Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 8 Playing (please support!)

In the evening, Luo Feng and Wang Cheng left Mingyue Community after some preparations.

On the way, Luo Feng said directly: "Brother Wang, this time Uncle Wu said that it will be resolved at the Extreme Club, so we can just go there!"

"Well, I haven't been to the guild hall for a long time, so I just happened to have a look!" Wang Cheng smiled and nodded.


The two talked on the road and soon arrived at the Extreme Club together.

At this time, in addition to Wu Tong, there were two other people here in the Extreme Club Hall.

One is "Artillery" Chen Gu, and the other is "Eagle Sword" Kong Quan. Both of them are warrior-level warriors and the only two warrior-level warriors in Mingyue Community.

Wu Tong pulled both of them over in one breath, which showed how much he valued Luo Feng.

At this time, no one from the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall had come yet, so the people from the Extreme Martial Arts Hall started chatting first. At first, everyone was chatting well, but when their topic shifted to Wang Cheng, they gradually A little off.

"Wang Cheng, I heard that you quit your team?"

"You are only 25 years old this year, right? If you work hard and work hard, your future will be bright. What do you think?"

"Wang Cheng, you are not young anymore. You have been a warrior for so many years and you have found many girlfriends. Why are you still alone now? Do you have any ideas about finding a wife? If so, I will ask my wife to introduce you to one. ......."


Wang Cheng is actually quite famous in Mingyue Community. He is known as a scumbag who changes girlfriends as fast as he changes clothes.

However, after all, he is a warrior with a high social status. If he really wants to find a wife, it will not be difficult.

Of course, those were all matters of the former Wang Cheng and had nothing to do with the current Wang Cheng, and Wang Cheng had no intention of finding a wife at the moment.

Wang Cheng dealt with it perfunctorily, and soon, Wu Tong and others quickly turned their attention to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng is only 18 years old this year, but according to the laws after the catastrophe, he can get married at this age.

Therefore, several people were not ashamed to laugh at him!

Luo Feng was very embarrassed. After all, he was a good man and he only had Xu Xin in his heart...


After a while, people from the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School arrived, and Luo Feng was freed from the teasing gazes of several people. It was with the arrival of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School that the originally relaxed and joyful atmosphere suddenly became solemn. got up.

The two major martial arts schools didn't want their own people to suffer, so naturally there was a wave of verbal exchanges.

Wang Cheng watched with interest, but he didn't say anything during this period. Sure enough, in the end, the matter developed in a direction that neither party had expected.

Zhang Zehu, who had a bad temper, was so angry that he would rather spend 100 million to redeem his nephew than pay Luo Feng 30 million in compensation.

This decision to make a big loss naturally shocked everyone, but under Zhang Zehu's insistence, the people from the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School did not persuade him.

"One hundred million. I have never made so much money after five years of hard work!"

Just when the people from the Thunder Martial Arts School were about to leave, Wang Cheng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly smiled and said: "Kaishanhu, I have a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?"

"You? Wang Cheng?"

Zhang Zehu looked at Wang Cheng. They were both warriors from Yangzhou City and high-level warriors. Zhang Zehu knew Wang Cheng, but the two of them had not had much interaction before.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Zehu asked, squinting his eyes.

"Since we are all warriors, we naturally have to rely on our fists to speak!" Wang Cheng said with a smile:

"I will fight you. If I win, your 100 million will be given to Luo Feng. If I lose, I will help you make up 30 million and give it to Luo Feng so that Luo Feng can release your nephew! How about that?"

"Just you?" Zhang Zehu sneered.

At this time, Wu Tong, Kong Quan and the other three people also quickly asked in a low voice: "Wang Cheng, are you crazy? That Zhang Zehu is a senior high-level warrior. He is almost at the level of a general. How long have you been a senior warrior?" , who is his opponent?"

"I haven't paid much attention to a mere Zhang Zehu!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then said: "The key is whether Luo Feng agrees or not?"

"Brother Wang, isn't this bad?" Even though Luo Feng wanted to refuse, he was not the kind of person who liked to take advantage. He would almost never suffer any loss from Wang Cheng's proposal!

On the contrary, if Wang Cheng loses, he will suffer a big loss!

