Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1423: : Three breaths

My voice seems to have a kind of magic power, so that those who live around don't have a heart to resist.

"you dare!"

Tang Fei-Long's face has changed a lot. If he just left, Sen, I should let him go away.

"If you dare to walk away, how dare I do this, the three disabled are your role models!"

Killing will be overwhelming. Many people take a step back directly to avoid offending the **** of murder.

As for the mad cow disease that had shrunk and was hidden in the crowd, in the lobby of the library, he was punched and punched. I, now I am Mori, and the breath of the sea, he dared to stay there.

"Well, you talk to a seed disciple like this. When you die, I don't believe it. I want to go, you can keep me."

Tang Feilong said a scene, his body suddenly exploded, his feet flew with a sword, and he wanted to leave here.

No one can imagine that Tang Feilong had just been angered and reprimanded by my book writer, so he chose to run away.

Seeing Tang Fei stepping on the sword, he pulled up, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You fart what I said!"

A terrible pressure came down from Tang Fei's sky. He just flew up to Tang Feilong and suddenly lost control. One head fell from the blank space and then fell to the same place.

"I'll say it again, leave here, if you do it again, it is not to crush you, but to abolish your dantian!"

A hint of anger appeared on my fingers. If this Tang Feilong no longer obeys, I don't mind scrapping a person.

Seeing my book magister not like a joke, Tang Feilong's face changed, and he was no longer so arrogant just now.

"This brother, maybe you have misunderstood. I just came to the party. Since our purpose is the same, please raise your hand and let me go. I am very grateful!"

Tang Fei-Long changed his face unexpectedly. If he really rolled out of the ground, he would never see anyone again.

He also thinks that I have the same purpose as theirs, to get the address information of the ancient cave from Tang Yueming.

"One breath!"

I stretched out a finger and only gave the other three people breathing time.

Tang Fei's long face rose to the color of pig liver. I didn't expect that I was not advanced in oil and salt, and no one was afraid.

Tang Yueming was shocked. I didn't expect my strength to reach such a level that even the seed disciple could not pose a threat to him.

"Twice breaths!"

I stretched out his index finger and he became stronger and stabbed many people's skin.

"So crazy, so tough, this boy is worthy of defeating Tang Shuangzhuo."

In the crowd, some people even knew me, but the voice was not loud, but spread through the ears of many people.

Tang Fei-Long Yi was suffocating. I didn't know that Tang Shuanghui died in his hands. He promoted the seed disciple and scrapped Tang Le Arm. Even this assassin appeared.

"Three breaths!"

Three fingers appeared. When Sen my voice fell, the air flew out and flew directly into Tang Feichang's air and sea. Once it was broken, the end of the game would be no different from the three disabled.

"Let me get out of here, please don't give up my precepts!"

Facing the air of my book hero, Tang Feilong had no resistance at all. His body was suppressed by a strange energy and could not move at all.

The qi disappeared suddenly, and Long Dantian, which was only an inch away from Tang Fei, disappeared without a trace. If so, Tang Feilong was still startled in cold sweat.

"Go away!"..


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