Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 54: Bada

"Is this really okay? Milsan has been blinded by his sister's friendship." After Milsan left, a paladin next to Hendrickson spoke.

"The more you value friendship, the more stupid you are. Let him go." Hendrickson turned and walked toward the depths of the cave after he said it, as if there was something in it besides the corpse of this **** and demon. .

Hendrickson's power comes from the blood of the gods and demons that have been tested, so his power is more perfect and stronger, and there will be no side effects. It's just that from some aspects, the power of the gods and demons has changed his body structure. Although he can still be said to be a human at this time, he is no longer a pure human.

"How is the experiment going?" Hendrickson asked the paladin beside him.

"Everything is proceeding smoothly. Most people can withstand the blood of the gods and demons now, and there are few people who explode to death. But relatively speaking, the strength is much weaker than before. The paladin's trainee paladin is completely incomparable." The research on the power of the paladin's gods and demons has reached a level that even civilians can receive.

It's just that such experiments didn't start much.

"Please, please spare me." In the depths of the cave, two or three paladins were experimenting with civilians at this time. Even if they broke free and begged for mercy, they would eventually be poured into the gods and demons. Blood.

Here, most people's eyes have lost their spirit. Only a few people still struggle.

These people were all villagers who were caught from the village. They were just people who depended on the **** in their hands to eat, but at this time they had to be treated like guinea pigs.

It has always been like this. The weakest people have no right to speak. They have no other autonomy except relying on the protection of the strong, and even their lives do not belong to them.

Bada is such a person. Before he was caught here by the Paladin, he was a Paladin in the Kingdom of Worshipers like Mirsan. He would jump up whenever the Paladin whizzed past his village. Cheering, at that time he really wanted to become a paladin riding a handsome horse.

If he can, he must ride a horse and walk through the village wearing handsome armor. This is his childhood ideal, but at this moment, he will try his best to fill himself with the blood of the Paladins his hope. Broken down.

In fact, it should have been destroyed when these paladins slaughtered the village and snatched all the strong men. And when he came to this extremely dark cave and saw that the villagers around him were poured into this kind of blood that didn’t know what it was, they turned into monsters, or burst to death, they even disappeared. Two nets.

There are only three people in Bada’s family. Father, mother and him. The three depend on each other and live well in the village. Every night, Bada’s father drinks wine at the wine shop and sips the small dishes his mother made. . This time is the happiest time for the family. But this happiness is now destroyed by these sudden paladins, very cruel and rude. When he heard the leader of the knight named Geithner say that all women and children were killed, he was stunned. He didn't even come and blocked the unstoppable Paladins for his mother. Spear.

It was only after his mother died that he realized that with red eyes, he rushed towards the Paladins riding the tall horses.

But obviously his strength is too weak, so weak that even the horse under the paladin can abuse him wantonly. Then he was caught in this dark bottomless cave with his father who was trying to protect himself.

"Help. Help me..., help," everyone was crying, whether they were dying or just caught in, they were all wailing constantly. It seemed like **** on earth, and Those paladins they believed in in the past became the demon gods in hell. Even more terrifying than Demon God.

It's just that Bada didn't mourn. The tragedy is to tear the best things in the world to pieces, and all the best things in Bada have become dust-sized pieces.

He has always looked like this after his father turned into a huge monster in front of him and was killed by the Paladin. Becoming a monster is not without reason at all, it can be seen from his father desperately trying to get him out.

It's just that Bada's father's strength is still very weak, and it is completely insufficient to fight the Paladins of the new era. They use you as the magic power of the paladin in their body, so they are even more powerful.

Bada’s mouth is constantly being fed into countless bowls of the blood of the gods and demons. For this guy who spat on himself just now, the two paladins beside him have no patience at all, so give him Entered the largest dose of blood of the gods and demons.

Even inadvertently he rudely stuffed Bada's mouth with another kind of blood of the gods and demons that would not have been given to those without magical powers.

There was also a corpse of a **** and demon in the cave, which Xie Chen didn't know, and the aura of this **** and demon was obviously much stronger than that of the fat **** and demon outside.

Hidden in the gray body and thin torso is indeed hundreds of times that of the fat **** and demon outside. This is not a level at all, and the bowl of blood that was inadvertently poured into Bada's mouth came from the gray **** and demon.

It should have been mixed in clean water drop by drop and fed to these people in subsequent experiments. But now it was directly poured into Bada's mouth.

This is equivalent to Barta having to withstand thousands of times the energy he should have. This is an absolutely impossible thing. Waiting for Bada's body to explode and die, there is no other choice, and the two Paladins are even ready, holding a shield to cover the ground meat.

The people here are no longer normal. After staying in such a place for a long time, they will naturally lose the respect they should have for any life. But this is also normal, just like the old soldiers fighting on the battlefield, there will always be various mental illnesses. These are things that cannot be avoided. ..


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