Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 127 Determination of Personality

The green goat hoof kicked the blade she raised.

The irresistible force came from the blade, and the explosive wind pressure made her silver hair fly backwards.

Wei Miao shouted in shock in her heart, and the whole person turned into a black shadow and was directly knocked away about ten meters.

The shock of the force made her breath unstable, and she retreated along the force. After stopping, she tilted her head and spit out a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat.

This group of old monsters is ridiculously strong in various aspects.

But the repulsion of the goat hoof also allowed her to avoid the sword energy of the Ruined One. This is a problem of coordination.

A goat head poked out from the void, and the eyes burning with black light looked at her.

[Judgment in progress...]

[Judgment passed! You are immune to mental manipulation! ]

Wei Miao slid away her sight, immediately changed direction, and ran to the other side.

A hook sickle protruded from the side, and a black beam of light penetrated like a long rainbow.

Holding the Night Judge, Wei Miao either blocked or chopped directly, and the power of the Eternal Night dropped like water.

Both sides had high resistance to the power of the Eternal Night. Although Wei Miao could not easily get rid of them, they could not easily seriously injure Wei Miao.

If she fought hard, she would definitely be left behind, but it was not certain that she would run away in a guerrilla style.

Wei Miao changed direction from time to time to prevent the Eternal Night life forms that surrounded her from blocking her in advance.

After the old man she had just met was severely injured by her, the Eternal Night life forms that were playing hide-and-seek with her in the Eternal Night with blocked perception seemed to be getting more and more confused and difficult to find her.

"Broken Fire Flow!"

Wei Miao kicked away the sticky life form that rushed over, and the face-to-face explosion of the power of the Eternal Night knocked it open like a heavy hammer.

She had just suffered a loss not long ago. After using the Night Judge to slash this kind of life form, the mucus left on the corpse would reduce the sharpness of the Night Judge.

Broken Fire Flow is not limited to swordsmanship. The power of the Eternal Night can be attached to any attack.

"It should be here soon."

Wei Miao estimated the sensing point. The black tights on her body had been soaked with blood. She relied on the strong recovery ability of the Eternal Night Constitution V to support her until now.

A deep cut that could be seen to the bone was faintly visible on her back, and the beautiful silver-purple cloak was almost rotten into strips. This was the masterpiece of another Ruined Swordsman.

The premonition of crisis saved her from the jaws of death countless times. Relying on the concealment of the Eternal Night, the life forms that were obviously too strong always sneaked up on her.

The concentration of the Eternal Night's power was even beyond the immunity range of the constitution, but the mutated left eye could still let her see through the Eternal Night.

She had always thought that the black left eye was just a useless but strange representation.

Dragging her seriously injured body, Wei Miao rushed into the darkness in front of her.

[Judgment in progress...]

[You have initially obtained the 'qualification'! Subsequent judgment is in progress...]

Wei Miao realized that she had entered a special field.

Here, the eternal night that obscured the view was much lighter, replaced by a heavy burden on the body and mind, as if it had substance.

Some wounds that had already healed even re-opened because of this.

Wei Miao stood straight, with the tip of the knife pointing to the ground, and drops of blood flowed into the sand crystal along the smooth arc of the blade.

Ten steps away, the throne in the picture transmitted by the sacred tree stood tall.

Facing it directly, in its simplicity and majesty, the patterns on it revealed a bit of familiar absurdity and confusion.

A sense of desire arose spontaneously.

The desire to walk towards it and sit on it, because Wei Miao instinctively knew that this would make her the king of the entire field!

Euphia Itno's physique and strength have reached the limit, and the throne is the only thing that can make her go further.

So the physique sent a "desire" feedback to the consciousness.

However, a few steps away from the throne, a humanoid lifeform stood with a sword.

It was wrapped in heavy armor, with a tattered dark red cape falling to its waist, and the flow of the power of the Eternal Night on it made the armor shine.

Its heavy aura, as steady as a mountain, made it hard to ignore its strength.

From Wei Miao's perspective, it couldn't see its face clearly. But judging from the similarity of its body shape, it was also a heavy armor swordsman, stronger than the ones he had seen before.

It seemed to have sensed the arrival of someone with intentions, and with a tooth-grinding metal friction sound, it turned its head nearly 180 degrees.

It was pitch black under the visor, but its "sight" could be clearly sensed.

A strange tone came out, it seemed to be saying something, but unfortunately Wei Miao couldn't understand it at all.

It is not new to discover that the same kind of Eternal Night life forms have a unique communication language, but no one can decipher these strange foreign languages, because most people who have heard it can't go back, and those who go back are non-scholar warriors, and real scholars can't see them at all.

Finding that the heavy-armored swordsman had no desire to attack, Wei Miao simply ignored it and began to figure out how to sit on the throne.

The system's judgment was always a string of ellipsis, which reminded her of the anxiety of staring at the snail progress bar while waiting for the game to load.

It said "subsequent" judgment, perhaps because the conditions for departure have not yet been met?

Looking at the heavy-armored swordsman, Wei Miao tried to take a step forward to the throne.

The text finally popped up after the ellipsis.

[Judgment successful! Judgment in progress...]

With no special feeling, Wei Miao continued to take a step forward.

[Judgment successful! Judgment in progress...]

"What is the basis for this judgment?"

Wei Miao took two or three steps forward and was level with the heavy-armored swordsman.

The judgment showed success!

The heavy-armored swordsman's head was always facing her, silent.

But its long standing here has already revealed something.

Wei Miao glanced at it and took another step forward.

[Judgment in progress...]

This time the judgment was particularly long, and the overwhelming pressure from all over her body also made Wei Miao feel bad.

It was as if someone wanted to put her in a small box and squeeze her desperately.

The bleeding wound stimulated the pain again, and she could hear her accelerated heartbeat and pulse.

[All attributes judgment successful! ]

[Eternal Night Constitution judgment successful! ]

[Status judgment failed! ]

The sense of pressure around her became stronger and stronger, and Wei Miao had to retreat to the same position as the heavy-armored swordsman.

She immediately found that the heavy-armored swordsman had a basis for sticking here. This position was very clever. A little more pressure would increase suddenly, and there would be no obvious feeling if she took a step back. It was just enough to bear.

Without a long period of testing back and forth, she couldn't figure out this distance.

She looked at the heavy-armored swordsman who shared the same pain as her. It seemed to have solved a problem, and its head slowly turned back to its original position, not even giving her a sidelong glance.

Wei Miao: ...

This is actually her competitor. It has obtained the "qualification" and wants to ascend the throne.

Unfortunately, it is stuck here and cannot make any progress.

Perhaps it does not even know where it is inferior, otherwise it would not stay here stubbornly.

Wei Miao sneered in her heart, and a crown of thorns appeared in her left hand.

She put on the simple and cold crown and straightened it.

The familiar mental pressure made her close her eyes, and she took a step forward after a while.

The heavy-armored swordsman turned his head to look at her in astonishment.

He saw that she had steadily surpassed him by one body length.

Just now they were in the same boat, but now he has become successful? !

He slightly raised his hands that had been placed on the hilt of the sword, and finally chose to wait and see what would happen.

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