Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Attack again! AT-VI!

536. Attack again! aT-6!

Tang Yu's eyes flashed with anger. Just now he received a notice from Enrig in the car that Order of Religion had come. At the beginning, the guardian type four combat robot he left still occupied some advantages, but it was quickly defeated by the elite soldiers of these order gods to grasp the robot's clumsy shortcomings and defeated by multi-point outsourcing tactics.

Subsequently, his ten T-888 hunting squads began to kill a large number of invaders, but apparently they were prepared. These soldiers were equipped with tungsten core armor-piercing shells. Under the intensive fire, three T-888s were damaged. . Tang Yu can only hope that their cpu can be preserved.

However, the following news made him angry! Order God has invested a new type of Terminator, their arms can be transformed into a powerful machine gun, even T-888 can not resist the shooting of this machine gun! !

Tang Yu, who is very familiar with the models of the Terminator series, now understands that this is the T-9oo! ! After the completion of T-x, Skynet is a new-generation terminator based on T-x's actual combat data. It can be said that the simplified version of T-x T-9oo!

If it is really T-9oo, then it is clear that Enrique and Sarah Connor cannot withstand it! ! It is important to know that the combat effectiveness of the T-9oo is six times higher than that of the T-8oo, and it is the model that Skynet intends to produce as the main model of the new generation. However, because of its extremely high cost, it has not been truly mass-produced.

The problem now is that because the future human rebels have collapsed, Skynet can be said to lack a real strong enemy in the future. Then, it is likely that the appearance of these new model terminators will be ahead of time! ! Tang Yu immediately felt tremendous pressure. If Skynet really produced the most advanced Terminator model in advance and transmitted it to this era, it would be a disaster! !

It was at this time that Dudley, who had sent him to interfere with him, flew over and lowered his altitude. Several soldiers opened the hatch from above to prepare to shoot. Tang Yu just smiled coldly, and ordered Cameron to continue to **** the truck, directly control the helicopter, and then went straight to the office building!

"Uncle Enrique, how is your situation there?" Tang Yu asked through the communication.

"Very bad! Sara's body is out of condition again! They are under the leadership of that new type of Terminator, and there are only four T-888s left! Now we can only fight for our own time as much as possible!" Enrique There were constant gunfire over there, apparently still fierce fighting.

"Your current position?"

"3rd floor!!! Area D!"

"Waiting for me! I'm here!!!" Tang Yu drove the helicopter directly towards the office building! !

Hum~~~~~~! ! ! ! The huge body of ch-53 burst into a blame and hit the roof of the office building directly! ! boom! ! The helicopter's fuel tank was suddenly squeezed and exploded! ! The violent explosion immediately swept through. The corner of the office building suddenly fell into flames!

Boom! Boom! The sound of heavy footsteps sounded, and a figure more than two meters high came out of the fire without harm, aT-6! ! ! After returning to the "Terminator" world, Tang Yu has been at the front desk, dealing with those businessmen, reporters and officials, and has never had the opportunity to use it. Now, this mech that embodies the technology of "Overwatch" world is once again exposed! !

Tang Yu looked at his feet, and suddenly the aT-6's extremely sturdy arms were raised high and smashed towards the ground! boom! ! One arm weighs a ton, and this punch directly smashes the reinforced concrete floor! Tang Yu fell to the fourth floor, and then aT-6 punched the ground again! !

boom! ! ! The dark and gritty mech fell on the third floor with countless broken concrete blocks, and the huge weight smashed the floor of the third floor into a big pit! ! A small group of Order God soldiers stared at the mecha dumbfounded, only to see that the mecha stood up straight, and the detection device on the head flashed yellow light, sweeping in front of them.

"Give me a shot!! Kill it!!!" A soldier drank and shot sharply! Several other people woke up as soon as they dreamed, and quickly shot! !

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! Countless bullets poured out like raindrops! However, it is frightening that these bullets are blocked by an invisible light shield at a distance of two or three meters from the mech! Where did these nineties soldiers have the concept of an energy shield? After emptying the magazine, they just stared blankly at the undamaged mecha, unable to say anything.

Tang Yu is too lazy to use even the mechanical field in aT-6. The technological products of the Overwatch world, for these soldiers who have at most some mechanical prostheses, are completely like science fiction films. He looked at these soldiers coldly, and suddenly swooped over, punching a soldier with an unimaginable punch!

Boom! There was a muffled sound, and at the instant of contact with the iron fist, the soldier's body was torn apart, and his bones were all broken into pieces! Only with a crackling sound, he was beaten for several meters, and his whole body was stuck on the wall like a rag, blood was splashing! !


"Retreat!! Quickly retreat!!!" Even if these order **** soldiers are ruthless characters who have seen blood on the battlefield, they cannot accept such enemies, such death methods! They quickly lost their rifles and turned and ran!

Tang Yu looked at these soldiers, and his anger grew stronger and louder! ! aT-6 full power, rushed straight up! A massacre! !


Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! In area d on the third floor, gunfire is particularly intense here. Enrig and his comrades, as well as the remaining four and more than twenty guardian four-type combat robots are undergoing final resistance.

boom! A fighting robot was suddenly hit by a series of bullets, and suddenly a black smoke erupted and could not afford to fall! A right hand turned into a machine gun, the active bionic skin on his body was beaten up and down, and a modified T-888 with exposed metal bones came in from the door! The muzzle turned and aimed at Sarah Connor sitting at the foot of the wall! !

A T-888 on Tang Yu's side quickly rushed over and hugged this modified T-888! The two steel bodies immediately wrestled together! However, the arms of these modified T-888s are much more powerful. They punched them and flew the T-888s for two or three meters. Then they stepped forward a few steps and stepped on his chest with one foot. The machine gun fired fiercely at the head of this T-888! !

Watching the red light in this T-888's eyes gradually extinguish, this modified T-888 raised his head and walked towards them in the direction of Enrigo!

When I said it was fast, then suddenly, there was a sudden bang, and the wall next to it suddenly broke open! A modified T-888 crashed through the wall and flew straight over. With a bang, it collided with this T-888! Immediately afterwards, a thick iron arm pushed the torn wall away and walked over to a mech with a height of more than two meters, blocking it like Sarah Connor and Enrique like a wall! !

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