After bidding farewell to the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng did not continue to stay on Thunder Island as the 'King of Infernal Affairs', but returned to the genius's residence, Yuxiang Mountain, after a long absence.

After waiting for a while in his manor, two alloy boxes were delivered to him by the staff of Virtual Universe Company soon after.

After opening the lock, there was a thick secret book lying inside.

"The Body of the God of War", "Nine Spirit Peaks"!

Wang Cheng opened the two secret books and read them for a while. Soon, he felt emotional that it was great to have a rich teacher.

There are two secret books, among which "The Body of the God of War" is a secret book on the amplitude of the divine body. The effect is even better than "The God of the Underworld". When practiced to the extreme, it can provide a hundred times the power amplitude!

"Nine Spirit Peaks" is a secret book of soul amplitude, which also provides a hundred times the amplitude after cultivation.

At first, the Lord of Chaos City only said that he would give Wang Cheng a secret technique of divine body amplitude. Unexpectedly, he directly gave him a secret technique of soul amplitude, which can reach the full value of 100 after practicing to a great extent.

I have to say that it has reached the level of the Chaos City Lord. It's on another level entirely!


Wang Cheng sighed in his heart, but he did not directly start learning these two secret books.

Wang Cheng sent a message to the geniuses he had met at Yuxiang Mountain and invited them to come over for a get-together.

Although they came from the same genius competition, the people who are dealing with Wang Cheng now are at least the kings, and those geniuses are still lingering at the cosmic level. It can be said that the gap between the two sides is huge!

And, as time goes by, this gap will only grow wider!

Of course, sometimes friendship cannot be measured by distance alone. At least Wang Cheng is not the kind of person who turns against others!


Wang Cheng has not returned to Yuxiang Mountain for more than two hundred years. Everyone knows that he has broken through the realm master and has gone to the battlefield outside the territory. Now Wang Cheng invites him. Unless it is really urgent, no one will refuse!

Everyone was naturally curious about Wang Cheng's experience on the battlefield outside the territory, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng's identity as King Wu Jian could not be revealed, so he just fooled him casually.

However, although Wang Cheng was deceiving, most people believed him.

There is no way, the battlefield outside the territory is still quite dangerous for the realm lord. If Wang Cheng said that he was invincible in it, fought with many kings, and even killed more than one king, then no one would believe it!

While chatting, Wang Cheng suddenly captured an important piece of information.

"Luo Feng, have you broken through to the Territory Lord?" Wang Cheng asked in surprise.

"Well! I just broke through and I just returned to Qianwu Universe Country!" Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Speaking of Luo Feng, other geniuses are also "gnashing their teeth" at this moment.

"Wang Cheng, you don't know, Luo Feng is a pervert!" Manka said helplessly:

"Not long after you left, Luo Feng suddenly broke out. His understanding of the law changed every day, and the speed was so fast that it could scare people to death. For more than two hundred years, not only us, but also all the old people have lived under his It’s simply too difficult under the ‘obscene power’!”

"It's not that exaggerated!"

Luo Feng smiled helplessly.

In fact, although Manka said it as if it was an exaggeration, in fact, it was an understatement, and the real situation was actually even more perverted.

Gu Feng

Of course, Luo Feng didn't have the slightest idea of ​​pride, because he knew very well that he was bullying others simply because of his high level.

His Golden Horned Behemoth clone has already broken through the realm lord. With the realm lord's clarity of understanding of the law, he is competing with a bunch of universe-levels. Isn't it a bully?


Wang Cheng also smiled and said, of course he knew what was going on.

However, cheating and bullying is nothing. As long as he keeps cheating, no one will know that he was cheating in the first place.

Most people don't have this condition. If it were other guys with clones, they might be able to bully others with their realm lord-level clones in the early stage. But as time goes by, when others break through the realm lord, he will naturally not be able to do it!

But Luo Feng is different. He is the kind of person who can always "cheat"!

When Luo Feng returns to Qianwu Universe Country, he will definitely return to Earth, and as long as he returns to Earth, the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" will not be far away from him.

Compared with the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", what is a world lord level clone? Just scum!

"However, Luo Feng is about to return to Earth, so I have to speed up my practice!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart.

After Luo Feng obtains the Nine Tribulations Secret Book, Mountain Guest will probably pay attention to what is happening on this side of the earth.

Although the other party may not come personally to reverse time and space to see what happened on the earth in the past, but it is possible that it is not? Wang Cheng once left a lot of secrets on the earth!

Of course, given the extremely cautious nature of the mountaineer and his stubborn character, he might not do anything when he discovers the special existence of Wang Cheng!

However, it is not Wang Cheng's style to put his own safety in the hands of others, so he is naturally nervous at the moment and is ready to speed up his practice.

Although Wang Cheng himself is wandering in the universe at the moment, even if the mountain guest is interested in him, he may not be able to find him, but what if? Sitting Mountain Guest was once a god king, who knows what he can do!

Only by becoming stronger quickly can Wang Cheng feel at ease.

The original universe limits the power of the strong. As long as you can become the top strong person in the original universe, there will be no problem!

Even the former God King has nothing to fear as long as Wang Chenggou is within the original universe!

. . .

The party ended quickly, and Wang Cheng didn't stay in Yuxiangshan for long. He quickly logged off.

He didn't keep the secret book given to Wang Cheng by the Lord of Chaos City, he directly used it.

Wang Cheng had no advantage in practicing the soul amplitude secret technique "Nine Spirit Peaks", so he made little progress. Wang Cheng soon gave up temporarily.

The secret technique of Divine Body Amplitude "The Body of the God of War" was much easier for Wang Cheng to practice. With his previous experience in practicing the first four turns of "The God of War", he practiced the first part of the Body of the God of War quite smoothly.

Although it slowed down later, relying on the advantage of genetic perfection, Wang Cheng estimated that he could master at least half of this secret technique in the realm master stage, and it should not be a problem to reach the amplitude of the divine body to more than 70 times.

The amplitude of the divine body is more than 70 times, and many cosmic sages are far from being able to achieve this step, let alone becoming a king and invincible.

When the time comes, Wang Cheng's divine body amplitude advantage can completely make up for his weak foundation, bringing him closer to becoming the invincible king!

No, by that time, if Wang Cheng is not immortal, then he will be officially crowned the invincible king!

"This is just relying on my own strength! If I use the Demon Emperor's Palace to cooperate with my 'Infinite Dark Light' to attack, the ordinary King Feng Wudi may have to retreat three feet!" Wang Cheng felt extremely emotional in his heart. In the blink of an eye, His clone is so strong!

You know, he is still the Realm Lord, and he has only entered the battlefield outside the territory for more than three hundred years!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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