Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 108: Magic Valley Town

Robin touched a permanent record pointer from the other party. The pedestal said Gaya Island. There was no other way. They decided to go there. Of course, there were objections. Luffy insisted on going to Sky Island.

"I don't care! I just want to go to the sky island!" Luffy rolled around on the boat, acting like a kid under five years old.

"That's it," Xie Chen squeezed the other party’s nose to stop him from tantrums for the time being, and listened to his advice, "We will leave before the record pointing to the island is washed away. We must at least now Go there to gather information."

"That's okay! Then go there!"

This can be regarded as persuading Luffy, and the Meri sailed to Gaya.

It was calm and calm, except for a few seabirds that were shot down by bullets. Xie Chen looked at the direction of the island, raised his hand and hit the light beam from his fingertips. Everyone didn't know what he was doing.

"What's wrong, Xie Chen, are there any enemies?"

"Nothing is just easy." Xie Chen shrugged indifferently, and on the other side, somewhere far away on Gaya Island, a tall and thin man was not in the mood like Xie Chen, he was looking at his hands with cold sweat. Damaged sniper rifle.

If it weren't for him to hide quickly, his own fate would probably be the same.

Where is it sacred...

"You have to talk to the captain."

They arrived at Demon Valley Town on Gaya Island. They thought it was a peaceful place, but they did not expect the real situation to be the opposite. It turned out to be a fierce and evil place, either fighting or killing or shooting at each other. Go to the island. The person was decided very simply.

A captain who likes to be lively and tempted to take risks.

However, Lu Chi couldn't take any time off, and would always follow the swordsman who was thoroughly confused.

Finally, as a traveler who wanted to hold the two of them at a critical time, Xie Chen nodded Nami's forehead and asked her to wait for them to return on the boat.

"It doesn't look like a reliable place, so don't go." Xie Chen said this and followed the two people who had already rushed to the island.

This island is a place where there are no dreams, and it is also a place where dreams are not allowed. Here, people who have dreams are the objects of ridicule.

It is them who are being mocked now. In the bar, Lu Fei and Xie Chen are found, and the other is Bellamy, known as the hound.

Fifty million Bailey is really high here.

It's just a big shot, such a person, on the great route, is nothing at all.

However, Xie Chen didn’t do anything because of the order from the ship. Of course, no one could do anything to him. He was bare. After the first wine bottle passed through his body, no one dared to do anything to him. He already knew him. It's a natural ability person, and it's not a mess to look at.

Under the sun. Even though it is much lower than that Straw Hat Luffy’s bounty, Bellamy has a vague feeling that this person is not easy to provoke, absolutely cannot provoke each other, and will die! Will be killed!

That look...

As if he could be killed at any time.

"Hey, you!" Bellamy saw that Xie Chen was ready to pull the two away, and stopped him, "You are much better than these two fools, how about? Do you want to come to me?"

"You?" Xie Chen looked at him with a faint smile, what kind of scenery would it be like if there were insects like this?

Perhaps it was because of the thought that a little murderous aura permeated from him, and everyone in the bar felt like a, it was a devil!

This man is a demon!

"Sorry, you are not qualified enough." Xie Chen put away his murderous aura, and looked just as handsome as the sun, like a person falling from the sky, just like an illusion.

When I got out of the bar, I met Blackbeard. This guy is also an careerist, but a troublesome character. Although I want to fight with him now, it is still too early. When I go to war, I will meet you. Up.

Do not worry.

Xie Chen said this to himself in his heart.

"This little brother's expression is really dangerous, what's wrong, do you want to play?" The black beard thief laughed hahaha, the cherry pie in his hand dropped a few cans of cherries because of his actions.

"I think I will fight you very pleasantly, but it's not now. I have to take my captain back." Xie Chen walked around him towards the port. "As for the fight or something, let's talk about it if it is fate. It won't be long. ."

"Thief haha! Since you said so, brother, then I will look forward to seeing you again!"

Although a lot of things have gone through, there was no gain in the end. Luffy and Sauron left after slowing down. The three returned to the Merley, and everyone was covered by Luffy and Sauron. It looked hurt, terrified.

"Don't worry, it's not a serious injury, you just think it's Luffy and they were just bitten by a bad dog." Xie Chen didn't want to say more about what happened just now. No matter how Nami asks, he doesn't say anything. Not beautifully, "I don't want you to worry, either, we have nothing to do now, right?"

"Evil dog?!" Nami became more unable to understand.

"Didn't you all say you don't care about these things? By the way, where's Robin?" Xie Chen found out that one person was missing, so he asked. The shirt, Robin, who wore back to his original style, came back with a few shopping bags, "Oh! The new clothes really suit you."

"Thank you. By the way, I found some interesting clues." Robin took out a map. "An old man who was deported. Everyone said he was a ridiculous dreamer. He should be in line with us. Right."

"It's okay to say that the smell is similar?" Xie Chen took the map from the other party and clicked the black cross on it. The location is on the opposite bank of the town where he is now. "Name?"

Robin replied: "Montblanc Kulik."

"Sounds like a very interesting man." Xie Chen curled up his lips and said, "How about going to see?"


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