Unlike Wang Cheng who ended the fight in an instant, the other six people were still fighting fiercely.

When arranging battles, Oracle always selects two people with similar strength. For example, Wang Cheng and the boy just now are both first-level star level. Wang Cheng can kill the opponent instantly. It can only be said to be an accident. It is normal. It is impossible for a star level to have thirty times the genetic level.

"These six people are all very strong!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly.

Whether a person is strong or not affects many aspects, including physical foundation, fighting skills, fighting will, physical strength, etc.

In Wang Cheng's eyes, the six people at this time were all quite powerful, especially in terms of physical strength.

According to Wang Cheng's observation, the amplitude of their body's force is probably more than 20 times or even close to 30 times!

The so-called amplitude of body force is actually the application of one's own body strength. The highest amplitude of this amplitude is 100, which means 100% force exertion!

Wang Cheng had just finished practicing the "Nine-Level Thunder Sword" before. With the help of the Nine-Level Thunder Sword's skills, his body's power was seven times greater.

Later, as Wang Cheng continued to exercise, and now he broke through the star level, he had more control over his body, and his body's strength was estimated to be ten times greater.

This seems like a lot, but in fact it is very low, almost just reaching the passing line of stellar level!

"The star-level people who dare to participate in the Oracle Lord's test are probably geniuses. Although all six of them have mastered the field, they are probably only in the first and second levels. This shows that I am far ahead in this aspect!" Wang Makoto wasn't being conceited, he was indeed far ahead.

From mastering the thunder and lightning field to now, Wang Cheng's field has undergone three transformations. Now he is exerting his full strength and can release the fourth level of the field.

Moreover, Wang Cheng has also mastered a bit of the Law of Thunder and Lightning. Although he can only use the Law of Thunder and Lightning to create thunder and lightning, it is still a law after all. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is far ahead in this regard!

"However, the domain laws are ahead, and the body's strength must keep up. Otherwise, my thirty times physical strength will only be fifteen times more effective when fighting these people!" Wang Cheng said silently As he was thinking about it, a bright light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"By the way, the law of thunder and lightning!"

Wang Cheng suddenly lowered his head and looked at the two claw-shaped weapons in his hands. The dense patterns on the two claws seemed familiar to him before, but he couldn't remember why they looked familiar, but now... ....

"I see, these dense patterns are very similar to the laws of lightning!" Wang Cheng felt a little surprised in his heart, and then he stared at these dense patterns carefully.


At this time, Wang Cheng wanted to study the dense patterns on the claws for three days and three nights, but unfortunately, in less than half an hour, the battle between the other six people was over.

This fight was very brutal. Of the eight people who came in, only five were left. Moreover, except for Wang Cheng, the other four people were also a little unstable, and even suffered serious injuries on their bodies.

However, the Oracle didn't seem to have any intention of letting everyone recover. After everyone's battle was over, he directly gathered the remaining five people together.

"I have seen your performance!" Oracle Hou said lightly, and then he stretched out his finger: "You, you, you... you three are not qualified to accept my Test, get out!”

The faces of the three people pointed out by the Oracle changed drastically in an instant. They had worked hard enough, but they were not even qualified to be tested?

But unfortunately, this is not a place for reasoning. They didn't even have a chance to speak, and then they were swept away by a force and disappeared.

At this time, only Wang Cheng and one other person were left in the place.

This is a woman wearing a silver battle suit. Her hair is snow-white and her skin is equally white! It was truly snow-white, so white that there was no trace of blood. However, the opponent's pupils were dark red, which stood out among the white snow all over his body, as if there was a ruby ​​embedded in the snow.

Wang Cheng turned to look at the other party, and the other party also turned to look at Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng smiled slightly, but the other party just nodded expressionlessly, looking cold.

"You two...are great!"

At this time, the Oracle spoke again. He looked at the two of them and said lightly: "The next test is still dangerous. I ask again, are you sure you want to participate?"

"Yes, Lord Oracle!" The silver-armored woman nodded.

"I'm sure!" Wang Cheng naturally didn't hesitate. He had no other choice at all. Besides, if he died here, at most it would be a failure to enter the secret realm, and his consciousness would naturally return. It's no big deal at all!

"Very good!" The Oracle nodded and said:

"Next, the two of you will be transported to a small world, where many ferocious beasts live. The strongest of these ferocious beasts even have a strength no less than the ninth level of a star!"

"Ninth level star level?" Wang Cheng's expression changed slightly.

"Your mission is to hunt down ten beasts of the seventh level of the star within ten days!" The Oracle looked at the snow-white woman.

"Yes, Lord Oracle!" The woman nodded immediately.

