Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 111: First base

Xie Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. He would never have the idea of ​​destroying the meteorite project.

He is not stupid. The most important thing for the entire Far East branch is the Meteorite Project. Even Xie Chen is an idiot. It is impossible to lay the floor next to the dung pit pan-not far from the shit. Not far away) things.

What's more, Xie Chen didn't have the need to destroy the meteorite project at all. Not only was there no need to destroy it, Xie Chen would also help when the meteorite project started.

For Xie Chen, the Meteorite Project only had advantages and no harm. Similarly, in terms of the plot, the beginning of the Meteorite Project also heralded the demise of the fellow Diaus.

For Xie Chen, no matter what angle he looked at, he didn't have the need to be a **** stick.

Standing on the extreme east branch this time is not to say that Xie Chen supported Hickzal's approach, but because Diaus is the common goal of Xie Chen and the extreme east branch.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend of the basin, and now Xie Chen and the meteorite project of the Far East branch probably have such a position.

It's just that Xie Chen didn't expect Dr. Sakura to be so refreshing. You must know that from the current standpoint of the two, Xie Chen and Dr. Sakura can't talk about cooperation at all.

Cooperation and cooperation can only be called cooperation by two forces that are well matched. Now, Xie Chen has made it clear that it is far from the forces of the Far East branch.

It's not so much cooperation, but Xie Chen's unilateral hug.

That's right, this is the case. In fact, in the final analysis, Xie Chen is holding the thigh of the extreme east branch unilaterally.

And the only thing Xie Chen needs to see is whether the thigh of the extreme east branch will be obediently held by himself, or whether raising the leg is just kicking himself out...

After all, Xie Chen himself was not sure about this matter, but now looking at Dr. Sakura's attitude, he seemed to have gotten aboard the thief ship of the extreme east branch smoothly.

It's just that this ship will always bring Xie Chen forward, riding the wind and waves to find the opportunity to teleport, or it is like the Titanic, so a big ship is too sinking if it sinks.

Xie Chen couldn't say it right now, and he didn't wait for Xie Chen to think about it, only to see the Dodge Tomahawk that had turned into the lower right corner of the front windshield of the display another icon popped out.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I have passed you what you want, I hope we have a happy cooperation this time~~"

Before Xie Chen came and clicked on the flashing icon, Dr. Sakura's hearty voice came from the dialog above.

Xie Chen froze for a moment, before he had time to say anything, he saw that Dr. Sakura had unilaterally cut off the call...

"Your sister, you haven't said any cooperation yet!"

Xie Chen rolled his eyes, and then slammed on the throttle of the Dodge Tomahawk. Suddenly, the motorcycle made a loud roar again, and then rushed out like a sharp sword.

Xie Chen smashed his mouth, suddenly remembering something, and slapped his forehead suddenly: "Your sister, you have not given me the instructions yet!"

Obviously, Dr. Sakura can't hear these words anymore. At the moment, Dr. Sak, who is behind the Far East branch, hung up the call with Xie Chen, and walked out of the temporary work shed.

A tester from the Far East branch who was in charge of working in the field saw the postdoctoral Sakura coming out and hurriedly trot all the way towards Dr. Sakura.

"Dr. Sakura, why did you come out."

"How is the machine debugging?" Dr. Sakura waved his hand, indicating that the staff of the Far East Branch didn't need to be too close to himself.

The tester clearly understood Dr. Sakura's easy-going personality, so he didn't say anything polite. He just lit a cigarette, then took a puff, slowly exhaling cigarette rings, and then said.

"Well, according to your instructions, all machines have been meticulously debugged to a fixed population of wild gods, and there will no longer be a large number of wild gods of different types and levels like the last time."

Hearing what the debugger said, Dr. Sakura nodded thoughtfully, then raised his head to speak to the tester standing next to him.

"This time the meteorite project is very important. You'd better keep your feet on it. Time doesn't allow us to fail. So if you are not sure about it, you must not just report the test data carelessly, you know? "

"Understood, Dr. Sakura!"

The tester nodded, his eyes full of respect when he looked at Dr. Sakura, and then as if he had received an order from Tianda, he turned and left, and plunged into the infinite boring work.

After everyone left, Dr. Sakura raised his head and looked at the sky: "Time has not allowed me to fail, Xie Chen, I hope I didn't make the wrong move this time!"



At this moment, Xie Chen, who was riding a bicycle fast on a large open space, suddenly couldn't help but sniffed, "What's this? Is it possible that someone is thinking of me?"

Xie Chen curled his mouth amusedly, then put away his playful thoughts, raised his head again to look at a high hill in the distance, and then slowly stepped on the brakes of the Dodge Tomahawk under his hips.

"That's right here."

Xie Chen turned on the radar of the Dodge Tomahawk and loaded the data about the meteorite plan deployment map that Dr. Sakura gave him to the radar. Xie Chen quickly drove the motorcycle to the first location.

That's right. After Xie Chen got off the car, he directly removed the mobile radar on the Dodge Tomahawk, and then walked up step by step.

If the meteorite project is successfully carried out, this hill will be the boundary line of the entire meteorite project, and the location of the base of the induction device farthest from the extreme east branch.

Also here is Xie Chen's first stop!

"Is this the base of the grasshopper? It is a medium-sized desolate god, and it is also a very densely distributed place like grasshoppers. It seems that there will not be fewer people coming by then. It is estimated that a lot of magic power will be earned in one performance."

Xie Chen looked at the information fed back to him on the radar in his hand, suddenly became interested, and slapped his lips, then slowly did it down on the hill. ..


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