I have to start pretending to be a grandson, and even trying to find a way out. How can I balance my heart.

Therefore, someone secretly determined that ‘you are not benevolent, blame me for being unrighteous’, and sold it while some information was still valuable.

This has led to many people who are interested. Although the information obtained is not as complete and detailed as the Freemasonry headquarters, the ins and outs are clear.

And quickly, some plausible conclusions were drawn through analysis.

For example, the big brother of Hejiancheng believes in "bait theory".

To put it simply, he thinks that this emerging force is a yin form that attaches great importance to the `` torii ''. It is obviously a dirty thing that kills and sets fire, but always stands at the moral high ground as much as possible.

This is very familiar to the Hejiancheng gangsters. The churches of the gods basically play this way. The purpose is of course to deceive those fools so that they can harvest more faith.

Under such a background, the Hejiancheng gangster is especially vigilant against the single-handed, righteous people who like to play the role of pigs and tigers.

The conflict that happened at the gate of the bridge made him have a bad association.

It was this big man who took the initiative to suppress the timely assistance of the legendary strongman, and even artificially created some obstacles for the assembly and assistance of the city defense army. Then he vowed to punish the murderer severely to avoid the fear of the public and the city health. Jun Hanxin.

In fact, it was really from the heart that the family members of the guard who caused the incident killed a hundred people.

Three orders and five applications demand convergence, but some people are on the sidelines and committing crimes.

Actually freezing three feet is not a day's cold. What is the style of the city guards? What are the guards usually doing? Can the city master have no points? Obviously, the effect is up and down, but the result is that only Xuzhou officials set fire to prevent the people from lighting.

In any case, the owner of Hejian City was forbearing and insidious. Zhao Wenrui thought that it was a clever tactic of hiding the sky and crossing the sea, but he was actually discerned by the magical alert system of Hejian City.

The monitor even marked the highlights of Zhao Wenrui's display on the magic light map with special colors. In this way, unless Zhao Wenrui realized the existence of surveillance and took effective concealment measures, his general trends would always be mastered.

Zhao Wenrui did not notice the monitoring, mainly because his thinking habits led him to have a certain prejudice and contempt for magic technology. He did not expect that there is a special magic array that is more powerful than the city-level camera monitoring system on the technology side, which can treat the soul. Carry out full-scale monitoring, and can also perform operations such as individual locking and real-time tracking.

But he also has his advantage.

Druid can gain the special abilities of "Thousand Faces" at level 13.

This ability is different from the assassin's easy appearance, but more like a singular overall mimicry, from the skin color to every hair, can be imitated, the true and false are difficult to distinguish.

Therefore, when Zhao Wenrui plays the "imposter" play, the only thing to worry about is whether imitation of temperament is in place.

He was already thinking about the specific operation of ‘black under lights’ when he slaughtered at the bridge gate.

After he vented enough, he manipulated the power of the shadows to create an outward appearance that was intended to be seen by a few witnesses, and he himself used the dimness before nightfall to enter the inner city.

He did not dive into the shadow plane. After watching the Black Earth Town from the shadow plane, he knew that this kind of relatively important big town, the magic array system is perfect, especially sensitive to space magic, and the anti-attack is to open the space door. , And tactics like inside and outside.

Of course, he still underestimated the cleverness of this world magic circle application. The magic circle can stare every creature in the area, from "life breath" to "soul glow", double lock, very sharp.

Although Zhao Wenrui did not enter the shadow plane, he still has a hidden advantage. After all, he is the shadow druid, not to mention the terrible affinity with the power of the shadows today. It is not an exaggeration to say that shadow lovers.

Slipped into the city, and the next operation was to choose an unlucky egg and replace it.

At this time, Zhao Wenrui's Wenqing disease was guilty again. In other words, during the process of blackening, his mentality is inherently unstable, and is often filled with a struggle of almost opposites, which is about the final expression of conscience.

The intuitive performance is that when the temperament is squeezed, when the right to kill the special killer, it is clear that the soldiers of the City Guard can not even ignore the good people. Then it caused a tragic ending for nearly 100 families.

