Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 108 Arrival at the Imperial Capital

Pedestrians on the streets of Les City were wearing hoods or holding cloth umbrellas, and compared to Aled's numbness, their faces were a little more alive.

The small and prosperous trade allows the residents here to earn enough money from outsiders and have abundant supplies. It's hard for Alede to be self-sufficient.

The shadow of the hood of the black robe half covered her face. Wei Miao walked calmly on the street with one eye closed.


Heterochromatic eyes are too eye-catching, which is not a good thing.

"Have a sesame seed cake."

She came to a small stall, put a few coins into the old woman's hand, and took the steaming minced meat biscuits.

"Old lady, when I entered the city, I saw a corpse hanging on the city gate. Do you know what happened?"

Wei Miao asked while she was looking for change.

The old woman's hands were not flexible, so she was delayed for a while while looking through her wallet, and she answered her question smoothly: "Yesterday, there was a fight at the city gate. As soon as I noticed it, I heard that someone was dead."

Wei Miao accepted the change she handed over: "Thank you."

The position of this stall allows one to see what is happening at the gate of the city, but in this world where life is not easy, people instinctively stay away from struggle, and recreational conversations after dinner are the pleasure of the upper class.

"A fire bearer who can kill a priest in a short period of time cannot be unknown in the church...but is he really a member of the church?"

Wei Miao recalled Ximen and the ten-man team, as well as the mysterious fire messenger who came to crouch in advance. Judging from their behavior, he always felt that they were two groups.

The long-distance carriage is based in the northeast corner of Les, where stables, hotels, parking areas, etc. are all available.

Euphia had only heard the priest describe the situation here before, but this was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

The two-story hotel is for guests to stay temporarily. The beautiful stables have been wiped clean. There is a row of iron carriages neatly lined up on the parking lot. Some idle coachmen are sitting at the front of the row smoking dry cigarettes. They are ready to pick up guests and can set off at any time. .

There are armored guards patrolling the surrounding area, and there are even one or two fire bearers standing guard. They actually have an employment relationship with the powerful. The powerful give sponsorship fees to the local church every year, and the church protects the long-distance carriage business "out of obligation."

They can even act as temporary bodyguards if the guest pays high enough.

Long-distance carriages are the only large-scale transportation industry. They are often set up at transportation hubs like Les. The roads extend in all directions, connecting surrounding towns and intertwining into a transportation network.

Due to the special climate environment, carriages cannot be made of wood, so the price to build them is high. Private carriages are rare even for rich people, and this unusual industry eventually formed.

As a night watchman, Wei Miao walked past the two church fire preachers with a calm expression. As long as they don't take the initiative, the cold and reserved Night Watcher is not like the hot and overflowing Fire Bearer, so the risk of exposure is not high.

The smiling receptionist came forward and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Wei Miao took out the few remaining coins and said, "Imperial Capital."

"Okay, you need to pay a deposit of 100 silver coins first. When do you plan to leave?"

The receptionist opened the bag and took a look, took out enough money and gave it back to her.


"No problem, please come with me. There are vacant carriages for the Imperial Capital route at the moment. Which one do you want to choose?"

He led Wei Miao to the parking lot and introduced her with a gesture.

The coachmen jumped out of their cars and surrounded her to talk enthusiastically. For every order taken, the coachman can get an extra share, which requires them to compete for customers.

From the perspective of Wei Miao's modern people, the business model of long-distance carriages is already very mature.

She chose one at random and boarded the carriage with the smiling coachman.

The interior of the carriage was simply decorated. She sat on the goose down cushions with a dignified posture. She lifted the fabric around her waist with her left hand and quietly tilted the scabbard to keep it hidden.

The four wheels of the carriage turned, carrying Sister Yongye towards the imperial capital.

It was a peaceful ride.

Imperial City Vivo.

"Distinguished guests, the imperial capital has arrived."

The coachman's voice interrupted Wei Miao's meditation with her eyes closed.

The long-distance carriage station in the Imperial Capital is in the South District. The carriages with the industry's official logo drive straight in and stop slowly at a specific drop-off point.

Wei Miao straightened up her appearance, opened the car curtain, jumped out of the car neatly, and looked at the imperial capital that she had been away from for a long time.

The bright red and vermillion bricks and tiles are bright and bright, different from the gray and dark tones of other small towns. From here, you can see the magnificent dome church not far away, with the auxiliary towers on the side.

Passers-by held flower umbrellas of different styles, or wore gorgeous robes and gowns. The fine ashes falling at this moment were like flying snow, adding a bit of romance to the vibrant city.

The dim sky turned to fiery red and orange, and grease burned in the black-column street lamp candlesticks on the street.

After Wei Miao paid the final payment, she turned around and blended into this strange city.

She had no intention of returning to the Eternal Night Church until she understood the situation.

Following her memory, she walked cautiously through the streets. Her black robe was not conspicuous here, and very few people in the imperial capital knew her appearance. And these people stay in the church stronghold all year round and will not wander around at will.

She found the direction and came to a street mixed with shops and residences in the South District.

At the end of the dark alley, there is a three-story building with an old exterior wall. The red lacquer door has faded, and the metal pull ring on the door has disappeared. There is a thick layer of ashes on the windowsill, which is fine and black, and has become a dust-like dirty thing.

It is much more shabby than she remembered.

But this house is indeed occupied.

Wei Miao knocked on the door with a frequency of two long and two short knocks, and waited for a response with his hands.

With a "click", the door opened a crack inward, and a dim orange-red light leaked out from the crack.

There was also a faint smell of flower wine.

Wei Miao pushed open the door and looked inside.

In the small hall, the dirty round carpet was worn to the point that the pattern could not be seen clearly, and three or two empty wine bottles rolled on it. The almost extinct fireplace burned charcoal, providing light for the entire room.

Behind a long table is a long sofa, made of the leather of the Eternal Night Lifeform, which can maintain a cold and cold temperature that is comfortable for the night watcher.

A middle-aged man with messy short hair just sat up from the sofa, wearing only a black vest. His bare arms were muscular, but there were several long scars that looked like a dragon, shocking.

"It's actually... Euphia Itno?!"

Seeing Wei Miao standing quietly at the door, he was startled and then widened his eyes, completely awake.

"Long time no see, teacher." Wei Miao smiled faintly.

If there is anyone in this city who can still be trusted by Euphia, it is undoubtedly the one in front of him.

The last son of the eternal night, Ismael.

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