"What's wrong? It's just a fight against Zhang Zehu. The strength of a warrior does not depend on who is older!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


Looking at Wang Cheng who was full of confidence, Luo Feng's heart suddenly moved slightly. After thinking for a moment, he then nodded and said: "I believe you, Brother Wang, but if Zhang Zehu wins by chance, Brother Wang, you too There is no need to pay the 30 million, I just agree to let Zhang Hao come out!"

Luo Feng is not an irrational person. This morning, Wang Cheng accidentally mentioned that he had researched the "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife", which greatly changed Luo Feng's view of Wang Cheng.

Luo Feng has read many posts in Extreme House. He understands that those who can learn the "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife" are strong among warriors. Although Luo Feng doesn't know why Wang Cheng has no reputation before, he also feels that Wang Cheng is not To lie to him about this kind of thing, Luo Feng agreed without hesitation.

Of course, because he didn't want to take advantage of Wang Cheng, Luo Feng also changed Wang Cheng's statement. If Wang Cheng lost, he would directly agree to reconcile with Zhang Haobai.

"Since you agree, Luo Feng, it's easy to handle!" Wang Cheng smiled and nodded. He didn't care about the conditions Luo Feng said. Anyway, we'll fight first.


Seeing that Luo Feng agreed, Wu Tong and the other three said nothing more. However, Wu Tong still asked: "Wang Cheng, you guy, you haven't been to the wilderness area in the past six months, right? Are you sure?"

"no problem!"

Wang Cheng nodded, then looked at Zhang Zehu opposite, and raised his head to signal.

"Hmph, how many years have you been a warrior? I'm not afraid of you yet!" Zhang Zehu sneered and agreed.

"Then let me see your ability to drive a mountain tiger!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


. . .

Warriors' battles cannot be carried out in ordinary places, but this happens to be the Yangzhou City Extreme Guild Hall, and it is enough for two high-level warriors to fight!

However, after all, it involves a 100 million bet, so naturally it cannot be started hastily.

Witnessed by Wu Tong, the owner of Yangzhou City Extreme Guild Hall, and Cao Ming, the owner of Thunder Guild Hall, Wang Cheng and Zhang Zehu signed a simple agreement to ensure that they would not regret it after the war.

After that, everyone went to the training ground of the Extreme Club together. Under the curious gaze of a group of students, Wang Cheng and Zhang Zehu, each holding an unopened sword, walked to a place less than 20 meters apart.

"We are both warriors fighting for mankind. We are not fighting monsters now. You two should have a sense of proportion!" Wu Tong walked between the two of them. He first warned them and then said:

"Besides, the rules are very simple, whoever falls completely first loses!"

"Don't worry, I'm very measured!"

Zhang Zehu waved the sword in his hand, looked at Wang Cheng and sneered: "Thank you for saving me 100 million!"

"You are welcome!"

Wang Cheng hooked his hand towards Zhang Zehu.

"let's start!"

Wu Tong could clearly feel the smell of gunpowder between the two. After he said something, he jumped far away.


And the moment Wu Tong's voice fell, Zhang Zehu turned into a black shadow and pounced on Wang Cheng.

Zhang Zehu was called the "Founding Tiger" by others. He was very powerful when wielding a big knife. However, when Zhang Zehu rushed towards Wang Cheng with a fierce aura, he suddenly felt as if something was tripping under his feet. , and immediately after, Zhang Zehu staggered.

Fortunately, Zhang Zehu adjusted his body shape in time, otherwise he would have been thrown to pieces just by this one move!

Zhang Zehu turned his head and saw Wang Cheng standing there looking at him with a smile.

"Kaishanhu, you are flexible enough to be able to stabilize everything! I don't think you should be called Kaishanhu. You might as well call yourself Kaoshanmao!" Wang Cheng said.

"You are looking for death!" Zhang Zehu was furious, and he pounced on him again.

call! call! call!

Zhang Zehu moved towards Wang Cheng's vital point with a broadsword, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng just moved his body slightly to dodge and avoided all the opponent's attacks.

"Can you only hide? Come and fight!" Kaishanhu shouted angrily.

"That's a strange request!" Wang Cheng laughed. The next moment, a sharply angled knife suddenly hit Zhang Zehu's face, and whipped him away with a bang.

"This knife!"

At this time, everyone in the Ultimate Martial Arts Hall and Thunder Martial Arts Hall who were watching around couldn't help but be a little surprised. Luo Feng, who had little actual combat experience, just felt that this sword was just right, but Wu Tong and others understood the difficulty.

