With the resistance of several people, Sylvia finally broke free from the siege of the rats.

However, they only escaped temporarily. Around them, millions of rat monsters were already scrambling to emerge from the soil.

Most of these rat monsters are just low-level monsters equivalent to human warriors, but there are too many of them. If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant, and if there are too many warriors, they can kill the God of War!

Moreover, just because most of them are warrior-level does not mean that all of them are warrior-level. There are still quite a few beast-level monsters mixed in among the beasts. There is even a faint golden mouse among the rats. Infested.

That rat, even if it's not Lord level, is not far behind!


At this time, facing the endless rats, the two sides who were confronting each other just now were now closely leaning against each other.

"None of us can escape alone. Even if you can fly, it will be difficult to escape. We must work together to have any hope!" The God of War said to the rats that were rushing towards him from all directions while frantically killing them. Sylvia said.


Silvia nodded. She admitted that this was a fact. Even if she was a spiritual master and could fly, she was on the ground now. If no one helped to stop these terrifying rats, she might not be able to fly before she arrived. High in the sky, these monsters had already swamped her.

"Very good, it seems we have reached a consensus! Let's put aside your conflicts in front of the monster!" The God of War breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the eight of us are all warriors above the warrior level. Together with your weapons, the total weight may exceed ten tons. My mental power cannot carry you all up!" Sylvia also said He wanted to say something, but suddenly, the rats rioted, and a large number of rats swarmed towards them like waves.

"Fu*k, put your shields under your feet!" Sylvia didn't care anymore, she shouted directly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Everyone was moving very fast, and Jiang Mingyue followed suit silently. At the same time, while desperately resisting the rat tide, she quietly got closer to Sylvia.

She secretly decided in her heart that if Sylvia was going to throw her away, then she would rush over and hug Sylvia's thigh and never let go...

Equivalent to a high-level warrior-level psychic master, the basic power of psychic power is actually more than thirty tons. It is not difficult for Sylvia to fly with eight people.

Moreover, Sylvia has not given up on Jiang Mingyue's idea for the time being, firstly because she cares about the God of War, and secondly because she is not so immoral. In front of monsters, she still cares about the friendship between humans.


Eight people soared into the sky, but as soon as they flew two or three meters, a large number of rats jumped up and frantically tried to drag them down.

With fewer points of strength in the sky, even the God of War was a little helpless in the face of a large number of rats. However, Jiang Mingyue, who has perfect body skills, seemed much calmer in this situation. She danced with a spear. The tiger and the tiger were full of wind, stabbing and smashing to death countless monsters that flew towards them.

"There's something pulling under the shield, get them off!" Sylvia's whole face turned red, but the speed of their ascent was always as slow as a snail!

"It's a group of rats!" Jiang Mingyue and the God of War had quick eyes and quick hands. They quickly waved their weapons and swept away these rats from under the shield. But unfortunately, endless waves of rats came one after another. Even if they moved frantically, It didn't have much effect either.

"You're going to die if you continue like this!"

Jiang Mingyue secretly scanned the surroundings. Suddenly, she reached out and touched the back of one of Sylvia's team members, and threw down the giant sword on his back.

"What am I doing?" The man got excited and started speaking his native language.

"This sword of yours alone weighs five hundred kilograms, and you can't use it. Do you want to kill us?" Jiang Mingyue reprimanded angrily. Then, she saw the opportunity and put the extra weapon behind the other person's back. Throw it down.


The other people cursed angrily and felt that Jiang Mingyue was shameless. This guy obviously had extra weapons, but he didn't throw them away. Instead, he threw away other people's weapons.

But it's a pity that Jiang Mingyue is very flexible in the sky with his perfect movement skills. They can't do anything to treat others with their own methods!

However, after being messed with by Jiang Mingyue, Sylvia did feel a lot less pressure, and for a while, their rise was also much faster.

"Good job!" The God of War praised, and then he threw down his extra weapons very consciously.


Jiang Mingyue didn't say anything. She touched an extra long sword on her back, and then temporarily gave up the idea of ​​throwing it down.

"There is hope of escaping at this rate, and this sword is not heavy..." Jiang Mingyue muttered in her heart, but at this time, the situation had just improved, but they encountered another crisis.

At this time, a golden mouse jumped up from the group of rats and suddenly landed on the shield of one of Sylvia's team members.


The golden mouse borrowed strength from the shield in an instant and headed straight for Sylvia.

