Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 250: The Place of Unknown Inheritance

This time, Wang Cheng was determined and directly consumed 150,000 chance points.

The 150,000 chance points were definitely the most that Wang Cheng had ever spent on catching opportunities, and even far exceeded the chance points consumed by catching the "primordial embryo".

The invisible power spread rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed out of the endless three-thousand-dimensional cosmic sea and came to another vast world.

Finally, the opportunity was captured successfully, and lines of text appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

[Consumption of 150,000 chance points, chance capture successful! 】

[Opportunity Category: Permanent Secret Realm]

[Opportunity Name: Nameless Heritage Hall]

[How to use opportunities: experience, inheritance]


"Hiss, inheritance again?" Wang Cheng took a breath. He now had a psychological shadow on the word "inheritance".

"However, if it's the 'Eternal Secret Realm', it's not bad..." Wang Cheng looked at the four characters "Eternal Secret Realm" and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The permanent secret realm is like an "outside battlefield". He only goes there with his consciousness, and his soul and body are temporarily condensed.

In this case, even if the massive amount of knowledge passed down becomes too much for his soul to bear, his life will not be in danger.

After all, even if his soul collapses, he will not die. At most, he will withdraw from the permanent secret realm.

"Unnamed Heritage Temple?" Wang Cheng glanced at the name chosen by chance this time, but got very little information.

The temple has no name, but it has a heritage.

"If this is the case... you can go and take a look!"

Wang Cheng thought over and over again. He found that this thing was not dangerous anyway, so he decided to go and have a look!

Just like going to the "Outer Territory Battlefield", Wang Cheng is now at the World Lord level, so he needs to spend one hundred chance points to go to the "Unnamed Heritage Temple".

The difference is that the secret realm of "Outer Territory Battlefield" is restricted to the Universe Venerable and the realm above, but the "Nameless Heritage Land" does not have this restriction.

You can go to any realm!

"100 chance points at the World Lord level, what about immortality? Where is the Lord of the Universe? Where is the Lord of the Universe?" Thinking about it, Wang Cheng couldn't help but take a breath.

When the "Extraterritorial Battlefield" was drawn, Wang Cheng was only at the Universe level. At that time, he only needed a little chance to go to an extraterritorial battlefield.

And when he becomes a domain lord, this cost will become 10 points, and the cost for a world lord will be 100 points.

If you think about it this way, when he becomes the Lord of the Universe, wouldn't it cost 100,000 chance points to go to the permanent secret realm?

"I hope it's not true, otherwise who can afford this thing?" Wang Cheng was speechless. He only spent 150,000 opportunity points to capture this "nameless inheritance place". When he captured the "original embryo" The cost did not exceed 100,000 points.

Now it costs 100,000 points just to go to the permanent secret realm?

"Fortunately, I'm still the Realm Lord!"

For the first time, Wang Cheng felt lucky that he was just a realm master.

. . .

Without thinking too much, Wang Cheng quickly arranged some things, and he immediately spent a hundred opportunity points to prepare to go to the "Unknown Place of Inheritance"!


His consciousness left his body, and in an instant, Wang Cheng felt that he began to travel through endless space.

It could be an infinite time, or it could be an instant. Wang Cheng felt that his consciousness passed through countless obstacles and finally came to an unknown land.

Here, his soul reunited and his body quickly took shape!


Wang Cheng landed in an open space.

Here is an endless square. The entire square is made of an unknown black material. There are stone pillars standing at unknown distances. Wang Cheng counted these stone pillars, there are 10,081 in total.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is not the surrounding stone pillars, but a palace located in the center of the square.

The palace was a little blurry, and Wang Cheng felt that the palace seemed to be astonishingly large, even far exceeding the "House of the Divine Bee" with a diameter of one light-year.

Wang Cheng felt that this palace was just ordinary, as if it was only the size of some ancient monuments on earth.

"What a contradictory feeling!" Wang Cheng knew in his heart that this place was definitely not simple.

"I just don't know where it is?" Wang Cheng thought, the place covered by 150,000 chance points is definitely far beyond the scope of the "original universe".


Suddenly, a look of astonishment appeared on Wang Cheng's face.

He previously accepted the inheritance from the "Tree of Time", but due to the will of the original universe, although the inheritance from the "True God" and above also entered his soul, he was unable to read it.

But at this moment, these inheritances that were suppressed by the will of the original universe have all been opened up.

"There is no obstacle at all!" Wang Cheng quickly checked the inheritance.

In Wang Cheng's current state, these inheritances are no different from heavenly books to him, but the difference between being able to read them and not being able to read them is huge.

"This place has exceeded the scope of the will of the original universe. Could it be that it is on the Origin Continent?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, but soon he shook his head.

No matter where he is, he is just a small realm master. Thinking about this now is too far away!

In any case, it is impossible for Wang Cheng to leave here and explore further afield. For a mere realm lord, it is really impossible.

"The inheritance should be in that palace, right?" Wang Cheng looked at the palace of varying sizes in the distance.

Without hesitation, he flew directly towards the main hall, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng tried for a long time and couldn't fly at all.


Without trying again, Wang Cheng moved forward on foot.

Having mastered the complete law of time, Wang Cheng's speed quickly soared even on foot.

Moreover, Wang Cheng discovered that there was no limit to the speed of light here. He quickly exceeded the speed of light and got faster and faster...

However, this speed is not infinite. After Wang Cheng reaches a hundred times the speed of light, his speed can no longer be increased by half a minute.

"Although I didn't go to the Cosmic Sea, it's very similar to the Cosmic Sea!" Wang Cheng thought silently.

According to what Wang Cheng knows, in the cosmic sea outside the original universe, a hundred times the speed of light is also a limit. Those who can exceed a hundred times the speed of light can only reach the level of true gods!


Moving forward at a hundred times the speed of light, Wang Cheng soon discovered that the palace seemed not far away, but in fact it was terribly far away.

He walked at a hundred times the speed of light for ten days, but he didn't even feel that he was any closer to the palace. If this continued, Wang Cheng estimated that he might not be able to get close to the palace within a few years.

But Wang Cheng has no other choice. You're here now, so just leave slowly!

I don’t know why the people who built this place made it so big?


Wang Cheng didn't know that while he was advancing rapidly, in the palace in the distance, a giant rabbit-like being was staring at him. At the same time, a strange color flashed in the eyes of this being.

"He's actually a little guy who hasn't even become a god yet..."

PS: Three updates.

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