Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 247: suppress

"I will let everyone in this space transfer to a safe place instantly!" With the same ability as Marlene and Lilian, transfer instantly, but this time the distance seems to be a little far away, and the number of people is slightly larger. !

"Your name is Gil Frost. How about such a large number of people, can you just move them all at once?" Hauser asked. There were at least twenty people present at this time! There are nearly thirty people, especially big giants like Diane and Matorona.

"I'll try my best!" Gil Frost frowned and said, at this moment, even he himself didn't have much confidence.

"Then, as for me and Ban, stay here and go out to help the group leader. After you send out, Ban and I will rush out directly!" Jin Fei said to everyone in the air.

"Elizabeth takes care of Elle. I will be back soon." Ben said to Elizabeth.

"I'll cure you~" and Liu Xueni was knocking Meliodas into the air, only to say to Jun Duoluo who had lost four arms. The huge rose flower was on the ground again. It's just not knowing if it's because of too many uses or something. It's not as fast as before, and the dewdrops on the flowers are very slow.

"Really have to wait a few more seconds!" Liu Xueni complained, and her hands did not use her hands to mobilize the magic power to speed up the condensation of the dew on the rose flower.

But at this time Meliodas had already rushed over! Without a trace of scars on her body, she rushed towards Liu Xueni, obviously because he didn't want to give Liu Xueni a chance to recover!

It’s just that Liu Xueni seemed to know that Meliodas would not compromise so easily! A huge strange tree suddenly rose up between Meliodas and Liu Xueni!

"Curse the vine tree!" The bloated and ugly one looks like a huge tree root, but at the top of the tree root is a small head formed by a tree, which is very ugly!

Countless branches rushed towards Meliodas at the moment when the cursed vine tree rose from the ground! However, creatures of this level are like paper made to Meliodas, without the slightest hindrance that Meliodas' figure was directly chopped into pieces by Meliodas! Then continue to rush towards Liu Xueni without stopping!

"I'm sorry I can't wait!" She hit Liu Xueni's abdomen with a punch! This blow seems to be a condensed force, and a very strong wave of magic power can be seen on Meliodas' fist!

But hitting Liu Xueni's body directly hit Liu Xueni's body like a rag belt twisted. broken!

"Goodbye, comrade-in-arms!" Meliodas said as he drew out his knife, intending to give Liu Xueni the final blow and make him disappear into this world completely, but it seemed that he had no chance.

Because behind him, Duoluo Lujun's four hands appeared behind him intact!"Broken!" The four hands were flying around Meliodas in the air, and then flying at high speed like countless meteorites from the surface after Lord Dololu shouted The stone! Smash at Meliodas! The huge stones all flew towards Melioda! He was still a step late, and in the end Duoluo Jun still recovered completely.

And on another piece of quiet land! All of Elizabeth suddenly appeared here. There are no strong magical fluctuations here, nor are there huge gravels or monsters like the Ten Commandments.

"This, this is Leonis City?" Elizabeth recognized where it was just after arriving here.

"Oh, oh! You are so amazing!" Hauzel looked at where he was, and cried out in a little amazement, but the very powerful mage in his mouth was already exhausted and was about to collapse at this time. Breathing constantly on my knees! Such a large-scale long-distance transmission is still very expensive for him!

If it weren't for this emergency situation, he would definitely not even dare to think about it, but the only thing to be thankful for was the final success! All of them are back!

"Hey, hello, can it be!" Hauser only calmed down for a while, and he felt a tremor of the earth under his feet! It's like the aftershocks of an earthquake, and it's like the earth is shaking!

This is the aftermath of the Basel battle that has spread here! You can imagine how strong the battle against the Ten Commandments is!

"The Ten Commandments shouldn't be awakened. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are falling apart!" Gil Frost, who seemed to have recovered a little, didn't know where to take out a crystal ball and said to everyone.

"Why? How is Lord Meliodas?!" Elizabeth looked at Gil Frost with a pale face and asked. There are countless eagerness and worry in his eyes.

"That's why I can't help shuddering!" Gil Frost said with some incomprehension while holding the crystal ball in both hands, while Meliodas was floating in the air **** in the crystal ball.

In the next moment, there appeared in the crystal ball that Lord Duoluolu was nearly split in half! At this time everyone finally knew why Gil Frost would say combat power! His trembling was because of Meliodas' victory! Such a guy who could make the world fall apart, but still lost in the hands of Meliodas!

Meliodas, who slashed from Dolo Lu Jun’s shoulder to his waist, didn’t intend to let them go. The moment he landed on a huge rock, he turned towards Dolo Lu Jun and was also Dolo. Liu Xueni, who was protected by Jun Lu, rushed over!

"Prison Flame!" A black flame was shot from the knife in Meliodas's hand and rushed towards Liuxueni in Duluolu Jun's hand. You have to get rid of him first, otherwise this is not the case. The resurrection of stop is really annoying!

Although the flames ejected from Meliodas's hands looked small, when it was in front of Duoluolu Jun, it enveloped Duoluolu's whole body. From a distance, Duo Luo Lujun seemed to be in a raging fire!

It just didn't seem to cause any serious problems for the two of them. After the flame disappeared, Duluo Lujun revealed his body that was already completely metallic! Heavy metal! One of the talents of giants! ..


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