This golden mouse was very fast, even much faster than the God of War. At this moment, no one could react, not even Sylvia herself, when the mouse was about to touch her head. Only then did she realize it.

But at this time, everything is too late!

At the critical moment——


A muffled thunder suddenly sounded, and everyone standing on the shield in the sky felt their eyes darken and their ears buzzing.

"Is this?" The God of War was the first to regain his vision, and he immediately discovered the golden mouse that was still staying near Sylvia.

No, it should be black rats!

As the breeze blew by, the mouse turned into countless flying ash and disappeared.

"what happened?"

After everyone came back to their senses, everyone was a little confused. Only Sylvia belatedly understood that someone had just saved her. Although the way of saving people was a bit shocking, it didn't matter.

"Thunder and lightning?"

Sylvia frowned slightly. She remembered the strange thing that happened last time in Base City 003. Two of her team members went to chase Jiang Yueming, but they were blocked by two thunder and lightning falling from the sky...

However, before Sylvia could think about it, the sky above them suddenly turned gray.

The wind is blowing and the clouds are gathering!

At this time, the dark clouds that should have been dark are now faintly white, and a large number of electric lights are constantly flashing in them.

"What's wrong?"

The sudden change in the world made both the God of War and the generals stunned at this moment. A terrifying pressure shrouded their hearts. No matter they were the God of War or the generals, there was no difference under this pressure.


Suddenly, Jiang Mingyue pointed into the distance.

There, the land was originally covered by dense swarms of rats, but at this moment, tornadoes appeared out of thin air one after another, sweeping countless monsters into it.

Bolts of thunder continued to fall from the sky, turning all the mice that were rolled up into ashes.

A lot of fly ash landed on the faces of Jiang Mingyue and others who were watching.

But no one cares about this.

This scene is terrifying, shocking and incredible!

"What on earth is this?" Sylvia asked in disbelief.

"I don't know!" The God of War shook his head, and he continued: "Anyway, we are saved, let's go down first. Although I feel that those thunders will not hit us, but with such a large dark cloud above our heads, I Still flustered!”

"Yeah!" Several people nodded.


Under the violent attack just now, although not all the rat monsters died, most of them died. The remaining rats no longer had the courage to fear death just now. They They all screamed and fled underground.

At this time, standing in the somewhat empty wilderness, Sylvia, the others, and Jiang Mingyue were speechless for a moment.

However, they had experienced life and death together, so the atmosphere between them was not as tense as before.

"There were so many thunders just now. Could it be that the head master of our thunder and lightning martial arts gym took action?" Suddenly, one of Sylvia's teammates said an imaginative question.

He is a member of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall, and has been a member of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall for more than ten years. In the past ten years, he has always worshiped the master of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall, Thunder God, as a "god", so this meeting It’s not surprising that he has this idea!

"Although Lord Thunder God is the second strongest person in the world, I'm afraid he doesn't have such ability!" The God of War retorted directly. As the God of War, he still knows a little about the abilities of beings that surpass the God of War. Moreover, if Thor can do By what happened just now, all monsters on the earth would have been extinct long ago!

Even if it is a king-level monster, under an attack of the same scale just now, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning.

You must know that the scope of the rat tide this time is so large that as the God of War, he can't see the end at a glance. He can imagine its number, but such a rat tide was sent directly home...

All in all, indescribable!

"Maybe it's a secret weapon developed by our country, such as the legendary weather weapon!" Jiang Mingyue guessed.

"Weather weapon..." Everyone else nodded. Although this weather weapon sounds a bit ridiculous, the fact is that it happened before our eyes, so it is not impossible.

"How is this possible?" Sylvia shook her head secretly. She was sure that someone had definitely saved her just now. That kind of precise blow could not be explained by weather weapons.


Several people discussed it for a while, and then they lost interest in continuing the discussion. No matter what the reason was, it was probably not something they could interfere with. All they could do was report it.

"Jiang Yueming, you are lucky this time. Don't let us encounter you next time!" Sylvia said harsh words, and then she led her team members to retreat.

"You can take care of yourself!" The God of War glanced at Jiang Mingyue and then left.

The God of War no longer had a good impression of Jiang Mingyue, because just now in the air, after Jiang Mingyue threw everyone's extra weapons down, she still kept her own, which made the always upright man feel quite uncomfortable. .

Therefore, even though he was also a warrior of the Chinese nation, the God of War had no interest in continuing to talk to Jiang Mingyue.


Jiang Mingyue didn't speak. She arranged her equipment and clothes, and then she silently chased in the direction where Sylvia and the others left.

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