Most of the undercurrents in the universe are heading towards the human race. However, the founder of the Giant Ax, the Lord of Chaos City and other high-level human race officials will naturally handle some matters. Wang Cheng stays in Wujian Continent and practices with peace of mind. The external affairs have no influence on him. The impact is minimal.

With the Tree of Time accelerating a million times, more than a thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the last batch of clones who used the "Dream Induction Technique" all woke up. After Wang Cheng took these clones back, he also stood up directly.

"It's time to go to the Universe Sea!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. During this period, the Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect urged him several times and asked him when he would deal with the Lord of Yuan Ao.

It has been dragging on for thousands of years, and it is indeed not appropriate to drag it on any longer.


Without hesitation, Wang Cheng contacted Xia Luo Feng directly.

Luo Feng had already made preparations to go to the Universe Sea, so as soon as Wang Cheng contacted him, he immediately agreed on a meeting place with Wang Cheng.

A moment later, the two met at the edge of the human race's territory. Without hesitation, Wang Cheng took Luo Feng directly to the Toya Black Cave. Just like when the Lord of Chaos City brought Wang Cheng here, Wang Cheng also told Luo Feng many precautions.

It wasn't until a moment later that Wang Cheng brought Luo Feng to the vicinity of the wormholes in the cosmic sea.


"There are three Jedi in the cosmic sea, namely Liuzhong Mountain, Qingfeng Realm, and Space Ark!" Wang Cheng said:

"In the past, all the strong people from our human race were active near the Qingfeng Realm, but during this time, there have been more and more strong people going to the Universe Ark and Liuzhong Mountain. However, if you want, you can still go to the Qingfeng Realm first. There, some universe masters from Hongmeng will welcome you!"

"The teacher told me that it was you, senior brother, who contributed the maps of Liuzhong Mountain and the Space Ship to the human race!" Luo Feng said with a smile: "I will also go to those two Jedi places in the future. For now, I'd better go to Qingfeng Realm first!"

"In this case, then you and I will send a clone to go with you. I am going to visit the vicinity of Liuzhong Mountain!" Wang Cheng said.


Luo Feng didn't ask any further questions, he simply nodded slightly.


. . .

A moment later, Luo Feng and a clone of Wang Cheng entered wormhole No. 15, while Wang Cheng himself disappeared from another wormhole.

Continuously teleporting in the wormhole, it didn't take long for Wang Cheng to arrive at the other end of the wormhole.

"Deal with the Lord Yuan Ao first!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he came to a remote place and took out the Seven Temples at the same time.


Wang Cheng dodged and instantly entered the Seven Temples.


There are one main hall and six small branch halls in the entire Seven Temples. Wang Cheng usually practices in the main hall, but Wang Cheng rarely enters the six small branch halls.

At this moment, among the six small sub-halls, four are empty, leaving two, one holding the Lord of Heishen and the other the Lord of Yuan'ao.

Wang Cheng has not yet decided how to deal with the Lord of Darkness.

Although Wang Cheng is not prepared to return the Lord of Darkness to the Machine Clan, it would be a pity to kill him directly. The Master of the Universe of the Mechanical Clan is still very different from the Lord of the Ordinary Universe. The Master of the Mechanical Clan's Universe has extremely powerful computing power. , such as the virtual universe, a huge existence that covers the entire universe, and its core is the master of the mechanical universe.

It is a pity that the master of the mechanical universe has no soul and cannot use the secret technique of soul slavery to subdue him. The master of the mechanical universe at the core of the human virtual universe recognized the original ancestor from the beginning. In other words, the original ancestor started from that When the master of the universe of the mechanical race is weak, he is his master. When he becomes the master of the universe, the original ancestor will of course still be his master.

Like the Lord of Darkness, his master is the Father God of the Mechanical Clan. It is indeed impossible to find a new master.


"However, nothing is absolute. I feel that it is unlikely now. It may be because I have too little knowledge. I may find a solution in the future!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. Soon, he came to the branch where the Lord of Yuan Ao was imprisoned. Within the palace.

At this time, Lord Yuan Ao was lying in an open space. He got up when he sensed Wang Cheng's arrival.

"Is it finally time for me to die?" Lord Yuan Ao looked at Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng nodded calmly, and the next moment, he had a thought in his mind.


Subtle fluctuations flashed past, and a twig-like treasure appeared in Wang Cheng's hand.

"Strange object?!"

The Lord of Yuan Ao felt the familiar fluctuations in it, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Surprised? Did you think you were the only one with a strange object?"

Wang Cheng looked indifferent. He actually had two rare objects. One was caught by chance when he was the world master, and the other was accidentally obtained in the universe sea.

The strange object obtained in the Cosmic Sea is still on the clone near the black stone pillar.

As for the rare object Wang Cheng obtained by chance, he never had the chance to take it out. After all, he had been in the original universe, and if he took this thing out, he would be resented by the will of the original universe.

Of course, now that he has come to the cosmic sea, Wang Cheng will have no worries about using this strange object again.

Moreover, rare objects are different from treasures. You can just use them directly after you get them. There is no need to comprehend any secret patterns at all, and they have no secret patterns!


"You were targeted by the will of the original universe because of the strange objects, so I will use the strange objects to kill you, which can be regarded as a beginning and an end!" Wang Cheng slowly walked towards the master of Yuan Ao.

"Wait a minute, Lord Wujian, aren't you curious about how I got that rare object?" Lord Yuan'ao said quickly: "You also have a rare object. You should know that only the three major Jedi can have rare objects. Appear!"


There was no fluctuation in Wang Cheng's heart, and he continued to move forward.

"I have a map of the core of Qingfeng Realm, which was left by the former superpower 'Xuan Yuan'!" Lord Yuan Ao said, and a thread drawing suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Lord of Wu Jian, if you let me go, then this map will belong to you!" Lord Yuan Ao continued: "Believe me, I am fully capable of destroying this map before you kill me!"

"You want to deceive me with a fake map?" Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, he took action instantly.


Infinite divine power poured in instantly, and terrifying white light bloomed from the strange branch-like object in an instant.


The terrifying blow instantly crossed a large void and reached the body of the Lord Yuan Ao in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the terrifying explosion of power, most of Yuan'ao's divine body was consumed in an instant.

"What, what?"

There is still a trace of confusion and confusion in the eyes of the Lord of Yuan Ao. His divine body is millions of kilometers long, and Wang Cheng is just the Lord of the universe. It stands to reason that even under the suppression of palace-like treasures, Wang Cheng would not be able to kill him. It needs to be spent slowly.

However, things were very different from what he imagined.

One move, just one move, he didn't even have time to react...


Lord Yuan'ao's divine body completely dissipated, leaving only a pile of treasures, including the map he had just threatened to destroy.

PS: Just two updates.

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