Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 51 Professional Coffin Bearer

Chapter 51: Professional Coffin Lifting

When it comes to smiles, one cannot help but mention the Uchiha's three laughing geniuses.

Perhaps it is a confirmation of that saying.

Laughter brings strength.

Each of them possesses astonishing power.

But Orochimaru's smile is nowhere near as bold as Uchiha Madara's, appearing particularly restrained.

It's like a hidden knife, devoid of warmth.

You never know when it might stab into you.

Li Xiang can tell that Orochimaru is in a good mood.

Because his previous answer wasn't just a random guess.

It was a design specifically tailored for Orochimaru, combining his identity as a medical ninja.

"You really are a rare and special individual."

Orochimaru becomes even more certain of his previous decision.

It would be a waste not to have him as an assistant.

And wasting is shameful.

"Although I am not a medical ninja, Tsunade used to be my teammate, so I am skilled in medical ninjutsu as well."

Orochimaru smiles faintly.

He knows very well that relying solely on persuasive words is only temporary if he wants to keep someone's loyalty.

Benefits are eternal.

He dares to say that the geniuses under his command stay in Otogakure willingly.

Because he gives them what they desire.

Since Li Xiang wants medical ninjutsu and wants to know the secrets of the human body, Orochimaru can naturally fulfill his wishes.

"Thank you, Lord Orochimaru!"

Li Xiang shows an excited expression at the right moment.

Perfectly playing the role of a seven-year-old child receiving a beloved toy.

Although these "toys" are not things like toy cars or marbles, but knowledge, and knowledge is power.

Orochimaru is very satisfied with his performance and says, "From today onwards, you will stay in Otogakure. Train with Kimimaro and the others in the morning, and accompany me for experiments in the afternoon."

Orochimaru is still Orochimaru after all.

He doesn't fully trust Li Xiang.

The initial experiments are just trivial matters.

Li Xiang, on the other hand, is not in a hurry.

There are still six years until the Chunin Exams.

He has time to study.

It's just that Kimimaro's personality is too reclusive, making it difficult to strike up a conversation.

Although there are many geniuses in Otogakure, Li Xiang holds Kimimaro in high regard, and at most, he would add another person like Red Lotus.

As for the Sound Four, their strength comes entirely from cursed seals.

They themselves cannot be considered top-tier geniuses.

But Li Xiang quickly gets an opportunity.

Because of Kimimaro's Bloodline Disease.

"Kimimaro, born in the Yoruichi clan, possesses the powerful Dead Bone Pulse, but their clan carries an incurable Bloodline Disease."

Orochimaru guides Li Xiang while introducing.

There is a tinge of regret in his tone.

If it weren't for the Bloodline Disease, Kimimaro would be the perfect vessel he desires.

He tells Li Xiang all this to make him responsible for future treatments.

Kimimaro often has to lie in bed.

But Orochimaru is quite busy.

Whether it's the Akatsuki organization or collecting geniuses, he often has to personally handle things.

Otogakure was established not long ago.

The Sound Four haven't fully matured yet, and only Red Lotus has decent strength.

"Lord Orochimaru..."

Kimimaro's face shows an unusual expression of frustration upon hearing his words.

This is an emotion he would never display under normal circumstances.

In front of others, he always maintains a confident and calm expression.

The faint firelight reflects on his face, casting a dark shadow, just like his mood.

After setting up the IV drip, Li Xiang says, "I believe that the Bloodline Disease is not incurable."

Obviously, this is a lie.

Even Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto couldn't solve it in the original story.

His chances are slim.

But Li Xiang has a secret method.

The Dead Bone Pulse clearly originates from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's Shikotsumyaku.

The Yoruichi clan also carries the bloodline of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

But why does the Yoruichi clan have the Bloodline disease while the Ōtsutsuki clan does not?

Li Xiang believes the key lies in the eyes.

Kimimaro still ignored him.

Orochimaru pondered and said, "Perhaps it is possible, provided that Hiyuki can become a medical ninja like Tsunade."

He was still confident in himself.

But ultimately, he was not a medical ninja.

If he had someone like Tsunade, perhaps he could unravel the Bloodline disease.

Kimimaro's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked, "Is that true?"

Orochimaru nodded slightly.

He hoped even more than Kimimaro that the Bloodline disease could be cured.

Li Xiang remained silent, not wanting to discourage Orochimaru's confidence at an inappropriate time.

"Kimimaro's treatment will be entrusted to you."

Orochimaru glanced at Li Xiang and he had executed all of his operations almost perfectly.

Truly a delightful genius.

After this, Li Xiang felt a change in Kimimaro's attitude.

The four sound ninjas were always unruly individuals.

They were not pleased with Li Xiang's sudden appearance.

Because this guy received too much favor from Orochimaru.

But after Kimimaro spoke up for him, no one dared to speak ill of him in front of his face.

Li Xiang unexpectedly became the leader of this group of geniuses.

Although it didn't mean much.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, three years had passed.

Li Xiang turned ten years old.

His strength had skyrocketed in these three years.

He could be considered the chief medical ninja of the Hidden Sound Village.

He had a high reputation.

It must be said that medical ninjas were respected.

Like Tsunade.

Although she drank, fought, and gambled, in the hearts of many people, she would always be the holy and radiant good mother.

Aside from medical ninjutsu, Li Xiang would spar with Kimimaro and the others in taijutsu and ninjutsu, and his skills in those areas also greatly improved.

Most importantly, he had gained Orochimaru's trust.

He had been exposed to some secret experiments.

Such as cell cloning and transplantation, curse seal techniques, and improvements to the Impure World Reincarnation.


A red-haired little girl, Tayuya, pushed open the door without any courtesy and said, "Orochimaru-sama's mission."

"Where are we going again?"

Li Xiang sighed.

A perfectly fine medical ninja had become a grave robber.

It was really absurd.

Because of his involvement in improving the Impure World Reincarnation, he would occasionally go out with Kimimaro and the others to plunder tombs.



Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

When it came to Kusagakure, he naturally thought of Karin.

At this time, she had not yet joined Orochimaru, so she was still living a miserable life.

"There was a battle at the Bridge of Heaven and Earth in Kusagakure, and many ninjas from Iwagakure and Konoha Village died there."

Tayuya explained, "Orochimaru-sama hopes that you can find a corpse of the Uchiha clan for him."

Since Orochimaru was defeated by Uchiha Itachi, his obsession with the Sharingan has not diminished in the slightest.

But until the improvement of the Impure World Reincarnation is complete, he dares not go to Konoha.

The Mangekyō Sharingan left a huge psychological shadow on him.

Since he couldn't go to Konoha, Orochimaru could only try his luck on the former battlefield.

Surprisingly, it worked.

He really found two pairs of Sharingan in Kirigakure.

"Let's go."

Li Xiang led the four sound ninjas to the Bridge of Heaven and Earth.

There is a saying.

There is no other reason, only familiarity with one's own hands.

They had now become professional grave robbers.

Li Xiang had Dōyō and the others carry the coffin, while he entered Kusagakure under the pretext of buying medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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