Name: Wang Cheng

Age: 25

Evolution level: Apprentice Level 3 (double genes)

Opportunity points: 91

Treasure: None

Cheats: None yet

Secret realm: none yet

Looking at the virtual screen in front of him, savoring the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Wang Cheng's mouth, and the smile gradually expanded.

After a moment, Wang Cheng calmed down quickly. He suppressed the smile on his face and thought about everything that suddenly appeared.

Wang Cheng automatically understood the panel and a bunch of information that suddenly appeared in front of him as a golden finger of time travel.

As a time traveler, Wang Cheng still lived a very cautious life without the golden finger.

Not to mention taking the initiative to make friends with Luo Feng, even if he had the opportunity to hug Luo Feng's thick thighs in the future, he didn't expect to achieve much. If he could become immortal, he would just thank God and burn incense and worship Buddha.

Even Wang Cheng also understands that he is more likely to die on the way to becoming stronger. There is no way. No matter how good he befriends Luo Feng, he is still an outsider after all. Luo Feng cannot help him like his own family. In this case, with his ordinary talent, how could he possibly become stronger?

But now that the golden finger has arrived, Wang Cheng feels different instantly!

Make friends with Luo Feng?

Before, it was mixed with interests, but now it's because Wang Cheng admires Luo Feng!

This simple change of thought reflects Wang Cheng's confidence at this moment!

Even if he doesn't rely on Luo Feng, he still has hope!

"Opportunity capture system!" Wang Cheng couldn't help but feel happy as he thought about the name and function of his golden finger.

The function of this opportunity grabbing system is very simple, that is, even if Wang Cheng does nothing, he can get opportunities scattered everywhere at home.

Wang Cheng can get one chance point every Earth day. It has been three months since he came to this world, so his current number of chance points is 91!

By consuming opportunity points, Wang Cheng can randomly grab opportunities.

The more opportunity points you consume at one time, the wider the capture range will be, and the greater the possibility of capturing a good opportunity.

For example, if Wang Cheng spends one opportunity point to grab opportunities, he can grab opportunities across the entire earth.

If you consume three points, it will increase to the entire solar system. If you consume nine points, it will increase to the entire galaxy...

The solar system is more than three times larger than the earth, and the volume of the Milky Way is countless times larger than the solar system. The growth of this opportunity point is obviously not linearly related to the size of the grabbing range, but the more opportunity points are consumed, the larger the range that can be grabbed. That's for sure!

"According to the information that appeared in my mind, my first capture has special treatment. Spending one opportunity point will have the effect of a thousand points, and the chance of catching an opportunity that suits me is greatly increased. In this case ..." Thinking of this, Wang Cheng immediately had a thought in his mind.

In an instant, the chance points on the virtual screen in front of Wang Cheng changed from 91 to zero.

The first time he grabbed it, Wang Cheng put all the opportunities he had into it.

Because this is the first capture, 91 chance points have an effect of 91,000 points.


In an instant, the silent power swept across the entire primitive universe and rapidly expanded to the depths of the cosmic sea.

In a certain latitude of the Three Thousand Universe Sea, within a void ocean, a group of light composed of ten colors is absorbing the surrounding energy wantonly and growing rapidly.

Suddenly, a silent force passed over this place.

In an instant, the light group with ten colors disappeared...


At the same time, the virtual screen in front of Wang Cheng also changed, and lines of text emerged from it.

[Consumption of 91 opportunity points, the first chance capture was successful. 】

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Chance name: Original Embryo]

[Use by chance: Oral administration]

[Chance effect: Transform the body and soul and obtain the original body]


As these lines of fonts appeared, Wang Cheng also directly felt that his consciousness was connected to a void space. This space was empty, with only a light group composed of ten colors floating quietly in it.

"Is this the original embryo?" Wang Cheng felt it very clearly at this time. As long as he thought about it, the original embryo would immediately appear in his hands.

When the opportunity came, Wang Cheng didn't hide it. He naturally planned to use it immediately!

"I hope the movement won't be too big!" Wang Cheng thought, and then a thought came to his mind.


For a moment, Wang Cheng felt a slight heat in his throat, and then a warm feeling came from inside his body. At the same time, Wang Cheng's consciousness began to become a little blurry.

"What just happened?" Wang Cheng was a little confused. In a daze, he spent a lot of effort to understand what had just happened.

The original embryo did appear in Wang Cheng's hand instantly, and it was at that moment that Wang Cheng's hand put the original embryo into his mouth.

This was completely Wang Cheng's subconscious action, or it could be said to be his body's instinct after coming into contact with the original embryo. It was just like LSP, who had been lonely for countless years, met a beautiful girl who had no power to resist. Not the slightest hesitation.

"This primitive embryo is so attractive to my body, it must be a great thing, right?" This was the last thought in Wang Cheng's mind. Then, he completely lost consciousness, and finally fell to the ground with a thud. In the room!

