Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 158 Secret Realm

The Crystal Compass, despite being exploited to the extreme by Harry, still functions normally.

There are abundant wild resources in the forest, and some common wild fruit foods are simply marked in the common sense book.

Menpo fruit is a peach-like berry with dense purple spots on the surface. It has a sweet taste and soft flesh. It is commonly found in low shrubs and is a must-know food for travelers along the way.

Wei Miao would pick some from time to time to replenish her physical strength.

Following a slight detour along the marked trail, Wei Miao avoided the swamp around afternoon, and the needle was still pointing forward.

Occasionally, you will meet other pedestrians dressed in different costumes, walking past each other without looking away, each going his own way.

The Lausanne trees with pink-blue leaves provide a large area of ​​shade. The symbiotic ivy droops like the aerial roots of the old trees. The sunlight leaks golden light spots through the gaps between the leaves, and there are faint roe deer passing through the dense bushes.

A faint floral fragrance similar to lavender lingers on the tip of the nose. This is the fragrance emitted by flower spirits. They live next to the roots of the Lausanne tree. Mushroom traders like to visit here.

Wei Miao stepped on the layer of fallen leaves as thick as a carpet and shuttled through it. There were trees all around, and if it weren't for the compass, she would have been lost. Fortunately, there were no extraordinary creatures in trouble.

Walking straight all the way, Wei Miao looked down at the compass from time to time to correct the direction in time. Suddenly, she frowned and stopped to look ahead carefully.

The scene directly ahead is a little weird.

In her eyes, part of the trunks of two Lausanne trees were strangely misaligned. The air seemed to be distorted by high temperature, and then the light was refracted, causing the image in her eyes to change. The overall area was an oval shape two meters high.

She looked at the compass and moved the angle around the two Lausanne trees. As a result, the scarlet pointer pointed faithfully at that location.

That's the goal!

"It looks like a secret place."

Wei Miao recalled the contents of the common sense pamphlet, and one entry described a situation that was very consistent with what she was seeing.

"Secret Realm", a rare extraordinary closed space, is basically only distributed in the Snow Kingdom and the Secret Forest. The entrance shows a scene similar to air distortion due to spatial disturbance.

Most secrets fall into one type - princess secrets. As the name suggests, this secret realm exists with the princess at its core. The Princess Secret Realm is generally located in the Secret Realm Wasteland of the Snow White Kingdom, and there are only a small number of them in the Secret Whisper Forest.

Interestingly, there is another valley in this world, which technically belongs to the Snow White Kingdom. It is located in the west of the Secret Wasteland, adjacent to the Secret Forest and the Thousand Mountains Dragon Nest. It is named simply and crudely: Prince Valley.

It may sound funny at first, but it is very vivid, because this valley is rich in "princes".

When he first saw this introduction, Wei Miao couldn't quite understand what a "rich prince" meant. However, according to records, different "princes" would appear from time to time in the narrow external roads of the Prince Valley. Without exception, they all behaved elegantly and dressed luxuriously. They considered themselves to be "princes", but unfortunately they were penniless.

When asked about his family background and past memories, he knew nothing. It was as if he was born out of thin air from Taniguchi. He only knew his own identity and mission.

There is only one mission, to find your own princess and live a happy life.

Wei Miao was shocked when she first saw that someone was born to fall in love and get married. But considering that witches in this world can even produce offspring asexually, the existence of Prince Valley and Princess Secret Realm seems reasonable.

The situation of the secret realm is unknown, but it is related to the main mission and must be entered.

Wei Miao held the compass in her left hand, took out the night knife in her right hand, and slowly leaned over with the knife, closing her eyes at the moment of entering.

This is the experience and lesson of countless people. If you keep your eyes open and too much information pours into your eyes in conjunction with your body's senses, you will experience a nausea-like feeling of motion sickness, which is clearly written in the book of common sense.

Five silver coins seem to be well spent, and common sense makes great achievements.

Just like lake water soaking through the whole body, Wei Miao felt a coolness on her skin.

After taking a step, she smelled the fresh smell of vegetation, and the touch under her feet was just as soft and thick.

She suddenly opened her eyes. She was surrounded by a Lausanne forest, but the scenery was different from what she had seen before. It was sparser, and not far away was a wide dirt road in the forest.

When I looked back, the entrance was gone.

This is a normal phenomenon when entering a secret realm. It is somewhat similar to the real scene. It may be a kind of "convergence", so the entrance to the secret realm is located there.

She stood there, and the pointer of the compass in her hand turned to the northeast, the general direction matching the extension of the dirt road.

Oh haha, it is indeed in the secret realm. Not long after attacking Little Red Riding Hood, she fell into a rare secret realm in the Secret Forest. I don't know whether to call it lucky or unlucky.

Anyway, this is not good news for Wei Miao. Not only does she have to hunt the werewolf, she also has to find a way out. Maybe after leaving, Little Red Riding Hood's bloodline is irretrievable.

This is most likely a princess secret. There are two ways to break it. One is to kill the princess, and the other is to let the prince and princess be together, which means to hold a complete wedding under the witness of the father-in-law.

The above is all the content about the Princess Secret Realm and Prince Valley introduced in the knowledge book. I highlight a brief summary, which at least points out the direction.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. Wei Miao plans to explore the goal of this trip first.

She followed the compass's guidance and walked slowly.

Occasionally, plainly dressed pedestrians pass by on the dirt road. They may be forest dwellers, carrying vegetable baskets, holding some food, or empty-handed. They seem to be running for life.

The situation at the gathering place was not normal before, but now the situation in the secret realm is too normal. All the people coming and going are human, so Wei Miao is abnormal.

If this bunny-headed man is exposed in public, it may cause panic.

It is daytime now, the breeze is gentle, and the temperature is stuck in a comfortable range.

There is no sun in the blue sky, and even the animals in the forest are very rare, mostly unknown flying insects. There is no one on the road.

Wei Miao shuttled through the woods beside the road, using the knowledge of the assassination technique to walk as quietly as possible, using the tree trunks to cover her body, and the night cutter was also put away.

When she was halfway, she looked up and suddenly saw a touch of white, but it was not very clear because of the cover of the leaves and tree trunks.

Wei Miao poked his head out, looking for an empty space where no one was passing by, and moved towards the main road, carefully gazing at the white pillar that stood out in the pink and blue forest not far away: "Is this... the White Pagoda?"

A pointed cylindrical white pagoda stood in the forest. From Wei Miao's side, there was only a small window on the outer wall at the top of the pagoda. I don't know what it was used for.

The height of the Lausanne tree is generally about seven or eight meters. By comparison, the White Pagoda is at least twenty meters high.

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