Being in a different place, they felt that they might not be able to escape this sudden blow.

"When did Wang Cheng practice this kind of sword technique? His body skills are even better than those who have mastered micro-level body skills. Is it possible that his body skills have reached the perfect level?" Wu Tong and others all said I was surprised, and at the same time, I was extremely confused.

They were quite familiar with Wang Cheng, but they had never heard that Wang Cheng had such a skill!

You know, even for warriors at the warrior level, the micro-level body skills are pretty good. Most of the perfect level body skills can only be honed by the God of War.

Wang Cheng, a high-level warrior, actually showed such a body skill that was above the subtle level. How could Wu Tong and others not be shocked?

"It's definitely better than the micro level. I don't know if it's the perfect level. If it's the perfect level, that would be amazing!" Wu Tong's vision was limited and he couldn't immediately judge Wang Cheng's body skills, but he also had some thoughts in his heart at this time. Excited.

You know, Wu Tong, as the chief instructor of the Yangzhou City Extreme Club, is also tasked with discovering talents!

Every time he discovers a talent, he gets a lot of benefits. After discovering Luo Feng before, Wu Tong already felt that he had made a profit this year. Unexpectedly, he discovered another Wang Cheng in the blink of an eye!


While Wu Tong was thinking, below, Zhang Zehu had already rushed up to Wang Cheng several times as if he didn't believe in evil, but unfortunately, he was mercilessly slapped in the face by Wang Cheng every time.

It was a real slap in the face, with one blow after another, Zhang Zehu's face was already swollen, and soon, several people in the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall could no longer stand it.

"Kaishanhu, that's enough!"

Cao Ming, the chief instructor of Thunder Martial Arts School, suddenly rushed into the field and grabbed Zhang Zehu, who was still trying to charge forward.

"Wang Cheng, a competition is a competition, are you going too far?" Cao Ming looked at Wang Cheng and asked with a frown.

"Zhang Zehu is a warrior close to the general level. There is a big gap between my strength and his. I can only win in this way!" Wang Cheng said with a smile:

"Now you are admitting defeat for someone else, have you asked him? If he persists, maybe I will make a mistake..."

Wang Cheng's words moved Zhang Zehu, who had just calmed down, but he was not an idiot after all. After calming down, he quickly realized the gap between him and Wang Cheng!

Although Zhang Zehu wanted to kill Wang Cheng immediately, on the surface he didn't do much.

"This time, you guys from the Extreme Martial Arts School are ruthless, so we admit defeat!" Cao Mingpi said with a smile, and then he led a few people from the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School out.

"One hundred million, don't forget it!" Wang Cheng shouted.


The few people didn't speak, they just quickened their pace and left here quickly.

"Haha, don't worry, with the agreement signed before, they can't let it go!" At this time, Wu Tong came over with a big smile.

Luo Feng, Chen Gu, and Kong Quan followed closely behind.

"Good guy, Wang Cheng, when did you practice this sword and body technique?" Chen Gu and Kong Quan both stared at Wang Cheng. With Wang Cheng's incredible sword and body skills, even if they were fighting Even general-level warriors dare not say they can defeat him.

"I've practiced it at home these past few months!" Wang Cheng smiled, but he didn't say much.

"at home?"

After hearing Wang Cheng's words, the first reaction of Wu Tong and others was naturally disbelief. If they could practice such sword and body skills at home, then why would warriors like them work so hard to fight monsters?

When he heard Wang Cheng's words, the expression on Luo Feng's face was even more strange. He had met Wang Cheng quite a few times in the past month, but in his impression, Wang Cheng should be a quite lazy person. It's like being able to hone this kind of body and sword skills.

Of course, seeing that Wang Cheng was unwilling to tell, they stopped asking any more questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets!

"By the way, Master Wu, please keep my affairs a secret for a while. I still want to live a stable life at home for two days!" Wang Cheng said suddenly.


Wu Tong looked at Wang Cheng, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. However, he finally agreed. After all, to discover talents, you have to be willing to do so. If the talents themselves are not willing, then he can discover them. What are you doing out here?

PS: The signing contract has been sent out, and it is estimated that the status will be changed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Invest as soon as possible, and you will definitely make money without losing money!

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