Now, I'm more up-to-date and choose carefully, which one is damn.

Is to roughly select by detecting evil, and then choose the appropriate one.

So, tossing until the night before is considered to be selected.

Interestingly, it is precisely because of this ‘elegance’ that the invisible twisted rope that wraps around Zhao Wenrui ’s neck becomes looser and faster.

Specifically, in order to achieve realistic role-playing, Zhao Wenrui did everything he could, which led to the change of the spirit level. This is mainly due to the Druid's extraordinary military service. In other words, natural divine power.

Nature in this world, and even this universe, although they are all ravaged and twisted, but it is the foundation of the entire universe and has the characteristics of immortality.

Although its divine power is very weak, but also in small details, it can give shelter to its believers. And this kind of asylum is everywhere.

It is precisely because of the endorsement of nature that unless Zhao Wenrui is imprisoned in a special forbidden demon prison, or by the method of suppressing with absolute rank, Zhao Wenrui ’s talent priority is erased, otherwise there is no one technique that can be fixed once and for all. Big Druid.

The specific change feedback is a special bright spot marked on the magic array display device controlled by the Hejian city boss, and suddenly went out.

"Damn!" The person in charge of the monitoring jumped like a thunder.

Soon afterwards, it was the person who whispered to report to the superior.

Even if the fault was not with him, the monitor still got through the board.

Turned his face and punished the monitor who had to shy his face to explain to the lord.

The city owner has no beaters. After all, the supervisor ’s boss is a legendary strongman. He has a number of high-end combat powers. Even if he has confirmed that he ca n’t go further, he ca n’t fight like the three grandsons. .

"That is to say, the possibility of the target completely escaping is not high, just get rid of the lock and become a member of all beings in that area, and the people in the entire sensitive area have been specially marked today, as long as they are supplemented by personnel monitoring. , With a little more patience, can the target be dug out? "

"Yes, the personnel are now basically in place."

"What if the other party is accidentally disturbed?"

"The moment the lock was released from the other party, I deployed and acted on the assumption that" the other party already knew that he was latent and failed "."

The legendary strongman further explained: "I think the main purpose of the goal is to make trouble, as long as we take this as a clue, we can find him in time."

"Okay, but you have to remember that our core idea is not to trace and annihilate, but to avoid being reduced to the rising sacrifice of the other party."

"Understood." The legendary strongman said so on his lips, but he did not take it seriously, and secretly said: "The other party really wants to find trouble. There are many reasons for shrinking and self-discipline, meaningless."

Not only this legendary strongman, but also several church leaders think so.

There is a church and a parish in Hejian City. After all, Hejian City has a long history. It was once the political and cultural center of the Holden area. Later, a gold mine of good quality was found in the south of Holden. The geographical position of Hongya City has risen in one fell swoop, becoming the economic leader of the entire region, and then won the position of the capital, replacing the Hejian City.

But even today, the people of Hejian City still regard Red Cliff City as a nouveau riche, proud of their long history and culture, including ancient and elegant church buildings.

The clergy of the churches here are indeed more detailed, mainly because there is a library of secrets accumulated through time, and it is also a training place for senior clergy in the entire Holden area.

Because of the knowledge in one hand and the strength in one hand, the church here is coquettish from top to bottom.

Also, in the Kingdom of Katyn, the deity belief is a complete small **** system, including the gods of justice and courage, the gods of light and power, the gods of agriculture and climate, the gods of magic and craftsmen, and the **** of darkness.

Among them, the **** of the dark is the eldest brother, and the reason is simple. Only with this priesthood can the believers be better captive.

'S role is mainly to deal with human souls below the ubiquitous believer.

There is a prerequisite for going to the Kingdom of God after death, that is, if the degree of piety reaches a certain standard, then you are eligible to become a prayer.

In addition, this is not simply the reason why the gods are picky, but the piety is not enough. The cost of extradition is very high, and the benefit is very low.

