After a fierce collision, Wang Cheng exploded violently and instantly pushed the Iron Wing clan leader away.

"That was just now..."

The Territory Lord of the Iron Wing Tribe, who had flown upside down for an unknown distance, looked at Wang Cheng with some surprise. He was also a Territory Lord after all, so he would not be unable to recognize the source of Wang Cheng's power.

Just by feeling, the Domain Lord knew that Wang Cheng had definitely understood the Law of Thunder and Lightning, and it seemed that he understood it very deeply!

"You see? Then suffer death!"

Wang Cheng didn't hesitate at all. He directly took advantage of the situation and killed him. His speed was so fast that the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord couldn't dodge, so he had to resist again.

But this time, Wang Cheng did not adopt head-on tactics.

You must know that weapons like "Claw" are known for their flexibility. As the saying goes, every inch is short and every inch is dangerous.

Claws are the same as daggers. They both need to be flexible, and both need to be close and fast, relying on subtle tossing and turning to win.

Just now Wang Cheng faced this man head-on, just to test the power of his "Heavenly Thunder Fury". Now that he had tried the trick, he naturally wanted to end the battle quickly and kill the domain lord.



Wang Cheng's sharp claws separated from the domain lord's hammer. In an instant, Wang Cheng dodged to the opponent's side and grabbed his ribs with one claw.

The Territory Master of the Iron Wing Clan was not a soft persimmon after all. When the danger came, he turned sideways.


The huge claw light still scratched against the body of the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord, and a claw mark appeared on the surface of the armor.

However, Wang Cheng knew very well that he did not hurt the Iron Territory clan leader. Under his outer armor, there should be a layer of high-level force suit that helped him block the blow.

The Black God Suit on Earth is actually a kind of Force Suit. However, the Black God Suit is for planetary level, and the Force Suit used by the Iron Wing Territory Master is obviously much more advanced!

The blow failed, but Wang Cheng's body flashed and he quickly came behind the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord.

The Iron Wing Tribe Territory Master noticed the movement and quickly wanted to dodge, but unfortunately his dodge just now had left him with a flaw. This time it would not be that simple for him to dodge again!

Wang Cheng swung out more than ten claws in an instant, and the fierce power of thunder and lightning condensed on the surface of the claws. The armor on the surface of the body of the Iron Wing Territory Lord was quickly scratched, and the force fighting spirit in it also quickly gained a hole. .

Tsk tsk tsk!

A large area of ​​flesh and blood was scorched, and there was a big hole from the back to the chest of the Iron Wing Territory Lord. However, the life core of a territory lord is his "life core". As long as the life core is not destroyed, now this The injury looked scary, but he recovered quickly!

"go to hell!"

The Iron Wing clan leader roared angrily and swung his sledgehammer backwards.


There was wind at Wang Cheng's feet, and he easily avoided the blow.

"How come it's so fast?" The Iron Wing clan leader swung his sword into the air, and he instantly understood that Wang Cheng's speed was far beyond his imagination.

In fact, although Wang Cheng's "Wind God Shadow" is only on the fourth level, Wang Cheng is actually good at the two higher laws of space and time. "Ten Thousand Lines of Flow" ostensibly explodes multiple phantoms in battle. To confuse the enemy is actually to pursue an instant burst of speed.

Needless to say, in "Eternal Sky", Wang Cheng accelerates time all over himself, and his speed will naturally increase significantly in the eyes of outsiders!

Compared with pure power, what Wang Cheng is good at has always been speed!

"Where is your core?"

Wang Cheng's voice rang in the ears of the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord, but it seemed a bit erratic, making it impossible for the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord to tell where Wang Cheng was!

"My life core is in your butt!" The Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord was a little panicked, but he did not hesitate at all.

"I see, it's in your head!" Wang Cheng's cold voice came, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared on the left side of the Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord, and then several claws appeared.

"I'll block it!"

The Territory Lord of the Iron Wing Clan did not dare to show any signs of neglect. He directly stretched out his two arms to defend himself.

Although his life core is not in his head, the center of his body control is still his brain. If his brain is destroyed, even if he will not die, he will suffer fatal lag in battle.

This is no different than death!

Because in this lag time, the opponent in front of him is enough to destroy his entire body, no matter where his life core is hidden, it will be useless!

Therefore, after becoming a Territory Lord, although the real fatal flaw in his body is only one life core, in fact, the brain is definitely a fatal weakness. No Territory Lord can allow others to attack his head in battle.


laugh! laugh! laugh!

The claw shadows carrying sharp lightning left several ferocious scars on the arm of the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord. Before the attack was successful, Wang Cheng did not wait long, and he directly changed his position again.

Like a ghost, Wang Cheng kept attacking from all directions, but he had only one target, and that was the head of the Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord.

This Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord couldn't keep up with Wang Cheng's speed, so he had to sacrifice his body again and again to survive.

The Iron Wing Tribe Territory Master knew that he would definitely die if he continued like this. Wang Cheng would be much faster than him if he tried to escape, so it would be difficult for him to escape, so he had no choice but to ask for help.

But unfortunately, this is a battlefield where the fighting is in full swing. Almost everyone is fighting to the death with their opponents. Several friends who are close to the Iron Wing Tribe Territory Lord have almost no chance to come over.

This made the Iron Wing clan leader feel quite desperate, but he was desperate and Wang Cheng would not give him the slightest chance.

As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. Coupled with the injuries that the Iron Wing clan lord kept accumulating on his body, finally, after a moment, Wang Cheng caught the opponent's mistake and slapped him firmly on the head with a claw. .

Even with the protection of the Force, Wang Cheng's claw directly turned his brain into paste.

Suddenly, even though the Iron Wing Clan Territory Lord was not dead, his movements suddenly became stiff.

call! call! call!

Countless claw shadows appeared, and in an instant, the body of the Iron Wing Territory Lord was completely turned into dregs, and the life core hidden in his body was naturally shattered.

"Good guy, he's finally dead!" Wang Cheng exhaled. He stretched out his hand, and in an instant, he grabbed a space ring from the front.

Without time to check the harvest, Wang Cheng directly threw the space ring into the space connected to his consciousness.

If he wants to bring back what he has gained in this extraterrestrial battlefield, he has to rely on the space provided by the "Opportunity Capture System"!

"The first level of universe level, the sixth level of killing domain lord, and the sixth level of domain lord level with quite rich actual combat experience..." A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face. This incredible thing has happened now. Completed by him!

Of course, Wang Cheng knew very well that the main reason why he was able to achieve this was because of his 150 times higher genetic level!

Such a terrifying genetic level means that although he is only at the first level of the universe, his physical foundation is almost stronger than that of the eighth level of the universe. With such a physical foundation, coupled with the fact that he understands the laws at a high enough level and has mastered many laws, This completes this terrifying record.

You must know that "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" is the same as "Wind God's Shadow". If you can master the seventh level, it will be close to the level recognized by the original law. Although Wang Cheng's "Wind God's Shadow" has only reached the fourth level, "Heavenly Thunder and Fury" 》But he is already on the fifth level. Although he has only entered the fifth level for the first time, we can know from this how profound his understanding of the law is!

I am afraid that quite a few realm owners are not as good as Wang Cheng!

PS: Please support.

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