Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 266: small town

"Is this here?" Fregia looked at Xie Chen walking in front and asked tentatively. She had an inexplicable respect for Xie Chen or, in more detail, she should be awed!

In the face of Xie Chen, the ten commandments in the demon god, who had been arrogant and arrogant to the sky, turned into a gurgling and trembling man who seemed to have lost the old hen when Xie Chen hadn’t started it. Little chicken! Such a huge contrast made Fregia inexplicably feel that the young man in front of him must be a terrifying guy!

On the way, Xie Chen asked him to follow him, and he followed closely behind Xie Chen, and didn't stop until he came to this town. This is a town among the mountains, and it seems that the grinding sample is outside the range of the demon gods. When the villagers walking around outside the town saw the paladin in armor, they did not want to sacrifice him to the demon **** in order to survive like the civilians before him!

"Don't be so nervous, just call me Xie Chen. You can live here temporarily, if you are willing to resist the devil, you can leave here at any time." Is this arranging a place for him? What does it mean? When you are a hero? With such strength, why not fight the Ten Commandments?

All kinds of questions popped out of Fregia’s head, but he didn’t ask any questions. He just nodded vaguely. In short, I don’t have to worry about nowhere to go. Stay here, and now I’m here. Let's talk about other things with the feet, as for fighting the devil?

Thinking of the Demon God, Fregia's fist clenched unconsciously, but it loosened again in an instant. All these changes in expression were all in sight of Xie Chen. Xie Chen didn't think this was because of Fregia's cowardice. He was afraid that everyone would have it. When faced with the power that was far stronger than himself and made them desperate, how many people chose to give up?

Compared to not very few! It is Xie Chen who asked himself what choice he would make if he were at such a time.

"Don't think too much, let's go!" Xie Chen said to Fregia and then walked towards the town. The town is in the mountains, and the only person entering the town is a cave the size of one person. If you want to enter the town from other places, you can only climb over the mountains surrounding the town or fly in!

Probably because of such a geographical environment, the Demon Race was not aware of this piece of pure land! Xie Chen also saw such a town while flying in the air. Otherwise, it would be hard to imagine that humans would survive in such a place!

The town is not as desolate as Fregia imagined. Instead, it is very prosperous. The ground is paved with bluestone. Most of the houses that stand here are two or three stories. The streets are also very clean and people. The traffic is so lively.

Among them, there is a very complete drainage system. The drainage system of gullies and sewage is well organized at first glance, probably because of the mountains, so the drainage system here is completely different from that in the towns outside.

It is no wonder that surrounded by mountains, it is easy to be directly submerged by rain if you are not careful. Fortunately, the terrain where the town is located is not the lowest place!

"Uncle Xie Chen is back!!" A little kid with a runny nose shouted loudly when Xie Chen was about to walk into a courtyard! Then ran towards Xie Chen quickly! "Why, I didn't go to the mountain today, little Avery!" Xie Chen touched the child's head and said to the child. It seems very amiable. It seems that Xie Chen has lived in this town for a while.

"They are all living in the mud! But I don't want to be a mud ghost with them." The little guy said with an air of air, wearing a thin waistcoat with short brown hair.

"Uncle Xie Chen, can you teach me swordsmanship! I want to learn swordsmanship with Uncle Xie Chen~" The little boy's eyes flashed a begging, but obviously this is not the first time, Xie Chen didn't speak, but just smiled Shook his head.

"Okay~ Go back, your mother should call you again later." Xie Chen rubbed his little head and said to the boy with a smile. The boy looked at Xie Chen with pleading eyes, but finally left.

This is the time Xie Chen came to this village for the first time. At that time, a group of gangsters who claimed to be under the Ten Commandments were making trouble in the town. It happened that Ai Li’s father was selling fruits in the town, and he met them. Those rascals wanted to wave their hands, Xie Chen just walked here.

With a branch in his hand, Xie Chen **** off the rogue group of ruffians, and the people in the town naturally thought Xie Chen was a great hero. I felt that Xie Chen must be a wandering swordsman. The village lacks everything, but there is no lack of gossip. The next day, Xie Chen was almost directly mythical by the villagers here.

After seeing Xie Chen's amazing force with her own eyes, Ai Li would beg Xie Chen to accept him as an apprentice every day, but Xie Chen did not agree! So there is today's scene.

"You can live here first. If you want to leave, you don't need to tell me, just pack your things." After saying that, Xie Chen didn't bother her anymore, and walked directly into a room by himself.

Xie Chen didn't have a purpose in this town. In the battle where Meliodas died, Xie Chen felt that it was better to rely on himself, so he found the law of space in this mountain village.

I want to let myself go back to the world before that day through my own research. This kind of thinking hasn't stopped even after being settled here.

However, his experiments and research didn't seem to be very successful, and he didn't gain anything except that he had blown up three houses. The people in the village were even more in awe of Xie Chen.

For all unknown things, people always like to use their rich imagination to imagine something. This is how God was born. It is undoubtedly a very appropriate and reasonable approach to push all the things that humans cannot accomplish to God. In the town, Xie Chenwan was about to become a god.

Although this made Xie Chen distressed, there was absolutely no way to only accept some compliments and unrealistic worship from the villagers with a wry smile. ..


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