Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 240 Lost

The camera is a piece of equipment for the photographer, but what is the connection between this equipment and the photographer?

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Wei Miao believes that it may be like the fashion equipment of players, such as her Red Blade and Night Cutting.

Some games, especially online games, will be divided into unbindable equipment and bindable equipment.

Bindable equipment is divided into two types, one is self-binding and the other is passive binding.

Self-binding is also called equipment post-binding. There are many sources of equipment, such as dungeon rewards, monster drops, exchange proceeds, self-made, etc. It is in a sealed state when it is obtained, and players can choose to trade or equip it themselves. Once equipped, it will be converted to a bound state.

The biggest advantage of the bound state is that it will not drop when the player dies.

If the player wants to unbind, he will generally pay a certain price, such as game coins or some special props. After unbinding, the equipment returns to the sealed state. Players unbind mainly for trading.

This kind of equipment that can be bound by itself is officially allowed to be traded in the market. Therefore, there are not many cases where it cannot be unbound, because this will limit the liquidity of the equipment, and it is not easy for the official to indirectly regulate the market by controlling the distribution of props.

Passive binding is also called pick-up binding. As the name suggests, once the equipment is picked up and put into the backpack, it is automatically bound. This kind of binding is rigid and generally cannot be unbound by any means, so it cannot be traded in the market. The final outcome is that the warehouse is covered with dust and destroyed.

These equipment are not wanted by the official to flow into the market in order to regulate the balance of the game.

Unbindable equipment is common in single-player survival games and will drop after death. This is the so-called death penalty, and you need to pick up the corpse.

Some online games will also set this type of equipment to encourage players to duel.

In short, the settings of these equipment attributes are all for the game market and balance services. The huge game market is as complicated as reality, and it is all about learning.

There is no distinction between binding and non-binding in the masquerade. The equipment has the attributes of being non-droppable, tradable, destructible, and lost.

Lost means that the equipment can be lost when the player is not dead, but others cannot use its active ability, which is equivalent to a blank board. When the player dies, the equipment will be synchronously recycled to the player's storage space.

For example, in the ghost domain copy, Wei Miao lent the red blade to Chai Yun for use.

This is not rentable, and the thorn iron crown is an exception.

Wei Miao does not think that the camera will be damaged. Its durability may be infinite. This is the key prop for the photographer's subsequent confrontation. If it can be damaged, the soul hunter will have to scythe down and the photographer will not have to play.

But it may be lost, which is the game experience.

Of course, if the equipment status of this copy is special, the camera will automatically find its way like a licking dog and fly back to the hands of the photographer, then she didn't say it.

Otherwise, the gains of this plan are huge, which is equivalent to destroying the eyes of the traveler. From then on, Wei Miao no longer has to worry about when an arrow will be shot in the dark.

The remaining Odin brand candies are only coveted by her.

Lost includes disarmed and missing. Wei Miao considered letting George grab the camera and then hand it over to her. However, facing the numerical advantage of travelers, this method is too risky.

How to deal with the camera, this hot potato?

The Prangju River gave her an idea.

It is wide and deep, a good place to bury the camera. Even if they try their best to salvage it, it will take a lot of time and energy.

And she only needs to watch the show from a distance.

The feasibility of this plan is not low, and Wei Miao has high hopes for George.

This kind of cheap victim is simply nowhere to be found, paying money, doing things, and taking the blame.

Since George believed in Wei Miao's identity, his mind was full of how to enter the extraordinary.

He did not oppose Wei Miao's plan, and thought it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

He did not have the illusion that he had paid a lot but seemed to have nothing in his hands (self-consciousness).

On the contrary, he was amazed at Wei Miao's ability.

Not only did he have profound knowledge, but he could also plan a complete solution to the problem in a short time.

In the final analysis, he was too green, otherwise he would not have to go through so much trouble and even have to rob that camera.

The teacher really took great pains to help him enter the extraordinary.

He said goodbye to Wei Miao seriously and prepared to carry out the plan immediately.

Wei Miao smiled and nodded to her dear student, watching him leave in a hurry.

This matter was not necessarily successful, so Wei Miao had to take a look.

She didn't believe George, just as she didn't believe Leslie. Because she herself was a lie, which would be exposed as soon as it was poked, and she needed to disappear afterwards to prevent possible tracking.

She chose the location on the Planju Bridge, partly because it was easier for her to find George.

There were two rows of streets on both sides of the river, and how to choose the position to watch was a matter of particularity.

Wei Miao used the same method as Qingniao to watch the Bingji Hall at that time, both of which were behind the streets.

She found a good position and waited and watched.

On the bridge, George faced the river and looked to both sides from time to time.

He always felt that someone was watching him, but he couldn't find the source of the sight, which made him confused.

Traveler's sideβ€”β€”

At 12:15, Zixu came to Zhuyou Square with a weak face and saw his friends waiting for him.

He reluctantly recounted his experience of playing with others, and felt that his legs no longer belonged to him.

After walking for a whole morning, the special resident didn't even breathe. Zixu felt that he had walked through half of Sabo Town, and he was tired physically and mentally.

Fortunately, the dungeon saved them from hunger and made them not worry about not having money to eat.

Otherwise, they would be thirsty and hungry now.

But when he took out 5 candies, he was still very proud.

Because this was the only income for the traveler at present.

The four discussed the next action.

First, they should go to the church.

The special skills "holy healing" and "grace" and so on, once heard, they had something to do with the church.

When they approached the Blessing Church, the system suddenly popped up a bright red message.

[Tip: Virginia Holy Cathedral is a religious activity area, please stay in awe! ]

Faced with the rare kind reminder of the system, Zixu was a little confused: "Did you see the prompt?"

The wanderer looked at Guan Shanyue: "Maybe it wants to remind you not to use the camera to spy on those clergy?"

It is impolite to casually explore others. The wanderer believes that people like Zixu do not know politeness and naturally cannot understand the meaning of the system.

Zixu had to admit that what the wanderer said made sense, and did not notice the contempt behind him.

Guan Shanyue put the camera into the cloth box on his waist in agreement.

The church is not an isolated building in the religious activity area. There is a circle of white stone walls outside it, forming a courtyard. The courtyard will have necessary facilities such as dormitories and canteens for clergy.

For them, this is their entire daily life. The roots of the rest of their lives are rooted in the church, and until they die, they will be buried under the church.

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