Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1328: : Two main gods

Guo Xiu's words made me the book writer in a daze, and everyone behind him frowned, and then stood beside Guo Xiu.

I hummed, "Since I want to do this, then I am not welcome. I have seen people in your country unhappy a long time ago."

Seeing the strong momentum that broke out among me, the two big men behind Guo Xiu walked in front of Guo Xiu, "Madam, you go first. Here, we are definitely not their opponents, this is their territory."

"Be careful, I'll go to my brother. Today, we have to razor his Qincheng to the ground." Guo Xiu nodded, then opened the horseshoe.

My eyes turned, green vines were growing fast on the ground, several vines entwined Guo Xiuqi's iron hoof beast and two people in an instant.

The Ironhoof Beast was entangled in its four legs and fell down instantly, and Guo Xiu was thrown into flight.

"Madam, you deserve to die" the two big men roared, lightning armor appeared on them, and two huge thunderballs flew towards me.

"Good job" I turned around, two thunders fell aside, and his **** prison sword released a full of lethality in his hands.

Feeling the poisonous gas released by a certain person, blood clotted in the eyes of the burning crowd. The poisonous gas in this blood prison was too strong, beyond his imagination.

"This guy, he probably killed more people than me."

"Oh, you can't kill me. I'm the eldest daughter of the Guo family. If you kill me, my brother and father won't let you go." Guo Xiu looked at me in horror, the two big men The face is not so pretty.

I snorted and said, "Seal the meridians of the three of them, and lock them up for me." The rest of the people can leave and tell your Guo family. If they don't come to redeem them, I will take the Guo family's The eldest daughter was given to the slave as a plaything. " Guo Huan

Like Guo Xiu, Guo Xu is very proud. The Guo family has been developing in the abyss for so many years, not because they believe in Thor.

After all, Thor is a powerful god, but he is not in the abyss. The Guo family is very strong because there are two main gods in their family. This is one of the reasons why Guo has always been ranked higher than the Su family. After all, the Su family has only one main god.

Guo Xu has always believed that those who can sell the most to the Guo family are the most powerful gods.

Although the sea **** and purple crystal **** can also be placed in the most powerful power of the main god. But I was not in their straight line. The people in the Purple Crystal God suddenly left. Only when the Sea God left Guo Xu did I know that this forest I was not valued by the Sea God and the Amethyst Master God.

Moreover, even if I was cherished, in the abyss, they all competed naturally with the people of Ziyun City and the Sea God, and naturally they were not afraid to provoke the Sea God and the Lord Amethyst.

Therefore, after learning that Guo Xiu was arrested, Guo Xu smiled slightly, "Dear sister, have you always wanted to compete with me for the position of city master?" Now you are in my hands, if I don't save you. "

"Don't tell my father about this, or I won't be able to stop you." Guo Xu's eyes swept down, and the eyes of those who escaped were condensed.

They are Guo Xiu's straight line, and they still know the fact that Guo Xu and Guo Xiu are at odds.

If Guo Xiu really died in the hands of my book writer, then Guo Xu might control the overall situation here.

After all, Guo Xiu and Guo Xu's father Guo Zhen is an enthusiastic person, usually, rarely responsible. I want to be the best in the world.



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