"Let a star-level fifth-level person deal with a star-level seventh-level person. If it were me, no matter what, I wouldn't be asked to deal with a star-level ninth-level person, right?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. In fact, he had to deal with The beasts at the eighth level of the stellar level are very confident, but the ninth level of the stellar level feels a bit uncertain.

But unfortunately, things will not change according to Wang Cheng's will. After the Oracle finished his request for the woman, he then said to Wang Cheng: "As for you...you have to... Hunt down three vicious beasts at the ninth level of the star level within ten days!”

"You really want me to deal with the ninth level star?" Wang Cheng was speechless, but he did not refute, but nodded directly.

If it is an ordinary first-level star, there is no hope of dealing with the ninth-level star. Just like a high-level god of war only needs one finger to kill a junior warrior, the ninth-level star needs only one finger to kill a star. Level one is almost the same.

However, Wang Cheng is, after all, a first-level star with thirty times the genetic level. In terms of basics, he is only slightly worse than an ordinary sixth-level star.

It is impossible for the first-level star to kill the ninth-level star, but it is possible for the sixth-level star. Although Wang Cheng cannot use his own strength, he has the fourth realm after all. With this, it is not impossible. The possibility of going head-to-head with the ninth-level astral level!

The most important thing is that what Wang Cheng has to deal with is not a ninth-level stellar level human being, but a ninth-level stellar level ferocious beast!

The ferocious beasts are different from the monsters on earth, they have no intelligence!

What's more, the Oracle Lord Ke said before that if Wang Cheng stays, he will have to accept the highest level test. If he passes it, he can get all the secret books left by the Oracle Lord.

After all, it is all the secrets left by an immortal feudal lord. It is normal for this kind of secrets to be more difficult to obtain.

"No wonder the Oracle would persuade me to quit before. With my strong physical foundation, if I could really get out, it wouldn't be difficult to get some secrets of the same level, but here I might lose my life... What a pity, I have no choice!" Wang Cheng sighed silently in his heart.

In fact, if you are at the planet level, as long as you can master the field, it is not difficult for the sixth level planet level to deal with the ninth level planet level!

But the star level is different. The first level domain cannot make up for the huge gap. Only Wang Cheng's fourth level domain can say that he has some confidence.

In fact, it’s normal. Those who control the domain of a planet can be said to be invincible at the planet level, while those who control the domain of a domain master are ordinary. The higher the basic level, the more difficult it is to fight across levels!


Seeing Wang Cheng nod his head without hesitation, the Oracle said nothing more.

However, after a moment of silence, the Oracle said again: "I remind you that after entering the small world, you'd better not use weapons beyond the limits of your ability. Once used, this test will be deemed to have failed. !”

"Yes!" It was still the woman who agreed quickly. It could be seen that she should have some understanding of the test here.

However, Wang Cheng was different. Just in case, he directly raised his hands, revealing the claws he had just received. At the same time, he also asked: "Senior Oracle, can I use these two force weapons?" ?”

"Of course it can be used!" Oracle Hou said calmly: "If you can really exert some of the true power of these two force weapons, then I will be pleasantly surprised!"


A smile also appeared on Wang Cheng's face.

. . .

A moment later, on a hillside filled with gravel, a whirlpool door suddenly appeared, and then two people, a man and a woman, walked out of it.

These two people are naturally Wang Cheng and the other woman who will also be tested by the Oracle.

"Are you really going to hunt down a beast that is as good as a ninth-level star? I advise you to find a place to stay for ten days. You can save your life at least!" Suddenly, Wang Cheng had never said a word to him in that huge square before. The woman who spoke spoke.

"Since it is a test, there must be a possibility of completing it!" Wang Cheng glanced at the woman in surprise, and then said: "However, I will accept your concern!"

"You helped me kill the meteor. I just don't want you to die like this. I advise you not to think too much!" The woman turned her head and stared at Wang Cheng and said.

"I think I miss you more!" Wang Cheng was speechless. This woman was obviously narcissistic.

"However, you said that I helped you kill Meteor. Do you have a big grudge against him?" Wang Cheng was curious. This woman is already at the fifth level of the Astral level, while the Meteor is only at the first level of the Astral level.

"It's a bit of a grudge. If you don't kill him, I will find someone to kill him sooner or later!" The woman didn't mean to say more. After explaining, she continued:

"I will thank you, of course, provided you live!"


Chewing these two words, Wang Cheng felt a little subtle in his heart.


The woman obviously didn't know what Wang Cheng was thinking. After she finished speaking, she flew into the sky and left here quickly.

"Enmm, let's get down to business!" Wang Cheng looked at the woman's leaving figure. He didn't think much about it, but flew away directly.

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