In other divine worlds, such as the DND universe and the flow of believers, they will basically fall into the hands of the **** of darkness, and then enter the extraordinary natural circulation process, decomposed into the most basic raw materials, as a basis for nurturing new souls. The so-called dust returns to dust, and dirt returns to earth.

However, in this universe, because it has already been played badly and is on the verge of collapse, some root factors are particularly scarce.

For example, soul element.

This name was created by Kane, and this world is called the soul source.

For the gods, the source of soul is a scarce resource that is not too much. Wisdom and soul can be born only if there are enough soul sources, otherwise it is the desert of faith.

Therefore, the source of soul is recyclable means of production. Under the strict technical constraints, the loss of the total amount of soul source is very limited, and it will only be converted, similar to the conversion of the corpse into a farm manure.

That is to say, the gods have created an extraordinary ecological closed loop for their own needs. Like an ecological garden, the beliefs generated when intelligent creatures are alive are like the vegetation in the ecological garden to produce food and fruits.

And this extraordinary ecological closed loop is an application based on nature. It is like an alternative global nuclear war, which has caused ecological destruction. Surviving human beings have created a super-large ecosystem in order to survive.

This is also one of the reasons why the similar wasteland of the gods is extremely unfriendly to the gods of wisdom, and all kinds of San values ​​are lost.

So what is most scarce in this universe is not the energy in the ordinary sense, but the very mysterious element of the source of the soul.

According to an extraordinary explanation: Life is originally a miracle in the universe, and humans who are different from the original world regard it as a series of coincident comprehensive manifestations. In the eyes of some wise extraordinary people, the appearance of life is actually a This kind of necessity is a phenomenon that must appear in the process of the constant evolution of the universe.

Life, carrying the information of the universe from birth to death, can also be received. Life is the meaning of the birth and death of the universe.

But like some fruit trees, they cannot be picked, preserved or used at the right time, so that they die with the fruit tree. If life does not jump out of the framework of the universe ’s birth and death, and does not take away the information of evolution, then it is equivalent to a white knot. Fruit.

In any case, in the eyes of these supernatural beings, life is the essence of the universe, and intelligent life is the essence of the essence.

What about the gods who feed on the belief in intelligent life? Naturally, it is a title worthy of higher life forms.

Under such a cognition, under the background of the desertification of the soul of the entire universe, the essence of the gods can exist safely, that is, there is such an existence that can create an extraordinary ecological park, which is why Respect, not a **** of light, etc.

And, which gods in a **** system are also dressed to eat and watch the family. In this three-acre land, how to divide the priesthood depends on the needs. Everyone must contribute their own power to maintain this group.

This is very different from DND universe's "God turns in turns, come to my house tomorrow".

It can be said that although the Divine Divine Court of the Great Star Realm universe does not seem to be prosperous, and the division of the priesthood is not delicate enough, and has the rough characteristics of the original Divine Faith, in fact, if it is placed in a relatively fair environment, the Great Star Realm The Divine Court of the Universe can divide 36 days of Gang and 72 Disha in a very short time, each priesthood is full, and then lay down 108 large arrays to hang up the various gods of the DND universe.

It's just that at this time and here, it doesn't make any sense to pretend to be so powerful. Reducing expenses and reducing internal friction as far as possible from the roots are what this small team pursues, so there are just five of them.

'S structure even makes C Kane easily think of a clear division of operations under the special forces system.

Justice and courage, light and power, as soon as they are known, they are known as thugs. A sentence of explanation is to justify the violent behavior.

Agriculture and climate, magic and craftsman, this is obviously the auxiliary of wartime, usually the main force of internal affairs, both of which just represent workers and peasants, and are the foundation of civilization.

Plus an overview of the captain of the whole world, God, together. There are conditions to add the gods of business, gods of roads, gods of art, etc., and the small team can run without conditions.

So correspondingly, the connection between the five deity churches is also very close.

Take Hejiancheng as an example, sharing a parish, but there are specific divisions inside, just like a composite community, divided into different types of houses. Externally known as the unity of God and God.

