Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 89 Breakthrough, Domain Lord Level

Yuan was indeed stunned at this moment. Her experience since she was a child had left her without any awareness of this aspect.

The Star Clan is not actually destroyed as other people in the universe know. They are just hiding. However, their life in hiding makes it very difficult for them.

In the Fanxing Clan, the only people who can live a normal life are those whose family members have entered the Holy Land. In Yuan's memory, her parents have been full of expectations for her since she was a child, hoping that she could enter the Holy Land.

Yuan did not live up to her parents' expectations, and she really successfully entered the Holy Land.

After entering the Holy Land, Yuan had a clearer understanding of the situation of the Fanxing Clan. Under the expectations of the teachers in the Holy Land, she became a saint again, practiced all the way to the star level, and was finally sent out quietly in the hope that she could Find the shelter of the strong and solve the difficulties of the Star Clan.

In fact, the Fanxing Clan has sent away countless people like Yuan, and Yuan is just an inconspicuous one among many people!


The experiences from childhood to adulthood flashed through Yuan's mind. At this time, Wang Cheng asked again: "Have you thought about it?"

"Sir, can you help me become stronger? I think if you don't want children now, you may have this idea in the future!" Yuan finished speaking in one breath, and she looked at Wang Cheng nervously.

"You are really persistent!" Wang Cheng smiled and said directly: "However, your proposal is not harmful to me, I agree to you!"

"Sir, I will definitely work hard!" Yuan said excitedly. Her request may not come from her heart, but it was made by herself. At this moment, Yuan had a different feeling.

"You can wait until you can keep up with me!" Wang Cheng raised his hand to stop Yuan. On the surface, Wang Cheng is at the eighth level of the universe, but in fact his body ratio is almost comparable to that of a two or three level domain lord!

In other words, even if he doesn't make progress now, Yuan must at least reach the second level of the universe level before he can barely give birth to offspring for him. But is it possible that Wang Cheng doesn't make progress?

Of course this is impossible!

Not only will Wang Cheng improve, but his progress will be extremely fast. It will be difficult for ordinary people to catch up with him!

Of course, even so, Wang Cheng is willing to train Yuan!

What Yuan said is actually correct. Wang Cheng has no intention of having offspring at the moment, but maybe he will have offspring when he lives longer. Instead of raising Yuan at that time, it is better to start now.

After all, because of the battlefield outside the territory, Wang Cheng has a lot of treasures on his body, and he has no shortage of these resources!

. . .

After solving Yuan's problem, Wang Cheng continued to practice peacefully on Jiuying Star.

Needless to say, Wang Cheng has been making steady progress in understanding the law, and his body's evolution has not fallen behind. The difficulty of going from the eighth level of the universe to the ninth level of the universe is comparable to the sum of the difficulty of all previous evolutions, and from the ninth level of the universe, he has become Territory Lord, that is even more difficult.

However, with Wang Cheng's "original body" talent, these levels were not called levels, and he was easily able to break through them one after another.

In a blink of an eye, time came to the beginning of 2066.

At this time, it had been more than seven years since Wang Cheng left the earth, three years in Yunnixing and four years in Jiuyingxing, and he finally ushered in an important transformation.

Within the World Ring—

Wang Cheng, who had been sitting cross-legged for more than a month, opened his eyes.

In martial arts training, from the planetary level to the cosmic level is a gradual evolution process of a galaxy inside Dantian from scratch. When reaching the domain lord level, the galaxy completely collapses into a black hole, which can also be said to be a singularity.

This singularity is actually the core of life!

At the cosmic level and below, the vital points of a person's body are still the same as ordinary people, but once they become a domain master, the soul of life will enter the life core. At this time, as long as the life core is not destroyed, theoretically, one is immortal. of!

Of course, this is just a theory. Once the domain lord has his head smashed, his actions will become extremely slow. At this time, he will be killed in just a moment!

Wang Cheng often dealt with enemies like this in foreign battlefields!


"Yi Cheng Domain Lord, I am completely different!"

Wang Cheng felt the newly born life core in his body, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

After leaving Yun Ni Xing, after four years of training, Wang Cheng finally reached the threshold of the Territory Lord level. He retreated in the World Ring for a month, and now he finally broke through!

After Wang Cheng thought for a moment, he transferred his life core to his head! As a domain lord, Wang Cheng's life core is his lifeblood, so he must receive the most appropriate protection.

Then, Wang Cheng felt other changes in him!

"Gene level..." Wang Cheng looked at the virtual screen that came with the opportunity capture system, and soon he had the answer in his mind.

"One thousand and fifty times!" Wang Cheng savored this number, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Based on the previous patterns, although Wang Cheng had long guessed that his breakthrough would lead to a big explosion at the genetic level, but when it all really happened, he still felt excited and shocked.

The gene level is more than a thousand times higher, which means that although he is only at the first level of the Territory Lord, his basic skills can completely crush the ninth level of the Territory Lord!

Such a span of improvement in foundation caused Wang Cheng's strength to undergo earth-shaking changes in an instant!

"I don't know what my chances of winning are if I fight against the Realm Master now!" Wang Cheng secretly pondered in his heart, and at the same time, he also decided to find an opportunity to try on the battlefield outside the territory.

The span between Realm Lord and Territory Lord is actually quite large. This span is not only reflected in the physical basis, but also in terms of laws!

Because of the existence of the power of the world, the Realm Lords are the easiest group of people in the entire primitive universe to comprehend the laws. Not only are the Territory Lords under the Realm Lords incomparable to the Realm Lords, but even the Immortals and Universe Venerables are actually unable to compare with the Realm Lords. Far from being able to compare with the Realm Lord!

No matter how poor your talent is, as long as you become a Realm Master, you can easily understand the laws!

Therefore, the strength of the Realm Lord is very different from that of the Territory Lord. Even if Wang Cheng’s previous sentiments were astonishing, he didn’t have many thoughts about competing with the Realm Lord.

First of all, the physical foundation of the Realm Lord is much stronger than him. When he fights the Realm Lord, it is difficult to close the power gap alone, not to mention that the Realm Lords generally have good laws!

But things are different now. Wang Cheng estimates that as long as he is not a genius realm lord, he should be able to deal with an ordinary realm lord of the seventh or eighth level.

"However, with such a high genetic level, it may be difficult to practice in the future!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

In fact, Wang Cheng only has ten times the gene level at the planet level, and thirty times the level at the star level. These two levels are not yet obvious. Wang Cheng has a large number of clones to assist him, and his evolution speed has never been slowed down. .

But at the cosmic level, Wang Cheng's simple use of clones to absorb cosmic energy was of little use. After all, his genetic level was 150 times higher at that time, and the energy he needed to evolve was naturally 150 times that of the same level!

Fortunately, Wang Cheng killed many enemies on the battlefield outside the territory and captured many resources. The clones relied on these resources to make rapid progress, so Wang Cheng's evolution still maintained an astonishing speed.

But now, Wang Cheng's genetic level is 1050 times higher, which means that the energy required for him to break through from the first level to the second level is 1050 times that of an ordinary first level domain lord to the second level. In this way, if Wang Cheng With only a thousand clones absorbing cosmic energy, his evolution speed is not even comparable to that of ordinary domain masters.

"At the cosmic level, some treasures were only auxiliary to me, but now, without those treasures, I probably wouldn't be able to evolve!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and at the same time, he also understood that he would have to go to extraterrestrial battlefields in the future. Pay more attention to this aspect.

When he was at the cosmic level, all the materials he seized were randomly seized. Now... he has to purposefully collect these treasures that help evolution!

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