The overall structure of the universe of the Father God of the Mechanical Race can be divided into three layers. The first layer is the largest layer, but it does not have much energy and few resources.

The second level is considered medium, with neither too much energy nor too little resources.

The third level is the closest to the origin of the small universe and the level with the most energy and resources. At this time, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe stays in this level.

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was not in the original universe before, but he had naturally heard about the terrifying news that Wang Cheng had made. Now that Wang Cheng had made a breakthrough, he had naturally been paying attention.

Of course, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe learned from the Monster-Zhenzu that Wang Cheng was likely to have the ability to enslave the True God, so he did not dare to observe it personally, but used other means to understand the situation there.

"I don't know how this Lord of Infernal Affairs cultivates. He was terrifyingly strong before, but now his strength is probably invincible in the universe. Even in the original universe, the survival of my machine clan will probably become more and more difficult!" Machinery! The Clan Father God shook his head secretly in his heart. He had already made preparations in his mind for the Machine Clan to withdraw to the edge of the original universe or even retreat to his small universe if it failed.

There was no way, the hatred between the machine race and the human race was too deep before. Unless they completely became a subsidiary race of the human race like the Zerg race, there would be no room for relaxation between the two.

In addition, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan also understands that even if the human race is willing to let go of the Mechanical Clan, the Lord of Infernal Affairs will not let go of the Mechanical Clan. After all, he has targeted them many times before they have grown up. This is not a casual decision. It can be uncovered.

"Why don't we, the mechanical tribe, have such a genius?" The father of the mechanical tribe sighed secretly. At this point, he could only endure it.

Just as the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was thinking, suddenly, he was slightly startled.

As the master of the small universe, he has complete control over everything in the small universe. Just now, someone actually forcibly broke into his small universe?

"Who is so bold?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was puzzled.

The strongest person in the universe is invincible within his own small universe, even if he is several levels behind in the outside world, but with the help of the power of the small universe, this huge gap will be instantly smoothed out, and even surpassed.

After all, the small universe of 100 million light years usually accumulates a terrifying amount of source power. No matter how strong it is, how can it compete with this endless source power?

Therefore, generally speaking, no one will take the initiative to enter other people's small universe unless they have absolute trust.

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is sure that the person coming is definitely not a being from his Mechanical Tribe, because the beings from the Mechanical Tribe usually enter the small universe through the cosmic channel, rather than forcing their way in directly.

The Godfather of the Mechanical Clan carefully sensed the coming person's breath, and the next moment, he stood up suddenly as if he had seen a ghost.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, isn't he making a breakthrough? How come he is here?" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was extremely shocked. Then, he thought that if the Lord of Infernal Affairs had already broken through, then he should have no clone. Now, The son can only come in person.

"I am entering my little universe?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan was a little surprised at this time. He didn't know whether Wang Cheng was too confident, or whether he was really sure that he would be safe and sound in his small universe.

"This is my universe!"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe snorted coldly in his heart. He admitted that the Lord of Infernal Affairs was extremely defiant, but he dared to enter his small universe just after he broke through. It was simply too disrespectful to take him seriously!

"I'm not someone to be bullied either!"

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan made a decision in his heart, and he was prepared to make Wang Cheng look good at all costs.



the other side--


Wang Cheng stood in the void, observing the world around him.

The cosmic energy here is quite poor, but there are large-scale mechanical weapon production lines everywhere, and some production lines are even as large as an entire galaxy.

No wonder the Father God of the Mechanical Clan likes to stay in his own small universe. The truly powerful weapons of the Mechanical Clan are probably all made from here.

At this moment, around Wang Cheng, the endless void suddenly stagnated, massive energy gathered, and a huge phantom of the Father God of the Machine Race, a hundred billion miles high, appeared in the void.

"Human Race Wujian, you are too arrogant!" The Father God of the Mechanical Race roared, and suddenly, countless weapons appeared in the void, and infinite energy crushed Wang Cheng crazily.

"It's not that I'm arrogant, it's that you are too weak!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, his divine body began to expand crazily at a terrifying speed.

In just the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng's divine body surged to a length of one light year. Although the phantom condensed by the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was terrifying, it was only a dwarf compared to Wang Cheng.

Endless power exploded crazily from Wang Cheng's body, and a space-time domain was formed out of thin air, instantly blocking the crazy crushing power from the universe of the father god of the mechanical race.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was horrified. At this time, Wang Cheng waved his palm at random, instantly blasting the terrifying phantom condensed by the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe into pieces.

The True God Small Universe is truly invincible at the True God level.

But as long as a tenth-level material attack can erupt, it will not be easily suppressed by the True God's small universe. There is hope for escape. Above the tenth level, it is the true combat power of the Void True God.

When the True God of the Void explodes to its peak combat power, it can destroy the True God's small universe.

Wang Cheng has created the eleventh-level top secret method. Relying on the most powerful treasure at the eternal true god level, the mechanical treasure 'Chain of Ice Sea', plus he has already mastered the first two levels of "Extermination", if Wang Cheng goes all out It is not difficult to explode and destroy the small universe of the father god of the mechanical race.

As for the attack methods condensed by the father of the mechanical race in the small universe, they are like a joke in front of Wang Cheng. He can destroy them easily without using any treasures!

After casually destroying the mechanical clan father's method, Wang Chengxuan sensed the fluctuations left in the void.

With Wang Cheng's current attainments in the Void Path, he quickly realized that there were two other dimensions in this small universe.

"Three worlds? This small universe is just so-so!"

Wang Cheng sneered in his heart. He stretched out his hand and tore it apart. In an instant, an extremely huge space crack was torn out. Wang Cheng did not hesitate and walked directly in.

The space that Wang Cheng stepped into was obviously closer to the origin of the small universe of the father god of the mechanical race, and the suppressive power from the origin of the universe was also more powerful, but it made no difference to Wang Cheng, he could easily block it.

At this time, the four masters of the universe who usually stay in the small universe of the Mechanical Clan Father God and the Mechanical Clan Father God have all appeared. They have used all their means to wait for Wang Cheng here.

This place is already the core of the small universe of the father god of the mechanical tribe. Facing the arrival of Wang Cheng, they have no choice but to retreat and have no choice but to fight hard!

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