There are righteous gods, naturally there are evil gods and false gods.

Like the gods who rely on the power of faith sold by the sellers, for the union of the right gods, they all belong to evil gods, false gods, and heretics.

The main reason why does not do its best to eradicate is because of interests.

The specific situation is a bit like that the source world has opened a net of corrupt officials, in order to recover the corrupted money as much as possible. After all, from the perspective of the source of soul, every god's kingdom is built with the source of soul. Not to mention those who pray, just to create the special existence of the kingdom of God, the variation of the source of soul is the cement, and the **** itself is the more pure source of soul. Once the conversion is completed, it is definitely a sum of money Expensive income.

Of course, the actual situation is more complicated. After all, there is more than one **** system, and there is competition or even hostility between each other. Moreover, evil spirits and false gods are not really fat on the cutting board. Some of them will choke to death once they are not swallowed well, not to mention there are games such as vertical and horizontal.

Therefore, the circle of gods is also very complicated. Even if you are playing a super-ecological level, you still have the loss and capture of soul sources, such as the sale of human snakes and the sale of slaves. In the eyes of gods, it is the circulation of soul sources. Moreover, various economic and trade interactions between countries are also necessary. After all, shepherds can be more complicated than shepherds.

Is precisely because of a series of objective factors, even if the Kingdom of Katin is the world of Zhenglian (Zhengshen Union), Zhenglian still encounters special events with great care.

The five bishops of Zhenglian in Hejian City discussed the blood at Qiaomen and the events of Qiuzhai and Mojing Mine in time.

They unanimously believe that the most likely thing to tear apart from the Freemason Holden branch is that a certain spirit tried to resurrect.

This is because the emergence of high-end power will not be for no reason. After all, high-end combat strength is not Chinese cabbage. Wanting to form, from a certain point of view, it is like building a city plug. The circulation of data reveals traces, such as a lot of labor, masonry materials, etc.

Also has only gods, because it was accumulated in the past, even if the downfall has a vote of loyalty to become a twisted fan, in order to have no signs in advance, take out more than 20 troops with legendary strength at one time.

The five bishops also believed that since the **** had exposed his fangs, he would soon confront the couplet sooner or later. Only by doing one game and winning the victory can he curb his ambitions.

It's just that the other party is aiming at the power.

"The other party's abacus is doing well, thinking that without touching our interests, you can appease one faction, fight another faction, get actual benefits, and gain a firm foothold."

"What about us? Take the initiative to intervene and cooperate with the elite?"

"No, we temporarily let them think that the strategy succeeded, and they showed a gesture of sitting on the hill watching the tiger and gathering intelligence."

"So how to do it in secret?"

"Mobilize the people ~ ~ Actively prepare, as long as the other party is slightly weak, we will unite with the rich and powerful and chase them hard!"

"Isn't it good to let this force fight with the elite for a while?"

"No, no one is stupid. If the result is half a catty, it will not be easy to fight, but it will gradually form a kind of tacit understanding. Do you forget the lesson of" Sitting War "?

Sit-in war, a rotten battle of great significance to Zhenglian.

The tycoons of Katyn threw a gravel on Zheng Zheng through this war.

Originally, Zhenglian wanted to weaken the power of a awakened pseudo-god through power, but the result was self-defeating. Instead, the pseudo-god had a foothold. Now he has become one of the gods who are fighting with Zhenglian for their beliefs. The secret church, active in the people and the slave community, is very difficult.

The owner of the city between the rivers actually wanted to bring disaster to the east. After all, his judgment of Zhao Wenrui's forces behind him also thought it was a awakening god. While the peers are the enemy, the conflict between the gods and the flesh and the flesh is small, it can be said that you live and die.

As a result, both sides remained intact, so that Zhao Wenrui, who was in the eye of the storm, enjoyed a few days of comfortable days.

But for just a few days, the powerful forces like the dignitaries and the church lived in secrets, secret societies, and ambitions, but they were afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

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