Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 269: Saratoras Resurrected

"That's how it happened! Han Di asked me to eat the fish pie from the yawning Black Cat Pavilion! Just when I was about to work the night shift with an empty stomach, I faced the hot and full fish pie. At that time, how can I make a decision!!" This, seems to be something wrong with the opening method.

Obviously he looks very serious, but he doesn't seem to be serious when he speaks.

"Think about it, that normal person would say rejection at this time! I never thought about being poisoned at the time! Even if I am the Paladin Commander, I am just a person. My stomach He will be hungry just like everyone!" Saratoras looked very free, and could not help but make people think that this is really the legendary predecessor Paladin.

"Princess Elizabeth, do you know the fish pie of the yawning cat pavilion?" Saratoras leaned down and asked Elizabeth in a very serious manner.

"Yes, yes." Elizabeth stammered a bit because she didn't catch a cold for this problem, or because Saratoras's body was too close.

"That's really delicious! My father and my sister both like the fish pie there, but I don’t know if they won’t have it after so many years!" Saratoras looked very regretful, mouth There is still saliva left in it, and it seems that he immediately wants to return to the Kingdom of Leonis to try the fish pie of the yawning Mao Ting.

"This guy must be a counterfeit!" Hawke walked up to Elizabeth and said to Elizabeth at this time, with a sincere appearance, he seemed quite sure of the fact that the guy in front of him was a fake!

"No, he is really Saratoras! And his character has not changed at all!" This really scared Hawke! How come Leonis's paladin commander looks like this? Then can I go? Hawke suddenly had this idea in his mind! It's not that he underestimated Saratoras, but Sarators was so speechless.

"Really?!" Hawke said with some surprise.

"A momentary negligence of duty brings such a bane. If, if I can resist the temptation of the faction, then, I won't be," Saratoras, who was talking to himself, was already in deep In the midst of his self-blame, in his heart the responsibility for the disaster is almost entirely on his own body!

"If it were me, if I could save Hendrickson and Han Di from the abyss of darkness," this is Saratoras indeed surprisingly serious! This kind of responsibility is not something everyone can bear. Not everyone is qualified to bear these.

"Master Saratoras,," Elizabeth watched Saratoras, who was deeply caught in self-blame, stood motionless, she seemed to be able to feel the feelings in people's hearts, of course, including the demon gods, fairies and others. race. Even pigs that can talk all the time are fine, so don't talk about these people.

"Would you like a drink, Sara~" After understanding the situation, Hawke dragged some wine trays and walked towards Sastolas with a glass of wine. Asked. Saratoras, who had taken off his old armor and dressed in black, was sitting in front of the table.

"Sounds great, but piggy, although it doesn't look like it, I don't know how to drink!" Saratoras said, sitting in a chair with her hands on the table and waving to Hawk. "Please use," Elizabeth seemed to have known it and handed it to Saratoras with hot water.

"Ah, thank you." Saratoras smiled and thanked.

"Although it seems that it will only be temporary, but I did come alive again. I think this is probably the masterpiece of those demons, the magic power of the Ten Commandments. A certain powerful magic power can make souls with strong emotions For example, hatred, resentment, nostalgia, the soul of such a child returns to the body again." Saratoras explained his existence in this way.

With that said, he has already been killed! But because of regret or obsession, he was temporarily resurrected. And it seems that he is not the only one who has been resurrected from what he said!

The world seems to be messed up by the Ten Commandments. The dead are resurrected, and the living are panting. There are wars everywhere and a group of civilians who are running around in order to survive and want to capture the Paladin alive! The devil's grasping teeth are even more pervasive in the entire continent.

"Well, that means you were resurrected because of the resentment of the two Paladins who killed you!" Hawke seemed to have caught some point, and he quickly stepped back several steps with a look of horror. Looked at Saratoras and said.

"Yes." At this moment, Saratoras's face in the gloomy corner looked extraordinarily terrifying, as if the corners of her mouth still had a faint grin!

Hawke immediately jumped from the ground after hearing Saratoras' answer! Then he fell to the ground embarrassedly.

"If this is the case, it would be simple~ But to be honest, my only resentment is myself. I hate myself for not being aware of Hendrickson and Handy being controlled by demons. That is what I left behind to this world. It's a pity~" Obviously, the unscrupulous paladin frightened Hawk by what he said just now.

And now it's Saratoras' real regret.

"It's sad. As far as this matter is concerned, I start to hate myself." Saratoras drank the hot water from Elizabeth, and said slowly.

"Elizabeth, can I beat him!" Hawke said very angrily, but obviously he was doing this just to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Well,, Hawke sauce~It's still in business now. During the business period, the guests are God~" Elizabeth politely prevented his act of death.

"Have you met Jill?" Elizabeth asked Saratoras. This question is unexpected. As a father, Saratoras’ second regret is probably not being able to watch his son grow up. No longer will that father want to leave his son in the world alone. It's just that Sarators' expression seemed a bit wrong. ..


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