Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 221 Exploration and Planning

Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart. He temporarily left the statue of the strange beast and turned his attention to the surrounding palaces.

There are more or less dangers in these palaces. Wang Cheng just sent out nine ordinary immortals, but now seven of them are gone.

However, their deaths were not meaningless, at least they exposed a lot of dangers.


Once the danger is detected, the threat level is much smaller.

Relying on the Demon Emperor's Palace, Wang Cheng could force his way through many dangers.

In more than three hours, Wang Cheng explored six palaces in total.

Within the six palaces, Wang Cheng found many immortal corpses, twelve of which had powerful auras and must have reached the level of kingship during their lifetime.

These immortals should be the life forms of the civilization that originally built the Divine Bee's Nest. When the four peak races went to war in this secret territory of the universe, it was a group of cosmic sages who jointly took action.

A large swath of soul attacks swept across, and as long as they couldn't escape the attack range in time, no amount of immortality would be enough to kill them!


There are some treasures on these corpses, and there are many treasures and secret books in some hidden places in the palace, but Wang Cheng doesn't pay attention to these.

What really pleased Wang Cheng was that he discovered a small pool filled with "God Bee Jade Dew" in one of the palaces.

The pool is small, with a volume of about 1,000 liters, but it is filled with Shenfeng Jade Dew.

100 grams of Divine Bee Jade Dew can restore the entire Divine Body of the Sealing King. The total amount of Divine Bee Jade Dew in this pool is estimated to be thousands of kilograms.

It can be said that the value of these divine bee jade dew is far more than ordinary treasures, and most of the cosmic sages will probably be greedy when they see it!

Treasures that can quickly restore the divine body are precious and rare, and the Divine Bee Jade Dew is considered to be the top item among them. The amount of "God Bee Jade Dew" in such a large quantity is indeed quite incredible.


Just when Wang Cheng finished exploring the sixth palace and was about to continue exploring the seventh, suddenly, the Phantom King sent him news that the demon clan had arrived at the three-way intersection not far from here.

Moreover, the demon clan did not divide their troops, they all came directly towards the passage in the middle.

"Well done!"

Wang Cheng was very happy when he heard the news about the arrival of the demon clan, and quickly solved these troubles so that he could continue to explore the secrets in the statue.

. . .


Wang Cheng left the huge hive building, and soon, the Phantom King also flew out from another hive building.

"King Wujian, what should we do? The demon clan has a large number of people. Do we want to go head-to-head with them?" asked the Phantom King.

"Why go head-to-head? We have your intelligence advantage, so we might as well attack them first and catch them off guard!" Wang Cheng said lightly, and then asked:

"Who is your soul slave, Phantom King? Don't accidentally injure friendly forces later!"

"King of Cave Rats!"

After hearing what Wang Cheng said, the Phantom King's original intention to conceal something immediately dissipated, and she directly revealed the person she had enslaved.

"It's actually the Cave Rat King?" Wang Cheng glanced at the Phantom King in surprise. That was the peak king!

The Phantom King's hard power is around the peak of the King. She has the ultimate status of the King purely because she is a master of illusion and is more difficult to deal with than the ordinary King at the peak.

How could such a powerful Phantom King enslave the Cave Rat King?

"I got a bargain by chance!" The Phantom King didn't mean to explain more, and Wang Cheng didn't continue to ask.


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"Although the demon clan came very quickly, they have always been vigilant. Even if they have intelligence advantages, it may not be easy to sneak attack on them!" Phantom King asked:

"King Wu Jian, do you have any idea?"

"You will ask the Cave Rat King to cooperate with me later!" Wang Cheng said first.


The Phantom King was a little reluctant. It would be more beneficial to her if the Cave Rat King continued to lurk in the demon clan!

However, the Phantom King finally agreed. She understood that the basis for her cooperation with Wang Cheng was because she had this soul slave, otherwise there was little chance that Wang Cheng would be willing to take her to play.

And if Wang Cheng doesn't help her, then she won't be able to compete with the Immortal Demon Clan with more people.

Therefore, when Wang Cheng made this request, the Phantom King simply could not refuse.


After communicating with the Phantom King for a while, Wang Cheng quickly took out the Demon King's Palace.

The Phantom King watched Wang Cheng take out the spaceship, and she felt a little confused. Naturally, she had heard of Wang Cheng's special spaceship.

Being able to forcibly travel through the void seems to be an incredible treasure.

But now, when Wang Cheng took out the spaceship, she was a little confused!


Wang Cheng naturally had no intention of explaining to the Phantom King. He entered the Demon Emperor's Palace directly, and then quickly controlled the Demon Emperor's Palace to a place about 100,000 miles away from this large nest of divine bees.

The spaceship was close to the inner wall of the tunnel of the Divine Bee's Nest. As waves of void fluctuations flashed by, the spaceship's aura quickly decreased. Until a moment later, the spacecraft's aura dropped to an almost negligible level. .

At this time, the Phantom King was watching all this with her own eyes, and she was slightly shocked.

She watched the spacecraft "disappear" bit by bit with her own eyes. Whether it was breath or anything else, it slowly disappeared in her eyes.

The most terrifying thing is that even though the Phantom King knew that the spacecraft was there, she used a detector to detect it, and the result she got was still that there was nothing in it!

"What a powerful concealment method. That spaceship is probably not a spaceship at all!" This thought flashed through the Phantom King's mind.

Even C-class spacecraft, most of them have concealment systems, but the concealment systems of those spaceships are a joke under some extremely precise detectors.

After all, with such a large spacecraft, it is much more difficult to completely hide it than to detect it!

In order for the concealment system of the spacecraft to be hidden from high-precision detectors, it is impossible to achieve this step unless beings with special racial talents are integrated into the spacecraft.

However, the Phantom King has also flown on this spaceship before, and it does not look like a special spaceship that integrates other lives at all.

Therefore, the Phantom King believes that this is not a spaceship at all, but a disguise for a certain treasure!


The Phantom King was thinking in his heart, and soon, she flew away far away.

The Phantom King had previously offered to help, but Wang Cheng refused.

Wang Cheng didn't need her help, and the Phantom King naturally wouldn't stay where he was to remind the demon clan, so she naturally flew away.

Time passed little by little, and in just a few minutes, a total of twenty figures flew over quickly...

Before, when Wang Cheng and the Phantom King met, the Demon Clan had only gathered twelve crowned kings. Now, more than ten days have passed, and their manpower has increased to a full twenty.

Among the twenty kings, the weakest are all high-level kings. There are a lot of peak kings, and there are three kings at the limit. The powerful aura generated in front of them makes the Phantom King who is paying attention here from afar can't help but feel. dignified.

There are such a large group of kings, and almost all of them are strong men. If they gather together, even if they are invincible, it may be difficult for them to gain favor.

"I hope King Wujian is more reliable!" The Phantom King secretly sighed in his heart. Although King Wujian was not well-known before, she judged that King Wujian should have the strength to be crowned the king through the incident with King of Divine Eyes.

Moreover, this sneak attack was proposed by King Wu Jian on his own initiative, so he should be quite confident!

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