Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 25: Rogue Town

"Oh, today's yogurt looks good, is it made of fruit?" Luffy looked at his yogurt, and immediately looked at his yogurt after listening to it. He picked up a spoon and took a bite. The delicious one said happily: "As expected of Sanji, the taste is really great."

While he was eating yogurt, Luffy stole shrimp and fish from the deceptive soup.

It's really a happy little theater that is staged every day, and it is these guys' pure and natural character that can have such a strong mind in the future.

Xie Chen happily took a sip of the soup.

The days of sailing on the sea are not as boring as he imagined, but very interesting, not only the stars at night and the sun in a hundred days, but also the changing scenery at every time. Apart from these, there are various colors in the sea. All kinds of marine life, everything is very interesting.

"Luffy!" Sanji slammed a fist on Luffy's head, complaining: "Don't let the soup splash everywhere just for your own happiness, you must wash the tablecloth next time."

"This seems to be our last tablecloth." Sauron reminded Sanji indifferently not to lose the last tablecloth in the hands of Captain Idiot.

"It is really hard to stare at your table manners after cooking every day." Sanji sighed depressed.

The day passed until the evening, Xie Chen took off the glass lamp hanging on the wall, walked to the observation tower and sat down.

The cabin of the Golden Meri was very narrow. After providing a room for the only female Nami, all the remaining members lived in the same place and slept in hammocks, but Xie Chen was not used to living with others. Too sensitive to wind and grass, sleeping with Luffy and the others, I'm afraid I can't close my eyes all night.

"Sanji, Sanji, let's have dinner."

Suddenly hearing Luffy's voice emerge from the cabin, Xie Chen raised his eyebrows.

Sanji said in a daze, "Didn't you just eat it?"

Sauron, who was not asleep, turned over, "Don't disturb me sleeping!"

Liar Bu subconsciously answered, "Sauron, you sleep too much during the day. Don't sleep all the time in the future. Come and help."

Nami next door put down the book in her hand and looked at the opposite side amusedly, "These people can talk in dreams. It's really amazing, but why didn't I hear Xie Chen's voice."

She thought for a while, stood up, put a blanket on, and walked out of the cabin with the lamp on the table.

Outside the cabin is a quiet sea. Apart from the darkness of night and the brightness of stars, you can rarely see other colors. Nami turned her head to look around, stopped, and then looked up at the observation tower with a little bit of color. The light spot is brighter than the stars.

A few days later.

The members of the Golden Meri were all doing their own things on the deck. Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Sauron pointed to the distance, "Hey! I seem to see the island."

"What island is it?" Luffy immediately turned his head excitedly, stretched his arms to grab the railing of the ship, and bounced himself over.

Xie Chen casually said: "That island in Luoge Town

They quickly approached the island, and a group of people walked through the port and stepped into the bustling streets. Luffy clapped his hands excitedly: "I'm going to see the execution stand!"

"It's a pretty big town, right." Sanji asked Nami back, and said after getting an affirmative answer: "Then there should be a market that sells good ingredients. If you want to go to the Great Channel, you need to be prepared."

Sauron also put forward his own thoughts, "I also have something I want to buy, and two of my swords are missing."

Seeing that everyone seems to have a place to go alone, Liebu hesitated for a while and said: "For future adventures, I'll go to the equipment store."

Nami looked at Xie Chen and hesitated. She had a lot of things for girls to prepare, but she didn't know where Xie Chen planned to go. If she couldn't get together...

"I have nothing to buy." Xie Chen noticed Nami's gaze and smiled at her, "I'll be with you."

Soon, everyone dispersed, because Luffy was too excited, they didn't even discuss where they would meet afterwards, they could only acquiesce in collision afterwards, or they could meet directly on the Golden Meri.

"How about this one, does it look good?"

The dressing room was pushed aside by a white and delicate hand, wearing a fur cloak with a low-cut waistcoat and a very close-fitting short skirt. Nami elegantly poses a pose, smiling at Xie Chen who is sitting opposite.

"Very beautiful." Xie Chen answered while predicting that this day's itinerary would be filled with shopping, shopping, and shopping.

Nami turned and went back to the dressing room with satisfaction, and soon changed into a rose-red dress with a fox fur collar, charmingly lifted the orange hair of the shawl, and threw Xie Chen a wink. How about this one."

"Very beautiful." X2

"how is it?"

"Very beautiful X3

"how is it?"


No matter how ardent and compliment the salesperson next to him was, the men and women present did not want to pay attention to each other. After trying all the appropriate clothes in the store, the salesperson asked expectantly: "So, all of this. Wrap it up for you?"

"No, I still need some more casual clothes." Nami walked away contentedly.

Behind him, Xie Chen stood up lazily, rubbed his temples to regain consciousness, and threw a piece of gold on the counter, turning his right hand to put all the clothes on the counter into the panel space.

"No need to look for it." He strode out.

After switching to another store, Nami ordered a lot of casual short-sleeved shorts from the proprietress. She looked back at Xie Chen and looked up and down for a long time. Then she pushed Xie Chen to the proprietress and pointed at him, "Prepare for him. Some casual clothes."

Looking at the boss, Xie Chen added, "Help us prepare the clothes for winter."

winter? While the proprietress kept putting things in the package, Nami glanced at Xie Chen suspiciously, but she didn't ask too much, just smiled and asked the proprietress something about the town, such as Colonel Smaller. ..


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