. . .

He hadn't been unconscious for too long. When the sky was dim and bright, Wang Cheng, who fell on the floor of the practice room, slowly opened his eyes.

The morning dew drops drop by drop, countless insects are doing their own thing in invisible places, the gentle wind, the warm sunshine...

Wang Cheng felt all this quietly, and he understood that he was completely different!


Name: Wang Cheng

Age: 25

Evolutionary level: planetary level one (ten times genes)

Opportunity points: 1

Treasure: None

Secret realm: none yet


Wang Cheng's eyes widened and he looked at the virtual screen in front of him. He couldn't believe the information on it.

In just one night, he went from a third-level apprentice to a first-level planetary level. Most importantly, the genetic level of his body also jumped tenfold!

The so-called planet-level first-order, what is called on the earth, is an existence that surpasses the god of war. In terms of status, each one is the best among men, and their power is extremely astonishing!

Of course, this is actually nothing. After all, the planetary level in the universe is just the beginning. There are countless treasures that can turn apprentices into planetary level instantly.

The key is the jump at the genetic level!


The so-called genetic level, if I have to describe it, is the difference between higher organisms and lower organisms.

Just like the Golden Horned Behemoth, the pinnacle bloodline among the starry sky behemoths, compared to ordinary humans, it is not wrong to say that they are advanced beings. Unlike humans on Earth who are weak, the newly born Golden Horned Behemoth is planet-level. The adult golden-horned giant beast is directly the pinnacle of the realm lord!

The genetic level of the golden-horned behemoth is actually 10 times that of ordinary humans!


It is very difficult to jump to the genetic level. Except for the "plug-in" method called "Nine Tribulations Secret Code", if you want to improve the genetic level, you can basically only rely on special treasures, and these special treasures are either extremely precious. Or there are special requirements for use!

For example, the Blood Crystal can make people die from pain, and it is impossible for normal people to absorb it!


"My genetic level seems to be still growing?" Wang Cheng felt the warmth in his body that never dissipated, and he was a little surprised.

Wang Cheng wasn't just guessing out of thin air. The feeling in his body told him that his genetic level was probably still growing, albeit slowly, but extremely firmly.

"Moreover, I have also gained a kind of natural talent?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he thought. In an instant, Wang Cheng's body emitted a weak white light, which completely enveloped him. And slowly divided into two parts.


The two white lights dispersed, and two Wang Cheng appeared on the spot.

The difference is that the auras of the two Wang Chengs are completely different, one is strong and the other is weak, but these two bodies are actually Wang Cheng, and his consciousness is also connected in the two bodies.

It can also be said that Wang Cheng is controlling two bodies at the same time.

"What the hell kind of talent is this?" The two Wang Cheng looked at each other helplessly.

Wang Cheng, who has a strong aura, is still at the first level of planetary level. This is also Wang Cheng's true self, while Wang Cheng, who has a weak aura, should be his newly separated clone.

However, the power of this clone is pitifully low. Even Wang Cheng was much stronger than him before taking the "Primordial Embryo".


"Got to try again!"

Wang Cheng thought again, and in an instant, a faint white light appeared on Wang Cheng's body again.

Moreover, this time the white light appeared longer than before... Soon, the white light split into two parts again, and the number of "Wang Cheng" in the practice room became three.

Moreover, the auras of the two new Wang Chengs who appeared this time were exactly the same.

"The power is completely divided, but this new body is still just a clone!" Wang Cheng felt his situation, and he quickly analyzed some information.



Wang Cheng patiently studied his natal talent. When the sky outside was almost completely bright, he was just about to figure out what this talent was.

This is a special clone technique. Wang Cheng can use this to create a large number of clones, but it is not infinite, the maximum is 10081!

Whether these clones are strong or not depends on how much power Wang Cheng is willing to give to this clone.

If less power is given to the clone, the clone will naturally be weak, such as the first clone created by Wang Cheng.

The more power you give to a clone, the stronger it will naturally be, such as the second clone created by Wang Cheng.

However, the total power of Wang Cheng and all his clones is the same, so after a powerful clone is created, Wang Cheng's aura will decrease.

In fact, Wang Cheng could vaguely feel that his clone took away not only his power, but also his consciousness and soul.

This is actually not a good thing, because if the clone dies, the soul cannot return to Wang Cheng's body in time, and Wang Cheng's own soul will be lost.

You know, sometimes, the damage to the soul is extremely fatal. If the soul is not damaged, it is okay, but if the soul is damaged a lot, it is really irreversible!

Hu Yanbo, who is still lying under the earth, has a lot to say in this matter... From this perspective, this natural talent is really rubbish!

Of course, after some research, Wang Cheng discovered the highlight of this clone technique...

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