Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1427: : Wreckage on the road

Slowly rising, it exudes terrible golden power, cutting many people’s skins and appearing cracks and fragments, the whole body is golden, crystal clear, carving a large number of vein images, floating out millions of light, and even reappearing itself Meaning.

Obviously, this is a fragment of the Golden Mile, all of which are painted with golden runes.

Seeing it, all the people boiled, their breathing began to be rapid, their eyes were red, and they were agitated. Once they charged up, the fire was naturally in it.

I lost the fragments of the Avenue of Fire, and didn't want to lose the fragments of the Golden Avenue. I learned that the fragments on the two roads would be born. I immediately gave up my pursuit of Sen and waited.

Someone roared and started snatching. Unlike the fragments of the Avenue of Flames, it gave a sharp golden power, hitting the corpse and laughing at it.

As long as they have magical physical protection, they can withstand it, so these people are crazy and start to snatch.

"Get off! The fragments of this road are mine!"

Huo Qiu drank a large glass, and flew the people around, grabbing the debris from the road.

"Well, there are strange treasures that fall from the sky, and people with destiny can get them. I don't think you are powerful and extraordinary."

Some people don't care about the fire, and there are more powerful presences who have joined the robbery.

"Go to die, who will attack me, go to die"

It was another strong man, just to touch the debris on the road, was attacked and almost died on the road.

"Damn, who stabbed me in the ass!"

A martial artist roared, his chrysanthemum was stabbed and felt a dull pain. Suddenly, there was chaos around, and the debris on the golden avenue floated quietly in space.

I, standing on the mountain in the distance, watching the battle below, the blood is full of four fields, like a world purgatory, for the treasure, how affectionate, how friendship, how fragile at this moment.

The battle was not over yet, and more and more people came in, as if they were attacked by evil, and the purpose of the attack was to fragment a road.

As long as someone wants to stain their fingers, they will definitely be attacked by others. Now, no one dares to easily grab the wreckage on the road.

Suddenly, everyone stopped. No one dared to catch it. If one person robbed it, they would be attacked by dozens of powerful martial arts. They couldn't even stand the half-step wonderland.

This scene is horrifying, everyone's eyes are fixed on the debris on the road, but they are alert to each other to avoid sudden shooting.

At the moment when everyone stopped, the fragments on the road suddenly turned into a stream of light, disappeared in place, and flew away in the distance.

"What's wrong, road fragments can escape by themselves."

Everyone was surprised. They looked down at the debris on the road and found a figure standing on the mountain. The debris on the golden avenue had just fallen into the hands of the man.

"Damn it, it's that boy again. Hell, how could the debris on the road fall into his hands? There must be something that can attract the treasure in him."

Someone yelled, but he didn't actually yell. Everyone saw the tall figure, waving, and the main road fragments fell into his hands.

"I'm so angry, it's him again!"

The fire mound let out a sharp roar, and a big fire broke out in the body, directly in front of Sen I, couldn't help saying that it was released.



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