Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 17 Chapter 69: Cursed Demon Blade

Among the rocky cliffs, waiting for a thousand years and waiting for the arrival of the wise Lord, Xie Chen was slightly stunned, and some did not understand what the guy was holding.

"Didn’t I say before that I made a total of twelve knives, including the one in your hand. All the weapons are defective. The only difference is that the one in your hand can be The defective products that are normally used, but the other eleven are completely unusable." Dr. Sakura shrugged helplessly, and then continued with a more helpless expression: "In fact, the one in your hand is also Not everyone can use it. This knife is the most perfect of all weapons and the deadliest of all weapons."

"How do you say it." Holding the magic machine in his hand, Xie Chen suddenly felt an ominous premonition. Could it be that there is something else about this knife?

This question can only be answered by the father of the **** machine in front of him, because the plot of this paragraph is actually not marked in the original work of the godslayer. It is regarded as a branch line initiated by Xie Chen in this world. Xie Chentan With a sigh of relief, I hope that Dr. Sakura can give himself a reasonable explanation, otherwise Xie Chen wouldn't dare to use this shattering machine.

"This is actually a cursed demon knife. Do you know the legend about Demon Knife Murata?"

"Demon Sword Murakami? That legendary abdomen knife? Wait, you let me take care of it, so what the **** is it now? It's Tong Ziqi and Monster Sword Murakami. Is this a magic machine or me? Have you traveled back to your down-and-out Bushido era?"

"Hahaha, that's not the case. I just think it would be more vivid to give you an example like this, because it's also a veritable abdominal cutter."

"..." Nima's abdomen knife means several things, don't tell me who uses this broken knife to die, I'll go...

Xie Chen had an expression of irreverence, waiting for Dr. Sakura's next words.

Sure enough, after a pause, Dr. Sakura continued to speak: "Well, that's almost what it meant. Since the first attempt to make a magic machine, the value was not adjusted well..."

Hey hey, brother, your reason has been used badly. Hey, can't you change the word? Can all problems be explained by the inaccuracy of the first debugging value? Hey hey hey, this is the first time that he doesn't carry this pot, can you change an excuse? For the first time, people are also very pure and shy, okay, don't talk about it every day, hello! ! ! ! !

"Since we tried to create a magic machine for the first time, we did not adjust the value of the corresponding anorexic gene, which made this child too greedy, and did not give him a corresponding predator system in the model, so Under certain circumstances, this divine opportunity can obtain the corresponding glutton factor through the user of the anti-eating divine machine, the divine machine envoy, in order to complete the corresponding combat life of the divine machine, so basically every previous divine machine has Without exception, died in the hands of this child."

Hey hey hey, so I said before, don’t throw the pot for the first time, people are also very yellow and violent, and what the **** is the anti-Eater machine user, what is it under certain circumstances? Ah, your certain situation refers to most situations.

Don't call a child. The obstetrician and gynecologist said that he had never delivered a child with such a natural nature. This Nima is not a demon knife at all. This girl is a strange shape at all, eh? To be honest, did you pervert old doctor pull the guy of the opposite **** from another world? This perverted thing that kills you three thousand should not be what this world should have, right? Get you from outer space. Take things away, hello! ! !

Xie Chen couldn't complain at all. This guy is really niima, but the feeling of cutting the ghost into his hand is really good. After feeling it a little, Xie Chen didn't feel any discomfort. He paused for a while, thank you. Chen still couldn't help but asked, "Dr. Sakura, under what circumstances might the anti-eclipse phenomenon you mentioned happen?"

"Usually... the anti-eclipse phenomenon will occur during battle, but if it were you, this situation shouldn't exist, right? After all, aren't you also a **** of waste?"

Dr. Sakura paused and said, but Xie Chen couldn't see any sincerity at all from those extremely obscenely squinted eyes...

God, your brother-in-law, Xie Chen silently rolled his eyes, and after doing it for a long time, you were planning to give the little master a time bomb. How lucky is the little master to kill Diaus, if it’s little master If you are out of luck, you will be cut by you before you get married with Diawus. Anyway, this Nima is dead and a high-level desolate god. You are a deflated calf. Yes, if you have better luck, I will kill the fellow Diaus, and then by the way, I will be cut to a shutdawn by the anti-eating horrible ghost. Will the entire Far East branch of Nima have a champagne party? Celebrate...

This Nima, this guy is so awkward...

Xie Chen curled his lips silently, and then said: "I want this thing, but how about this knife and the motorcycle, how about I want it all?"

"Okay, by the way, can I install two turbochargers for you? It's really easy to use~~"

After getting Xie Chen’s final answer, Dr. Sakura nodded and clapped his hands vigorously. Xie Chen froze for a while and then asked: “Forget about your mess, like this, I’ll take this ghost cut first. As for this Dodge Tomahawk, I will give it to you to modify, but in addition to turbocharging, I need some weapons and equipment on this motorcycle, the best performance is high, such as some low-flying small missiles. Do you understand? "

Xie Chen pointed to the Dodge Tomahawk parked under the trash mountain and asked Dr. Sakura. Dr. Sakura did not object to anything, nor did he ask why Xie Chen wanted to add weapons to the Dodge Tomahawk. After all, weapons are actually useless in this world. After all, except for the magic machine, any external equipment is **** for the gods. ..


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