Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 256: : Almost disabled

And this scene also made me understand that this ancient **** is facing the Western Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Ziya, most of them are going on their way.

"Jiang Ziya, now do you have the power to worry about others? You don't look at your own situation, you are dead. What else do you need to worry about? Once you die, what does the flood have to do with you?" The Lord of the Sun and Moon giggled He opened his mouth.

Shi Huang also sneered. The Heaven and Earth Spear in his hand was directly cut off, and Jiang Ziya's head was cut off at the most critical moment, which was considered to be revenge for the devil in the world.

"My origin is dry, the blood is flowing, the gods are weak, they can't fight anymore, but if you want me to die for no reason, you can't do it for nothing! Do you really think you are the emperor? ?" Emperor Jiang Ziya roared.

This roar contains his perseverance and unwillingness, there is no proof of the way, but he is dead, he is unwilling, unable to prove, unable to save his life, and he is unwilling! At this time, this dissatisfaction turned into the last sorrow, making the power of the quasi-emperor Jiang Ziya seem to be generally sublimated at the last moment.

There was a loud noise. At this moment, Emperor Jiang Ziya's flesh and blood exploded, and blood clots splashed out and spilled on the five nihility places.

The **** water turned into a blow to the world, leaving a mark of reluctance to kill the stone emperor and other people. At this time, the whole place was disillusioned, all kinds of lights were flying, and even the emperor's laws were shaking. These highest roars were obviously due to Emperor Jiang Ziya's final blow that exceeded their imagination.

I roared in the sky, like a wounded lonely wolf, he himself struggled to kill in front of him, at the same time, the incarnation and feathered corpse of the Emperor of Seven Kills were also killed in front of him.

The quasi-emperor Jin Chanzi and the quasi-emperor Daoyan were also killed separately, making this place red.

Facing the madness of my people, even if there was nothing, they had to retreat because they were injured in the last attack of Emperor Jiang Ziya.

At this time, the snake bone flogged the gods, watching the quasi-emperor Jiang Ziya fall, and suddenly burst out a dazzling light. At this time, it turned the nearly three-digit imperial soldiers into a company. Covering the front like a large array.

An even more intense **** battle took place, everything around him began to fall apart and began to cry. Even the Stone Emperor was almost maimed, the **** was destroyed, and one of the arms of the Lord of Sun and Moon exploded.

The ghost emperor and Buddha had destroyed the imperial soldiers of the emperor, so the war can only be said to be too fierce.

No one thought that due to the death of Emperor Jiang Ziya, Snake Bone Whip had to explode such an offensive for self-destruction, and under the cover of such an attack, even the existence of such an attack would be seriously damaged.

At this moment, the entire world life seemed to feel this scene. They all knew the ending, and knew that Emperor Jiang Ziya had already left. At this moment, every creature, regardless of race, feels sad.

"Oh, my goodness! Why not let Jiang Ziya go against heaven and kill a long person?"

"The promoters of the Black Blood Age have proven that those who save the world cannot go against the sky. How unfair this is!"

too difficult.

Brief conversation. Net], wonderful novels are free to read, no bullet window!

Jiang Ziya, a generation of emperors, came to an end in this way. The cold starry sky, the dark sky and the blood of the royal family witnessed his death, with a feeling of sadness and sadness. ..



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