Wang Cheng waited for ten days on the Giant Ax Arena. Soon, he waited for the notice from the Giant Ax Arena. He took the spaceship specially arranged for him by the Giant Ax Arena and soon arrived at the venue that was previously designated as the decisive battleground. desolate planet.

At this time, there are only three people on this planet.

Wang Cheng, his opponent, and a domain lord supervising the battle.


And just after Wang Cheng and his opponents arrived at the deserted planet, in the virtual universe, countless citizens of the universe bought expensive tickets, entered the specially opened space of the Giant Ax Battle Arena, and watched the game through live broadcast. fighting.

The live broadcasts of the Giant Ax Arena have seen countless battles between strong men, so they are naturally quite experienced.

Before the battle started, the live broadcast equipment first gave a close-up of Wang Cheng and his opponent. At the same time, there was a commentator in front of the audience.

"This ordinary-looking cosmic level is one of the protagonists of this fight. His name is Feng. He is the eighth level of the cosmic level. He has never participated in a fight before. What is he good at and what is his strength? People know that, but as a newcomer, he dares to directly challenge the Martial King who has won hundreds of battles. It is conceivable that this cosmic level named Feng must have extremely good strength... "

When the live broadcast footage was shown to Wang Cheng, the commentator first introduced Wang Cheng, but the content was simple and the highlight was a mystery.

Then, the camera turned to Wang Cheng's opponent, the martial arts king.

"Mingk, a Baite star, is at the ninth level of the universe. From three hundred years ago to the present, Mink has fought a total of 543 battles. In other words, 543 universe-level people have died in his hands. Baxter As a powerful martial arts king, his sword skills are perfectly integrated with the realm of thunder and lightning. The opponents he has fought with are usually crushed to death by him brutally..."

The commentator said on the stage, and countless citizens of the universe were watching, and many people were placing bets.

Most citizens of the universe chose to bet on Wang Cheng’s opponent to win!

The reputation of the Giant Ax Arena is very high, and they will not provide false information. In other words, this battle is indeed a battle between a newcomer and the Dou Martial King, and Wang Cheng's strength is indeed unknown.

In this case, most people will of course choose to bet on the "Martial King"!

Of course, there are also some people who like to take risks and like to be different. Wang Cheng wins...

"A newcomer dares to challenge the King of Martial Arts? How can he not have any ability? I don't believe that he is already at the universe level, and he will seek death on his own!" In the audience, a big man with green skin all over his body said to the people around him carelessly. , and at the same time, he decisively chose to bet on Wang Cheng.

"What this brother said makes sense!" Several people around him nodded, so they chose to bet on the fighting king.



The virtual universe was extremely lively, but at this time, the ordinary desolate planet in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

On the desolate stars, the temperature is as low as two hundred degrees below zero, and the strange planet environment creates bursts of strong winds.

Wang Cheng stood on the surface of the planet, with strong winds blowing on him, but he remained motionless. About a hundred miles away from Wang Cheng, a tall figure covered in thick armor was dying in the air at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Staring at him dead.



A vague voice came, and for a moment, Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the tall figure in the distance has already moved. A hundred miles is not a long distance for the ninth level of the universe. It can basically be reached in one dive!


Like thunder piercing the darkness, a blade of light suddenly fell from the sky.

Before the light of the sword arrived, the terrifying power was already oppressing Wang Cheng's skin!

However, quietly, Wang Cheng's right hand was covered by a touch of cyan sharpness.

The moment the sword light hit, Wang Cheng had already disappeared.


A huge force suddenly struck the earth. In an instant, the terrifying power split the earth into two halves, and a large rift valley hundreds of miles long quickly formed.

"Not bad!" Wang Cheng's plain voice came from behind the big man.

But at this time, the big man had no way to answer.

At this moment, a clear crack slowly appeared in the armor on his body and the Force suit he wore.

From the chest to the head, a huge wound suddenly burst open, countless blood spilled, and the tall figure fell directly.


Wang Cheng turned around calmly, the universe is so cruel, the weak, no matter how confident they are, may be killed at any time!

This Dou Martial King is very powerful. He has reached the ninth level of the cosmic level, and has reached the seventh level in the field of lightning. If he continues to fight, it is very likely that he will get the title of giant ax warrior. Even he himself may think so.

But could he have imagined that on this day, a "monster" like Wang Cheng would come to participate in a martial arts fight?

The power Wang Cheng exerted was not even one hundred thousandth of his full strength, but he still killed this man easily!

. . .

In the virtual universe, the live broadcast screen was fixed on Wang Cheng's calm face.

Countless citizens of the universe were in an uproar. They originally thought that the battle between the newcomer and the Dou Martial King would be a wonderful battle. At most, the newcomer would be crushed to death by the Dou Martial King.

But who would have thought that "Ming Ke", the king of martial arts, would be killed by a newcomer with one move.

Because there are many ordinary citizens of the universe present, the flow of time in this space has been accelerated. Therefore, the live broadcast screen is played in slow motion, and the actions of the two people can be clearly seen by many ordinary citizens of the universe.

They saw the Dou Martial King rushing from a hundred miles away, swinging a sword with unparalleled power, but Wang Cheng dodged it with a single movement of his feet. At the same time, Wang Cheng's palm passed across the Dou Martial King's body. , then, everything is over...

"Hahahaha, I won, I won!" In the audience, the green-skinned man who had bet on Wang Cheng laughed loudly.

"I knew that this "Feng" dared to directly challenge the Dou Martial King. He was definitely powerful. Look at his strength. It was so, so unbelievable. He didn't even use any weapons. He killed a Dou Martial King with just one wave of his hand. ..."

The big man won the money and witnessed such an incredible battle. At this time, his heart felt as if he had drank honey water, it was so beautiful.

Although the people around him were not as happy as the big man at this time, they were also satisfied in their hearts.

Although I lost money, this battle is definitely a classic!

It's worth losing some money to see this battle with your own eyes!


Of course, among the many spectators watching this battle, not all were there to watch the fun. Some people with good strength had already understood that this new fighter "Wind" was a warrior who had understood the "Law of Wind". " exists, and I am afraid that his understanding of the Law of Wind is not yet a beginner. Otherwise, the opponent would not have been able to cut through the extremely hard armor and force suit of the Fighting Martial King with just a pair of palms!

"Don't miss any of the next battles with this 'Wind'!" Many people secretly sighed in their hearts.

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