Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 58 Destruction

The first wave of attacks by the pig-headed people really caught the human race off guard.

As a fortress built for war defense, Chenqing's excellent defensive counterattack ability forced the pig-headed people to retreat, but suffered heavy casualties.

The pig-headed warriors once occupied the top of the city, and Chenqing relied on the number of people to stabilize the defense line with difficulty.

Chenqing officially entered a state of war, and the guards on the city patrolled day and night.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π’•π’˜π’Œπ’‚π’.π’„π’π’Ž]

The pig-headed people temporarily stationed in the outer layer of the dense forest and set up tents, but there was a risk of being caught in the sea of ​​fire if they stayed overnight in the outer dense forest, so the pig-headed people only rested for the first night, and retreated like a tide the next day, using the dense forest to cover the movement of the troops.

At the same time, they waited for the arrival of allied forces from other tribes.

After weighing the pros and cons, the elves sent a team of elves to assist. The deer-headed people who started to gather in advance arrived at the pig-headed army the next day. They were highly expected because of their divine favor abilities that could be called mobile artillery.

Most of the rabbit-headed people were scouts and auxiliary roles. Their strange divine favor abilities allowed them to be competent for many positions.

The divine favor of the fox people had an explosive power that could not be underestimated and was regarded as a vanguard.

The players could not easily influence the course of the war, so they simply became spectators. Their most important task had been completed, instigating war and uniting the tribes.

One day, the system prompt finally appeared in front of the three people.

[The main task time is over! Players are about to leave the dungeon and enter the curtain call! ]

Wei Miao's perspective was raised, overlooking the land soaked in blood.

Before leaving, the pig-headed people had gained an advantage, but they had not yet broken through Chen Qing.

Now, the world process in front of her was played at three times the speed, quickly showing her the future results.

In a night raid, all the attacking orcs cooperated with the members of the Night Watch who had been hiding in Chenqing, and finally blasted open the city wall of Chenqing.

The deer-headed people climbed up the wall and suppressed the city with indiscriminate firepower, while the other pig-headed warriors started a brutal street fight with the human race.

The orange-red fire illuminated the night, and the cries and fighting sounds in the city were like purgatory.

A pig-headed man holding a scimitar just cut off the head of a human soldier, and the next moment he was pierced through the chest by a stray arrow.

She saw the missing ear No. 5 who turned into blood and rushed to fight. She retreated tiredly after killing people.

The weird thin No. 4 opened the vertical pupil on his forehead and contaminated all the enemies blocking the way in front of him into twisted monsters. In the desperate and fearful screams, eyes popped out of the enemies.

She was surrounded by several fox warriors protecting her.

The smoke billowed until dawn.

Fu Ze failed to escape from Chen Qing in the tunnel. This is an old man with a hooked nose and a serious face. His escape route was blocked by the Night Watcher.

The people behind the Night Watcher turned out to be the Raccoon Tribe, a race that is regarded as a mascot and is a very popular slave and pet of the Orcs.

The human race has completely fallen!

Wei Miao suspected that the development of the world in the future would be accelerated by a thousand times. The Pig-headed Tribe occupied and rebuilt Chen Qing, and the speed of alternation between day and night was dizzying.

In the human mines, the orc slave laborers were liberated and replaced by human captives. They tasted the previous fate of the orcs and worked continuously for survival.

The few humans who escaped from Chen Qing by chance mixed into the dense forests and deserts to continue the flame of the race.

The orcs, or the Pig-headed people, became the largest race and abided by the agreement not to offend the elves. Their influence extended to the plains and even to the more distant coastal areas.

After many years, Chulaka died of depression, and Tang En's lineage took control of the position of chief. The prophet Lubit died peacefully, and a new god's agent was born...

Suddenly, the screen froze in gray, slowly disappeared as if erased by an eraser, and replaced with another screen.

[Congratulations on completing the main quest! In the Clash of Clans, the rabbit-headed people followed the pig-headed tribe and won a perfect victory! ]

[But the world is not the same, and there are players who choose other destinies. ]

In the screen, Ersa killed Chulaka and then committed suicide.

The pig-headed Conrad, wearing a holy white robe, sat in the position of the chief in the meeting hall and talked about his concept of peace and justice.

Three orcs of other races listened on the side and assisted Conrad's work after the meeting. These should be three players who support Conrad. No matter when, the vitality and changes brought by the word "change" always make people think that this is the ladder for the advancement of civilization.

The regime represented by Conrad and the divine power represented by the high priest have been fighting for a long time, and they have been pulling back and forth on the matter of sacrifice. The high priest took the initiative to resign and claimed that Tianluo Pig Mother had abandoned the tribe.

Ten years later, after friendly exchanges, Conrad and some of his people merged into Chenqing. Not long after, the human army pressed on, swept through the orc tribe including the pig-headed people, and dominated the dense forest.

And Conrad was killed by Fu Ze himself. The remaining surrendered people were responsible for the ideological work of the pig-headed prisoners of war. The races of the three players did not survive.

Wei Miao suddenly realized the pit dug by the main task. If you don't interfere with the Conrad incident, the normal timeline should develop like this. There may not be a war within the limited time of thirty days, but it gives players time to change the result of the victory of the human race.

The success or failure of the main task is determined by the subsequent evolution of the world.

It's like a multi-ending story game with many branches for players to choose.

Wei Miao saw some other players' weird endings. After someone came to Chenqing, they searched for Conrad with great fanfare. The pig was found, but the player was drowned in the stinking ditch before leaving the city, and the entire race was targeted, and they could not take over the caravan escort mission.

Some players with poor operation failed to survive the wave of looting on the trade road and died tragically on the spot. Later, it was Elsa who showed her power and repelled the robbers, and won Conrad's gratitude and trust. Players who resurrected and returned to the statue could only go directly to the pig-headed tribe to wait.

In addition, there were attempts to assassinate Fu Ze and poison the water in the human tribe, all of which failed. Not many players can walk the guide line completely.

[The curtain call is about to begin! ]

The next moment, the colors in front of her were mixed and chaotic, and when she came to her senses, she was already standing on the side of the stage.

The bright spotlights swept the empty stage in a cycle, and the surrounding nothingness and darkness were panicking.

This time she was not alone.

On her left was a man in a thin white robe, who was a neck and a head taller than Wei Miao. He wore a smiling white fox mask with strange red stripes on both sides.

On her right was a girl wearing a brown deer headgear, with small antlers, big blue eyes, and long and cute ears.

A very straightforward comparison between players, the one on the left was a fox, and the one on the right was a deer.

It makes sense that the race favored by the gods is related to the mask.

Thanks to [Angry Brother] for the 100-coin reward and [44444484] for the 500-coin reward! +1 for the overdue update.

The ending of the dungeon may seem a bit hasty, but it is the best ending. There is really nothing to write about the war that follows, and writing more is just to increase the word count. The personal strength of the player at this stage cannot influence a war.

Thank you all for your follow-up and votes!

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