Wang Cheng was teleported to a bare street, and figures appeared one after another around him.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also had an arm screen on his wrist, with a lot of information on the screen.

Contestant: Wang Cheng

Points: 0

Rank: None

World area: First world area


Under Wang Cheng's personal information, there is some other information. For example, the first world area is an environment simulated based on a real place called "Beiluo Star". There are 91 cities in the entire world area. In addition, , the materials that make up everything in this world are B9 grade.

In other words, it is difficult for the stellar battle to destroy the surrounding environment.

In addition, there is the point rule. Killing a person gets one point, and you can also get half of the opponent's points.

In addition to the points rules, there are also ranking rules...but that's not important!

"I'm here to be number one!"

Wang Cheng glanced around. The location where he was teleported was not a good one. There was not even a covering object on the bare street.

In addition, there were seven or eight unlucky people teleported to a place very close to him. These people also knew their situation, so no one was stupid enough to take action first, but they were vigilant about their surroundings.


Wang Cheng walked slowly towards one of them, a warrior carrying a big sword on his back. When he saw Wang Cheng walking towards him, his eyes immediately became sharp.

"Stop, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" The warrior held the sword behind him with his backhand and warned in a serious tone. But unfortunately, Wang Cheng continued to move forward as if he did not expect his words.

The warrior who had the courage to participate in the genius battle was not a coward. Seeing Wang Cheng being so arrogant, he would naturally not be polite. He directly grasped the sword behind his back and wanted to kill Wang Cheng with one blow.

But before this person could take action, he suddenly felt his vision blurred.

Wang Cheng, who was about a hundred meters away from the warrior just now, had arrived behind the big man at some point, and continued to walk forward with an indifferent expression.

As for the warrior just now, his head has been separated from his body.

This person's genius battle experience card has expired.

Wang Cheng continued to walk towards the next person who was teleported here. This person saw the scene clearly. Without hesitation, he directly released a golden flying sword to stop Wang Cheng. At the same time, he himself quickly moved towards the distance. Fly everywhere.

But unfortunately, when the man just made a move, his vision was also blurred.

Just like before, Wang Cheng appeared behind this person and continued to walk towards the next person...

Regardless of whether they resisted or escaped, the seven or eight people who first appeared in Wang Cheng's sight were all dead. However, except for some blood on his right glove, Wang Cheng's body and heart showed no changes or fluctuations. He moved forward and started looking for points.


In a tall building, Wang Cheng kicked open an alloy door, and the next moment, a spiritual master hidden inside was killed directly.

On the same floor, a female warrior who tried to sneak attack Wang Cheng was killed by Wang Cheng with a wave of his hand!

In a martial arts hall, more than a dozen warriors and spiritual masters who gathered here and temporarily joined forces were quickly killed by Wang Cheng who suddenly broke in.

In a basement, another warrior died...


On the street, thousands of warriors united and launched a siege on Wang Cheng.

But in just a few seconds, thousands of people were bleeding on the spot, and Wang Cheng continued to move forward unharmed.

After that, there were even sieges by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, but without exception, these people did not even touch Wang Cheng's shadow and died one after another.

Of course, under the large-scale siege, many people who did not have time to rush up escaped and spread Wang Cheng's terror.


In the first world area, there are a total of more than 8.2 billion people and 91 cities, with an average of over 100 million people per city.

Wang Cheng had previously committed mass killings in this city, which aroused the fear of many warriors. At the same time, they also gathered a large number of people to surround and kill Wang Cheng. However, when the news spread that most of the hundreds of thousands of people had been killed, After going out, no one has the courage to trouble Wang Cheng anymore.

Being besieged by hundreds of thousands of people, many people were confident that they could escape. After all, when being besieged by hundreds of thousands of people, it was impossible for so many people to be killed at once. At most, they would be killed in batches.

In this case, there is still hope for escape!

But killing most of the hundreds of thousands of people?

There is only so much force power at the ninth level of the stellar level. How high is that person's realm and how mysterious are his moves, so that he can kill such a number of beings of the same level with such a small amount of force power?

"Monster, definitely a monster!" Many people cursed in their hearts.

They understood that after encountering this monster, there was no way to fight it later, so after a little hesitation, many people chose to flee the city where Wang Cheng was.

Of course, more people still chose to stay. After all, there are hundreds of millions of people in a city. They feel that as long as they are careful, they should not encounter that monster!

. . .

Wang Cheng is still on the way to find people and kill people. He has enough Force power and doesn't need to worry about the Force power at all.

With Wang Cheng's level, he doesn't need to waste much force power to kill a star. There is no difference in his eyes whether he is a genius or an ordinary star.

Moreover, Wang Cheng has never used moves that require a lot of force power. He always uses the simplest killing moves, seeking to kill with one hit. This process is very labor-saving. He kills and returns at the same time. Wang Cheng's force force at this moment They are all still full.

Of course, a large number of killings is also a burden on the mind. However, Wang Cheng has cultivated a large number of clones for a long time, and his spirit is very tenacious. It is relatively easy for him now.


Wang Cheng's killing without mercy naturally caused quite a stir in the outside world.

The first knockout match was not broadcast, but wealthy people could rent a spaceship and come to the world zone to watch the game.

Wang Cheng's points reached the first place in the First World District not long after the knockout rounds began, and as time passed, the distance between him and second place became wider and wider.

In just three days, Wang Cheng's points exceeded three million, while the second place only had hundreds of thousands of points!

Such a huge gap naturally arouses the curiosity of many people who can watch the rankings. At the same time, they will also explore Wang Cheng's identity information.


In the sky above the first world area, there is a very luxurious spaceship. There is an extremely vast hall in the spaceship. A man in a black robe is sitting at the front seat, and there are thousands of people sitting below.

Here is where the real high-level leadership of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire lies. In addition to the emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain who is at the top, there are also many world lords, domain lords, and emperors of various elementary universe nations.


"Your Majesty, I am so happy, so happy, this 'Wang Cheng' is from our Black Dragon Mountain Empire!" Suddenly, a sound of good news was heard, and then the whole hall was boiling.

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire had been shut out in several consecutive talent competitions. Now, suddenly, a player ranked first in a world region, and was still far ahead. Naturally, many people were excited.

The emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire even laughed out loud with excitement.


Of course, these people can only see the points ranking. They don't know how Wang Cheng did this. To put it bluntly, they just watch the fun.

However, outsiders cannot see the specific situation in each world area, and members of the Virtual Universe Company still have this authority.

Since Wang Cheng's points were so abnormal, it naturally quickly attracted the attention of people within the Virtual Universe Company.


"Quickly, send these videos to the Ganwu Universe Branch!" A staff member quickly completed some editing work and sent out a piece of information about Wang Cheng.

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