Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 232: King and Diane's battle

"Fate? That guy!" Liu Xueni said with dissatisfaction looking at the guy who was about to lose blood in Di An's chest and died more. Fighting against such a guy, even his own agent doll will make people feel ashamed!

"Hey! Do you cheer up! Why did you kneel down without doing anything at all!!" Di An shouted to Jin who was shaking in his chest while responding to Dololu's doll. ! This is really not to blame! Who wouldn't kneel in such a situation!

It is completely impossible for Diane to deal with the earth dolls and flower dolls with excellent combat effectiveness alone! While fighting with the earthen puppets, the flower puppets casually saw a vine appeared on the ground out of thin air and was directly tied to Di'an's feet! Di An, who wanted to move back a bit, was instantly taken aback!

And at this moment, the native figure who was contending with Di An volleyed from the ground and kicked towards Di An with his feet! Although the size of the native doll is not as big as Di An's body, but the strength is not weaker than Di An! Although his feet were blocked by the hammer in Dian's hand, his body was indeed leaned aside as he received a great impact!

Jin staying in front of Di An's chest also only felt a tremor!

"Di'an! Let's fight too, just leave these guys to me!" Jin stood up from Di'an's chest and said to Di'an!

"Don't be stupid! Besides, it's up to you how weak and scumbag physiques can fight them! Why on earth did you come to fight! Haven't all your companions been found?!" Di An worked hard as he worked hard. Freed from the vines **** on the ankle, shouted to Ben!

No matter what, Diane couldn't believe that a guy who had already had a nosebleed in battle could fight the powerful monster in front of him! If it wasn't for Jin Jae who had rescued Della and others before, maybe Dai An would have thrown him out at this time!

"Humans, how can we fly to the sky? We are the fairy clan, have you really forgotten all of them? We are gold, the sin of sloth among the seven sins like you!" Jin worked hard towards Dai Ann explained, almost shouting. But obviously Dian still didn't believe the look in his eyes!

"A liar! I know, the fairies have wings!" Dai An squinted as if you were a liar and don't want to talk to me! Very cute, but Jin didn't care about it at this time!

"How can I believe in the Temporary Fairy!, yes, yes! Drink!" The golden clip suddenly changed into another uncle and appeared in front of Di An on the chest!

"You see, fairies can be transformed, right!" Jin, who looked like a wretched uncle, lay on Di'an's chest and said to Di'an. This look is simply wretched to the point of hopelessly! No matter how you look at it, he is a wretched uncle of sex! !

Di An changed color in an instant, screaming and threw the gold on his chest directly!

"Disgusting!!!" Di An closed his eyes but the direction of the throw was quite accurate, and he threw it directly at the flower doll! But immediately realized it was wrong!

"Ah, not good!" But it was too late. Jin has flown in front of the flower doll and re-emerges as a fairy king. Is this fate? The original fairy king and the current fairy king stood in front of each other so close! Although it's just a flower doll, it doesn't make much difference!

"Hey, where does this flower doll's face seem to be seen?!" Jin said blankly, looking at the flower doll in front of him!

"Don't be silly standing in a daze! Get out of there quickly!" Di An shouted toward Jin! But it was too late. I saw that the flower stick in the flower doll's hand pointed to Jin, and in a flash, countless vines entangled towards Jin's body! Bind the gold firmly in place in an instant!

And the native dolls in the other direction rushed towards the Jinsuo! Di An rushed towards Jin from behind, trying to protect Jin before the native puppet attacked Jin, but the distance was a little far away, and he would definitely not be able to make it in the blink of an eye. And the native dolls have come to Jin!

Jin is not such a bully guy. On the contrary, if it wasn't Diane who was obstructing him just now, maybe the two guys on the opposite side would no longer be here!

With the movement of Jin's bound fingers, countless sharp daggers flew out from behind Jin and cut all the vines! The fifth form of Spirit Spear proliferates!

Just when King Kong broke free of the vines, the native dolls also rushed over! Hit Jin with a punch! However, it was not able to do so, and a huge pillow-shaped bear appeared out of thin air in front of Jin! The second form of the guardian beast of the spirit spear! The native doll's attack didn't work, but Jin flew out with a punch!

"It's actually a spirit spear!" Liu Xueni muttered to herself as she looked at the fairy clan who had questioned her before. The spirit spear was given to every fairy king to guard the fairy tribe and the spirit tree. arms! If the fairy in front of him has a spirit spear in his hand, then he is undoubtedly the current fairy king!

"Awesome, are you really an ordinary fairy? Whether it's saving people or fighting, you are so powerful!" Di An admired Jin and said!

"Our real name is Harlequin the Fairy King!" Jin said handsomely, standing in the air very pretentiously.

"Fairy King, Harlequin?!" Di An shouted out in surprise!

"Why, what's wrong, did you remember something?" Jin immediately asked Dian with a look of anticipation!

"It's Harlequin and gold again, so what should I call you!" In the end, it turned out Diane's very serious question! Suddenly a look of disappointment flashed across Jin's face, but it disappeared in a flash! He was still very firm, and finally Di An would remember himself!

"It's actually the current fairy king, I'm really surprised, Liu Xueni." Although Duoluo Lujun, who was watching the game with his arms, said to be surprised, he still said to Liu Xueni as if nothing happened. !

"It's true, then let's give it a try to see how capable the current king is! Duoluolu wants to let our agent do his best~" Liu Xueni's eyes showed a very interesting look. Di An and Jin on the ring said! ..


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