Infinite Prophet

Vol 14 Chapter 2513: Demon

Obviously he can see with the naked eye, but he can't sense the slightest breath. Even the breeze seems to penetrate his body, completely one with the heavens and the earth, with the nature, sweeping the side with his muddy eyes. Sakyamuni glanced.

"Are you going to stop the old way?"

The language was plain, but it made the Sakyamuni, who was clearly projected at the same level, stretched all over, even proclaiming the Buddha's name, saying in a helpless tone

"Teacher's order is hard to violate. Teacher, he is stunned. Perhaps by this way, the demon will be able to regain his time again."

Generally speaking, the teachers of Shakyamuni were the ancient Buddhas who lighted the lamp in the past, but Sakyamuni from the upper realm seemed to be a disciple of Amitabha.

"The heart demon..., now that the demon and the Buddha are one, how come the heart demon?"

The old gentleman's tone was flat, but just this calm tone, and the figure without the slightest aura, seemed to form an invisible oppression, causing Sakyamuni to retreat continuously.

Cannot perceive, cannot touch, cannot describe, cannot describe.

The words are decisive, and they are wrong when they are said, and they are wrong when they think.

Obviously there was nothing, but it was this weird feeling of tearing that caused Sakyamuni to vomit blood again and again, and his golden body was broken.

In the end, he could only sit cross-legged, closing his eyes and proclaiming the Buddha.

But even so, he could no longer enter the empty realm, the spiritual platform was covered in dust, and the Buddha's heart was lacking.

The cracks on the golden body are getting heavier.

In the end, it shattered and turned into flying ash in a horn of Buddha...


"Amitabha! All beings are equal, please go to the Buddha to help me!"

Churchill saw the terrifying power of Buddha Amitabha, and saw the invincible capital that changed the color of the Immortal Emperor and the Kylin Holy Emperor.

He immediately rushed out of the fairyland, folded his hands as a user of the army, and asked.

Yes, Britain is a colonizer to India.

But since they succeeded in colonizing, it must have its own reasons.

One of the big reasons is that all beings are equal in Buddha's words!

Only recognize incense, not people.

As long as Britain can provide more incense offerings, they will help.

The same is true for the Advent Army Formation. Britain has two Adventist Formations, Amitabha and Sakyamuni. As long as they are activated, they will definitely receive a response, and only recognize those who start.

"The donor is taking pictures."

The giant Buddha transformed by Buddha Amitabha exudes endless and peaceful Buddha light. The Buddha's light shines all over the land. No one knows the situation of the Buddha kingdom in his body.

At this time, with the voice of Amitabha Buddha falling, Churchill seemed to have forgotten his original intention.

The troubles of hair fell at the sound, his hands clasped together, his face full of piousness, as if he had forgotten the purpose immediately and escaped into the empty door.

Knowing this, the reincarnations vaguely felt something was wrong.

what happened?

Why did the big guys we invited to the army quickly reduce the users?

The army of Amitabha has been used in the UK before, and even made a comeback not long ago.

But generally speaking, coming to the army is only a temporary borrowing from the big boss, and usually will not come.

This is the first time that this kind of projection that exists in this world has been used to communicate with the army to see Amitabha's will come.

In the end, it was Temo this time, Churchill directly converted to my Buddha, escaped into the empty gate, and became a monk...

This Temo...

The users have become little brothers, what more can they ask for? !

"What the **** is going on?"

This kind of thought is constantly appearing in the hearts of the surviving Supreme, the Immortal Emperor, the Samsaras, and even the Holy Emperor Qilin!

Even the ruthless people in the deserted ancient forbidden area had their pupils shrunk slightly and their faces were solemn.

When she wanted to go back and ask, she found that the guy who kept beating her oil had disappeared, leaving only the note that asked her not to move here, and he shook it all back.

"I, Buddha, is compassionate, please be compassionate to all donors."

The giant Buddha with a peaceful face has a yearning and fascinating weirdness in his words, which seems to make people want to join the pure land, and even become one with the giant Buddha!

The few surviving Supremes who were already powerful, immediately showed longing smiles on their faces.

"What other fairy..."

"The Buddha is right in front of you..."

"If you enter the Pure Land, you will have eternal life..."

"I don't want to die, I want eternal life!"


Afterwards, several Supreme Masters put their hands together at the same time, and several of them simultaneously announced the Buddha's title.

After the reading, it turned into a stream of light, and directly hit the giant Buddha, as if entering the Buddha kingdom in its body, becoming one with it.

Even the three miserable emperors who had just proclaimed the Dao had continuous changes in their faces at this time.

Sometimes struggling, sometimes peaceful, seems to want to declare the Buddha's name.

The Emperor Wuwei, who had not cut himself, had a perfect mentality, had no resistance at this time.

Both the Immortal Emperor and the Kylin Sage Emperor, who were barely maintaining themselves by the power of the immortal Dao, appeared in horror.

What a terrible power this is!

Although they also have a sense of conversion that comes from the bottom of their hearts.

But it was precisely because of this kind of heartfelt thought that it frightened them even more.

Even my own thoughts and thoughts do not belong to me anymore, what kind of immortal is this, what kind of Taoism!

"Stop the evildoer!"

However, just when the three great emperors were about to take refuge, suddenly there was a violent vibration in nine days and ten places.

A giant cauldron that seemed to contain heaven and earth, united with heaven and earth, appeared, and a voice of grief and anger came from it.

However, he has been clamoring, trying to refine the entire world into his own Taoist fruit, the emperor who has soared throughout the world!

Ever since he was stopped by the Emperor of the Undead, he knew that his destiny was not in him at that time.

Therefore, the former Lord of the Heavenly Court has been deceiving death and secretly planning.

In the original works, he is also considered one of the most soy sauce bosses. During the period when the heaven ruled the nine heavens and ten territories, at his peak, he was stopped by the undead emperor, the son of luck.

With great difficulty, he immediately succeeded, but he encountered the siege of the Big Three.

He died after half a chapter.

But at this time, he had been secretly trying to refine the world with the world cauldron, but he discovered that since the appearance of the ancient Buddha, it seems that he is also devouring the world.

Buddhism shines, and what the Pure Land refers to is the nourishment that the other party devours!

It is precisely because he himself is refining the world, so in his eyes, the peaceful and peaceful giant Buddha does not exist.

He is really ‘eating’ the world, all living beings, all true spirits are returned to nothingness, twisted, lost, crazy!

"The donor is also destined to my Buddha."

Seeing the emperor suddenly appeared in front of him, Amitabha still had a strange smile in that kind of peace.

In fact, the emperor's body also has a strand of upper realm spiritual sense, but this strand of spiritual sense is more thorough than fighting and defeating the Buddha, and it is completely taken away without even appearing.

At this time, only the empty shell itself of Emperor Zun is left...


Two more complete...

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